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  Logging to accepted,, opt_range.h,, opt_ft.h:
  Post-merge fixes
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  Post-merge fixes
  Post-merge fixes
  Post-merge fixes
  Post-merge fixes
  Post-merge fixes
  Logging to accepted
parent af9cc128
......@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ serg@serg.mylan
This diff is collapsed.
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null,
INDEX i1(key1),
INDEX i2(key2),
) type=innodb;
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
key1 key2
0 200
1 199
2 198
3 197
4 196
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
key1 key2
0 200
1 199
2 198
4 196
3 197
alter table t1 add str1 char (255) not null,
add zeroval int not null default 0,
add str2 char (255) not null,
add str3 char (255) not null;
update t1 set str1='aaa', str2='bbb', str3=concat(key2, '-', key1 div 2, '_' ,if(key1 mod 2 = 0, 'a', 'A'));
alter table t1 add primary key (str1, zeroval, str2, str3);
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
key1 key2 str1 zeroval str2 str3
0 200 aaa 0 bbb 200-0_a
1 199 aaa 0 bbb 199-0_A
2 198 aaa 0 bbb 198-1_a
3 197 aaa 0 bbb 197-1_A
4 196 aaa 0 bbb 196-2_a
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
key1 key2 str1 zeroval str2 str3
0 200 aaa 0 bbb 200-0_a
1 199 aaa 0 bbb 199-0_A
2 198 aaa 0 bbb 198-1_a
4 196 aaa 0 bbb 196-2_a
3 197 aaa 0 bbb 197-1_A
drop table t1;
# Index merge tests
drop table if exists t0, t1, t2, t3;
# Create and fill a table with simple keys
create table t0
key1 int not null,
INDEX i1(key1),
insert into t0 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8);
let $1=7;
set @d=8;
while ($1)
eval insert into t0 select key1+@d from t0;
eval set @d=@d*2;
dec $1;
alter table t0 add key2 int not null, add index i2(key2);
alter table t0 add key3 int not null, add index i3(key3);
alter table t0 add key4 int not null, add index i4(key4);
alter table t0 add key5 int not null, add index i5(key5);
alter table t0 add key6 int not null, add index i6(key6);
alter table t0 add key7 int not null, add index i7(key7);
alter table t0 add key8 int not null, add index i8(key8);
update t0 set key2=key1,key3=key1,key4=key1,key5=key1,key6=key1,key7=key1,key8=1024-key1;
analyze table t0;
# 1. One index
explain select * from t0 where key1 < 3 or key1 > 1020;
# 2. Simple cases
select * from t0 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 1020;
select * from t0 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 1020;
explain select * from t0 where key1 < 3 or key2 <4;
select * from t0 where (key1 > 30 and key1<35) or (key2 >32 and key2 < 40);
select * from t0 where (key1 > 30 and key1<35) or (key2 >32 and key2 < 40);
# 3. Check that index_merge doesn't break "ignore/force/use index"
explain select * from t0 ignore index (i2) where key1 < 3 or key2 <4;
explain select * from t0 where (key1 < 3 or key2 <4) and key3 = 50;
explain select * from t0 use index (i1,i2) where (key1 < 3 or key2 <4) and key3 = 50;
explain select * from t0 where (key1 > 1 or key2 > 2);
explain select * from t0 force index (i1,i2) where (key1 > 1 or key2 > 2);
# 4. Check if conjuncts are grouped by keyuse
select * from t0 where key1<3 or key2<3 or (key1>5 and key1<8) or
(key1>10 and key1<12) or (key2>100 and key2<110);
# 5. Check index_merge with conjuncts that are always true/false
# verify fallback to "range" if there is only one non-confluent condition
explain select * from t0 where key2 = 45 or key1 <=> null;
explain select * from t0 where key2 = 45 or key1 is not null;
explain select * from t0 where key2 = 45 or key1 is null;
# the last conj. is always false and will be discarded
explain select * from t0 where key2=10 or key3=3 or key4 <=> null;
# the last conj. is always true and will cause 'all' scan
explain select * from t0 where key2=10 or key3=3 or key4 is null;
# some more complicated cases
explain select key1 from t0 where (key1 <=> null) or (key2 < 5) or
(key3=10) or (key4 <=> null);
explain select key1 from t0 where (key1 <=> null) or (key1 < 5) or
(key3=10) or (key4 <=> null);
# 6.Several ways to do index_merge, (ignored) index_merge vs. range
explain select * from t0 where
(key1 < 3 or key2 < 3) and (key3 < 4 or key4 < 4) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 5);
select * from t0 where (key1 < 3 or key2 < 6) and (key1 < 7 or key3 < 4);
select * from t0 where (key1 < 3 or key2 < 6) and (key1 < 7 or key3 < 4);
explain select * from t0 where
(key1 < 3 or key2 < 3) and (key3 < 4 or key4 < 4) and (key5 < 2 or key6 < 2);
# now index_merge is not used at all when "range" is possible
explain select * from t0 where
(key1 < 3 or key2 < 3) and (key3 < 100);
# this even can cause "all" scan:
explain select * from t0 where
(key1 < 3 or key2 < 3) and (key3 < 1000);
