Wait for mysqld connected to NDB to come out of read only mode

parent c3b6f110
......@@ -24,5 +24,9 @@ flush tables;
select support = 'Enabled' as `TRUE` from information_schema.engines where engine = 'ndbcluster';
# Check should be here as well...
# # Check that second master mysqld has come out of redonly mode
# --source include/ndb_not_readonly.inc
# Set the default connection to 'server1'
connection server1;
......@@ -4,4 +4,8 @@ disable_query_log;
select support = 'Enabled' as `TRUE` from information_schema.engines where engine = 'ndbcluster';
# Check that master mysqld has come out of redonly mode
--source include/ndb_not_readonly.inc
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