Commit 8cca8f80 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

buf0buf.c, buf0buf.ic, buf0buf.h:

  Reduce memory usage of the buffer headers
Many files:
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support

  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Merge InnoDB-4.1 with AWE support
  Reduce memory usage of the buffer headers
  Reduce memory usage of the buffer headers
  Reduce memory usage of the buffer headers
parent 7398e161
......@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(
&& latch_mode <= BTR_MODIFY_LEAF && info->last_hash_succ
&& !estimate
&& srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes
&& btr_search_guess_on_hash(index, info, tuple, mode,
latch_mode, cursor,
has_search_latch, mtr)) {
......@@ -495,9 +496,11 @@ retry_page_get:
cursor->up_bytes = up_bytes;
btr_search_info_update(index, cursor);
if (srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes) {
btr_search_info_update(index, cursor);
ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
|| mode != PAGE_CUR_GE);
ut_ad(cursor->up_match != ULINT_UNDEFINED
......@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ btr_pcur_store_position(
ut_a(cursor->latch_mode != BTR_NO_LATCHES);
if (page_get_n_recs(page) == 0) {
/* It must be an empty index tree */
/* It must be an empty index tree; NOTE that in this case
we do not store the modify_clock, but always do a search
if we restore the cursor position */
ut_a(btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL
&& btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL);
......@@ -128,12 +130,13 @@ btr_pcur_store_position(
} else {
cursor->rel_pos = BTR_PCUR_ON;
cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
cursor->old_rec = dict_tree_copy_rec_order_prefix(tree, rec,
cursor->block_when_stored = buf_block_align(page);
cursor->modify_clock = buf_frame_get_modify_clock(page);
......@@ -205,6 +208,9 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
if (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_AFTER_LAST_IN_TREE
|| cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE) {
/* In these cases we do not try an optimistic restoration,
but always do a search */
if (cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE) {
from_left = TRUE;
} else {
......@@ -214,6 +220,10 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor)->index, latch_mode,
btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor), mtr);
cursor->block_when_stored =
......@@ -224,8 +234,9 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
if (latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF || latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) {
/* Try optimistic restoration */
if (buf_page_optimistic_get(latch_mode, page,
cursor->modify_clock, mtr)) {
if (buf_page_optimistic_get(latch_mode,
cursor->block_when_stored, page,
cursor->modify_clock, mtr)) {
cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED;
buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_TREE_NODE);
......@@ -270,8 +281,6 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
btr_pcur_open_with_no_init(btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor)->index, tuple,
mode, latch_mode, cursor, 0, mtr);
cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
/* Restore the old search mode */
cursor->search_mode = old_mode;
......@@ -280,11 +289,18 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
&& btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(cursor, mtr)
&& 0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(tuple, btr_pcur_get_rec(cursor))) {
/* We have to store the NEW value for the modify clock, since
the cursor can now be on a different page! */
/* We have to store the NEW value for the modify clock, since
the cursor can now be on a different page! But we can retain
the value of old_rec */
cursor->modify_clock =
cursor->block_when_stored =
cursor->old_stored = BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED;
cursor->modify_clock = buf_frame_get_modify_clock(
......@@ -292,6 +308,12 @@ btr_pcur_restore_position(
/* We have to store new position information, modify_clock etc.,
to the cursor because it can now be on a different page, the record
under it may have been removed, etc. */
btr_pcur_store_position(cursor, mtr);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Created 11/11/1995 Heikki Tuuri
#include "log0log.h"
#include "os0file.h"
#include "trx0sys.h"
#include "srv0srv.h"
/* When flushed, dirty blocks are searched in neigborhoods of this size, and
flushed along with the original page. */
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ buf_flush_ready_for_replace(
/* out: TRUE if can replace immediately */
buf_block_t* block) /* in: buffer control block, must be in state
BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE and in the LRU list*/
BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE and in the LRU list */
ut_ad(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
......@@ -134,7 +135,6 @@ buf_flush_ready_for_flush(
if ((ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification, ut_dulint_zero) > 0)
&& (block->io_fix == 0)) {
if (flush_type != BUF_FLUSH_LRU) {
......@@ -436,6 +436,20 @@ buf_flush_try_page(
&& block && buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
/* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
then map it */
if (block->frame == NULL) {
/* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
in the LRU list and we must put it to
awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
block->flush_type = flush_type;
if (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] == 0) {
......@@ -486,6 +500,20 @@ buf_flush_try_page(
..._ready_for_flush). */
block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
/* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
then map it */
if (block->frame == NULL) {
/* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
in the LRU list and we must put it to
awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
block->flush_type = flush_type;
if (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] == 0) {
......@@ -511,6 +539,20 @@ buf_flush_try_page(
&& buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
/* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