# 7. Complex cases
# tree_or(List<SEL_IMERGE>, range SEL_TREE).
explain select * from t0 where
((key1 < 4 or key2 < 4) and (key2 <5 or key3 < 4))
key2 > 5;
explain select * from t0 where
((key1 < 4 or key2 < 4) and (key2 <5 or key3 < 4))
key1 < 7;
select * from t0 where
((key1 < 4 or key2 < 4) and (key2 <5 or key3 < 4))
key1 < 7;
# tree_or(List<SEL_IMERGE>, List<SEL_IMERGE>).
explain select * from t0 where
((key1 < 4 or key2 < 4) and (key3 <5 or key5 < 4))
((key5 < 5 or key6 < 6) and (key7 <7 or key8 < 4));
explain select * from t0 where
((key3 <5 or key5 < 4) and (key1 < 4 or key2 < 4))
((key7 <7 or key8 < 4) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 6));
explain select * from t0 where
((key3 <5 or key5 < 4) and (key1 < 4 or key2 < 4))
((key3 <7 or key5 < 2) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 6));
explain select * from t0 where
((key3 <5 or key5 < 4) and (key1 < 4 or key2 < 4))
(((key3 <7 and key7 < 6) or key5 < 2) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 6));
explain select * from t0 where
((key3 <5 or key5 < 4) and (key1 < 4 or key2 < 4))
((key3 >=5 or key5 < 2) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 6));
explain select * from t0 force index(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6 ) where
((key3 <5 or key5 < 4) and (key1 < 4 or key2 < 4))
((key3 >=5 or key5 < 2) and (key5 < 5 or key6 < 6));
# 8. Verify that "order by" after index merge uses filesort
select * from t0 where key1 < 5 or key8 < 4 order by key1;
select * from t0 where key1 < 5 or key8 < 4 order by key1;
# 9. Check that index_merge cost is compared to 'index' where possible
create table t2 like t0;
insert into t2 select * from t0;
alter table t2 add index i1_3(key1, key3);
alter table t2 add index i2_3(key2, key3);
alter table t2 drop index i1;
alter table t2 drop index i2;
alter table t2 add index i321(key3, key2, key1);
# index_merge vs 'index', index_merge is better.
explain select key3 from t2 where key1 = 100 or key2 = 100;
# index_merge vs 'index', 'index' is better.
explain select key3 from t2 where key1 <100 or key2 < 100;
# index_merge vs 'all', index_merge is better.
explain select key7 from t2 where key1 <100 or key2 < 100;
