Bug#23983 ps.test fails to open shared library.

- When a shared library argument is supplied, it's checked for an OS
specific directory separator.  The expected error is different
depending on the separator used. Created OS specific versions of these
parent dc9c3b5a
......@@ -2090,14 +2090,6 @@ v1 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VI
deallocate prepare abc;
drop view v1;
drop table t1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so';
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
drop procedure proc_1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname 'some_plugin.so';
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library
......@@ -2112,12 +2104,6 @@ select func_1(), func_1(), func_1() from dual;
ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.func_1 does not exist
drop function func_1;
ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.func_1 does not exist
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so'";
execute abc;
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
execute abc;
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
deallocate prepare abc;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname 'some_plugin.so'";
deallocate prepare abc;
create procedure proc_1() uninstall plugin my_plug;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so';
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
drop procedure proc_1;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so'";
execute abc;
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
execute abc;
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
deallocate prepare abc;
......@@ -6,3 +6,19 @@ use prn;
ERROR 42000: Unknown database 'prn'
create table nu (a int);
drop table nu;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '\\root\\some_plugin.dll';
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
drop procedure proc_1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '\\root\\some_plugin.dll';
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: No paths allowed for shared library
drop procedure proc_1;
......@@ -2092,14 +2092,6 @@ drop view v1;
drop table t1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so';
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
drop procedure proc_1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname 'some_plugin.so';
--replace_regex /(Can\'t open shared library).*$/\1/
......@@ -2119,12 +2111,6 @@ delimiter ;|
select func_1(), func_1(), func_1() from dual;
drop function func_1;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so'";
execute abc;
execute abc;
deallocate prepare abc;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname 'some_plugin.so'";
deallocate prepare abc;
# Non-windows specific ps tests.
--source include/not_windows.inc
# Bug #20665: All commands supported in Stored Procedures should work in
# Prepared Statements
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so';
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
drop procedure proc_1;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname '/root/some_plugin.so'";
execute abc;
execute abc;
deallocate prepare abc;
......@@ -18,3 +18,26 @@ create table nu (a int);
drop table nu;
# End of 4.1 tests
# Bug #20665: All commands supported in Stored Procedures should work in
# Prepared Statements
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '\\root\\some_plugin.dll';
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
drop procedure proc_1;
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '\\root\\some_plugin.dll';
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
drop procedure proc_1;
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