# 10. Multipart keys.
create table t4 (
key1a int not null,
key1b int not null,
key2 int not null,
key2_1 int not null,
key2_2 int not null,
key3 int not null,
index i1a (key1a, key1b),
index i1b (key1b, key1a),
index i2_1(key2, key2_1),
index i2_2(key2, key2_1),
insert into t4 select key1,key1,key1 div 10, key1 % 10, key1 % 10, key1 from t0;
# the following will be handled by index_merge:
select * from t4 where key1a = 3 or key1b = 4;
explain select * from t4 where key1a = 3 or key1b = 4;
# and the following will not
explain select * from t4 where key2 = 1 and (key2_1 = 1 or key3 = 5);
explain select * from t4 where key2 = 1 and (key2_1 = 1 or key2_2 = 5);
explain select * from t4 where key2_1 = 1 or key2_2 = 5;
# 11. Multitable selects
create table t1 like t0;
insert into t1 select * from t0;
# index_merge on first table in join
explain select * from t0 left join t1 on (t0.key1=t1.key1)
where t0.key1=3 or t0.key2=4;
select * from t0 left join t1 on (t0.key1=t1.key1)
where t0.key1=3 or t0.key2=4;
select * from t0,t1 where (t0.key1=t1.key1) and ( t0.key1=3 or t0.key2=4);
# index_merge vs. ref
select * from t0,t1 where (t0.key1=t1.key1) and
(t0.key1=3 or t0.key2=4) and t1.key1<200;
# index_merge vs. ref
select * from t0,t1 where (t0.key1=t1.key1) and
(t0.key1=3 or t0.key2<4) and t1.key1=2;
# index_merge on second table in join
explain select * from t0,t1 where t0.key1 = 5 and
(t1.key1 = t0.key1 or t1.key8 = t0.key1);
# index_merge inside union
explain select * from t1 where key1=3 or key2=4
union select * from t1 where key1<4 or key3=5;
# index merge in subselect
explain select * from (select * from t1 where key1 = 3 or key2 =3) as Z where key8 >5;
# 12. check for long index_merges.
create table t3 like t0;
insert into t3 select * from t0;
alter table t3 add key9 int not null, add index i9(key9);
alter table t3 add keyA int not null, add index iA(keyA);
alter table t3 add keyB int not null, add index iB(keyB);
alter table t3 add keyC int not null, add index iC(keyC);
update t3 set key9=key1,keyA=key1,keyB=key1,keyC=key1;
explain select * from t3 where
key1=1 or key2=2 or key3=3 or key4=4 or
key5=5 or key6=6 or key7=7 or key8=8 or
key9=9 or keyA=10 or keyB=11 or keyC=12;
select * from t3 where
key1=1 or key2=2 or key3=3 or key4=4 or
key5=5 or key6=6 or key7=7 or key8=8 or
key9=9 or keyA=10 or keyB=11 or keyC=12;
drop table t0, t1, t2, t3, t4;
# Index merge tests
-- source include/
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null,
INDEX i1(key1),
INDEX i2(key2),
) type=innodb;
let $1=200;
while ($1)
eval insert into t1 values (200-$1, $1);
dec $1;
# No primary key
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
# Primary key as case-sensitive string with \0s.
# also make primary key be longer then max. index length of MyISAM.
alter table t1 add str1 char (255) not null,
add zeroval int not null default 0,
add str2 char (255) not null,
add str3 char (255) not null;
update t1 set str1='aaa', str2='bbb', str3=concat(key2, '-', key1 div 2, '_' ,if(key1 mod 2 = 0, 'a', 'A'));
alter table t1 add primary key (str1, zeroval, str2, str3);
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
drop table t1;
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ public:
FT_SELECT(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE_REF *tref) :
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT (thd, table, tref->key, 1), ref(tref) { init(); }
int init() { return error=file->ft_init(); }
int get_next() { return error=file->ft_read(record); }
int get_type() { return QS_TYPE_FULLTEXT; }
......@@ -609,12 +609,19 @@ SQL_SELECT::~SQL_SELECT()
#undef index // Fix for Unixware 7
QUICK_SELECT::QUICK_SELECT(THD *thd, TABLE *table, uint key_nr, bool no_alloc)
used_key_parts(0), head(table), it(ranges),range(0)
bool no_alloc, MEM_ROOT *parent_alloc)
//!!psergey: split this again to QUICK_SELECT_I
if (!no_alloc)
index= key_nr;
head= table;
if (!no_alloc && !parent_alloc)
// Allocates everything through the internal memroot
init_sql_alloc(&alloc, thd->variables.range_alloc_block_size, 0);
......@@ -860,7 +867,6 @@ int SQL_SELECT::test_quick_select(THD *thd, key_map keys_to_use,
uint idx;
double scan_time;
THD *thd= current_thd;
DBUG_PRINT("enter",("keys_to_use: %lu prev_tables: %lu const_tables: %lu",
(ulong) keys_to_use, (ulong) prev_tables,
......@@ -909,7 +915,6 @@ int SQL_SELECT::test_quick_select(THD *thd, key_map keys_to_use,
thd->no_errors=1; // Don't warn about NULL
init_sql_alloc(&alloc, thd->variables.range_alloc_block_size, 0);
//!!todo:remerge this.
if (!(param.key_parts = (KEY_PART*) alloc_root(&alloc,
......@@ -1106,7 +1111,6 @@ imerge_fail:;
pointing to its allocator, restore it back
quick_imerge->last_quick_select= new_quick;
if (quick_imerge->push_quick_back(new_quick))
......@@ -1141,12 +1145,14 @@ imerge_fail:;
needed_reg|= (key_map) 1 << keynr; /!!todo entire function is not merged properly
goto end;
free_root(&alloc,MYF(0)); // Return memory & allocator
......@@ -1225,7 +1231,7 @@ static int get_quick_select_params(SEL_TREE *tree, PARAM& param,
(double) found_records / TIME_FOR_COMPARE);
if (*read_time > found_read_time)
if (*read_time > found_read_time && found_records != HA_POS_ERROR)
*read_time= found_read_time;
*records= found_records;
......@@ -2822,9 +2828,9 @@ get_quick_select(PARAM *param,uint idx,SEL_ARG *key_tree,
if ((quick=new QUICK_RANGE_SELECT(param->table,param->real_keynr[idx],
parent_alloc))) //!!todo: add thd to param
if ((quick=new QUICK_RANGE_SELECT(param->thd, param->table,
if (quick->error ||
......@@ -2996,7 +3002,8 @@ static bool null_part_in_key(KEY_PART *key_part, const char *key, uint length)
** Create a QUICK RANGE based on a key
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *get_quick_select_for_ref(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE_REF *ref) //!!todo: make use of thd
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *get_quick_select_for_ref(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
table->file->index_end(); // Remove old cursor
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *quick=new QUICK_RANGE_SELECT(thd, table, ref->key, 1);
......@@ -3006,7 +3013,7 @@ QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *get_quick_select_for_ref(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE_REF *
if (!quick)
return 0; /* no ranges found */
if (quick->init()) /* !!todo: psergey: check if init is called exactly one time.*/
if (quick->init())
delete quick;
return 0;
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
friend void print_quick_sel_range(QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *quick,
key_map needed_reg);
friend QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *get_quick_select_for_ref(TABLE *table,
friend QUICK_RANGE_SELECT *get_quick_select_for_ref(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
struct st_table_ref *ref);
friend bool get_quick_keys(struct st_qsel_param *param,
......@@ -134,11 +134,10 @@ protected:
List_iterator<QUICK_RANGE> it;
MEM_ROOT alloc;
KEY_PART *key_parts;
QUICK_SELECT(THD *thd, TABLE *table,uint index_arg,bool no_alloc=0); //!!todo: add thd to my ctor below
KEY_PART *key_parts;
int cmp_next(QUICK_RANGE *range);
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT(TABLE *table,uint index_arg,bool no_alloc=0,
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT(THD *thd, TABLE *table,uint index_arg,bool no_alloc=0,
MEM_ROOT *parent_alloc=NULL);
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
const char *join_type_str[]={ "UNKNOWN","system","const","eq_ref","ref",
"index_merge" //!!todo: psergey: check if constant values are same
static void optimize_keyuse(JOIN *join, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array);
......@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ int st_select_lex_unit::prepare(THD *thd, select_result *sel_result,
SELECT_LEX *lex_select_save= thd->lex->current_select;
SELECT_LEX *select_cursor,*sl;
if (prepared)
......@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ int st_select_lex_unit::prepare(THD *thd, select_result *sel_result,
for (;sl; sl= sl->next_select()) //!!todo: psergey: all my changes around this were to shut up the compiler. check they didn't make it here
for (;sl; sl= sl->next_select())
JOIN *join= new JOIN(thd, sl->item_list,
sl->options | thd->options | SELECT_NO_UNLOCK,
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