then map it */
if (block->frame == NULL) {
/* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
in the LRU list and we must put it to
awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
block->flush_type = flush_type;
if (buf_pool->n_flush[block->flush_type] == 0) {
......@@ -132,7 +132,13 @@ buf_LRU_search_and_free_block(
/* Remove possible adaptive hash index built on the
page; in the case of AWE the block may not have a
frame at all */
if (block->frame) {
......@@ -196,7 +202,9 @@ list. */
/* out: the free control block */
/* out: the free control block; also if AWE is
used, it is guaranteed that the block has its
page mapped to a frame when we return */
buf_block_t* block = NULL;
ibool freed;
......@@ -257,6 +265,22 @@ loop:
block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->free);
UT_LIST_REMOVE(free, buf_pool->free, block);
if (srv_use_awe) {
if (block->frame) {
/* Remove from the list of mapped pages */
buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
} else {
/* We map the page to a frame; second param
FALSE below because we do not want it to be
added to the awe_LRU_free_mapped list */
buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, FALSE);
block->state = BUF_BLOCK_READY_FOR_USE;
......@@ -429,6 +453,13 @@ buf_LRU_remove_block(
/* Remove the block from the LRU list */
UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
/* Remove from the list of mapped pages */
buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
/* If the LRU list is so short that LRU_old not defined, return */
......@@ -475,6 +506,13 @@ buf_LRU_add_block_to_end_low(
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
/* Add to the list of mapped pages */
buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) >= BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
......@@ -518,6 +556,15 @@ buf_LRU_add_block_low(
block->old = old;
cl = buf_pool_clock_tic();
if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
/* Add to the list of mapped pages; for simplicity we always
add to the start, even if the user would have set 'old'
buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
if (!old || (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN)) {
UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
......@@ -613,6 +660,13 @@ buf_LRU_block_free_non_file_page(
memset(block->frame, '\0', UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free, buf_pool->free, block);
if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
/* Add to the list of mapped pages */
buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
......@@ -639,7 +693,9 @@ buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page(
buf_pool->freed_page_clock += 1;
/* Note that if AWE is enabled the block may not have a frame at all */
HASH_DELETE(buf_block_t, hash, buf_pool->page_hash,
buf_page_address_fold(block->space, block->offset),
......@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ buf_read_recv_pages(
os_aio_print_debug = FALSE;
while (buf_pool->n_pend_reads >= RECV_POOL_N_FREE_BLOCKS / 2) {
while (buf_pool->n_pend_reads >= recv_n_pool_free_frames / 2) {
......@@ -466,6 +466,9 @@ struct btr_pcur_struct{
BTR_PCUR_AFTER, depending on whether
cursor was on, before, or after the
old_rec record */
buf_block_t* block_when_stored;/* buffer block when the position was
stored; note that if AWE is on, frames
may move */
dulint modify_clock; /* the modify clock value of the
buffer block when the cursor position
was stored */
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Created 11/5/1995 Heikki Tuuri
#include "sync0rw.h"
#include "hash0hash.h"
#include "ut0byte.h"
#include "os0proc.h"
/* Flags for flush types */
#define BUF_FLUSH_LRU 1
......@@ -58,23 +59,34 @@ extern ibool buf_debug_prints;/* If this is set TRUE, the program
occurs */
Initializes the buffer pool of the database. */
Creates the buffer pool. */
ulint max_size, /* in: maximum size of the pool in blocks */
ulint curr_size); /* in: current size to use, must be <=
/* out, own: buf_pool object, NULL if not
enough memory or error */
ulint max_size, /* in: maximum size of the buf_pool in
blocks */
ulint curr_size, /* in: current size to use, must be <=
max_size, currently must be equal to
max_size */
ulint n_frames); /* in: number of frames; if AWE is used,
this is the size of the address space window
where physical memory pages are mapped; if
AWE is not used then this must be the same
as max_size */
Gets the current size of buffer pool in bytes. */
Gets the current size of buffer buf_pool in bytes. In the case of AWE, the
size of AWE window (= the frames). */
/* out: size in bytes */
Gets the maximum size of buffer pool in bytes. */
Gets the maximum size of buffer pool in bytes. In the case of AWE, the
size of AWE window (= the frames). */
......@@ -138,8 +150,8 @@ improve debugging. Only values RW_S_LATCH and RW_X_LATCH are allowed as LA! */
NOTE! The following macros should be used instead of
buf_page_optimistic_get_func, to improve debugging. Only values RW_S_LATCH and
RW_X_LATCH are allowed as LA! */
#define buf_page_optimistic_get(LA, G, MC, MTR) buf_page_optimistic_get_func(\
LA, G, MC, IB__FILE__, __LINE__, MTR)
#define buf_page_optimistic_get(LA, BL, G, MC, MTR) buf_page_optimistic_get_func(\
LA, BL, G, MC, IB__FILE__, __LINE__, MTR)
This is the general function used to get optimistic access to a database
page. */
......@@ -149,7 +161,9 @@ buf_page_optimistic_get_func(
/* out: TRUE if success */
ulint rw_latch,/* in: RW_S_LATCH, RW_X_LATCH */
buf_frame_t* guess, /* in: guessed frame */
buf_block_t* block, /* in: guessed block */
buf_frame_t* guess, /* in: guessed frame; note that AWE may move
frames */
dulint modify_clock,/* in: modify clock value if mode is
char* file, /* in: file name */
......@@ -350,6 +364,16 @@ buf_frame_modify_clock_inc(
/* out: new value */
buf_frame_t* frame); /* in: pointer to a frame */
Increments the modify clock of a frame by 1. The caller must (1) own the
buf_pool mutex and block bufferfix count has to be zero, (2) or own an x-lock
on the block. */
/* out: new value */
buf_block_t* block); /* in: block */
Returns the value of the modify clock. The caller must have an s-lock
or x-lock on the block. */
......@@ -428,7 +452,7 @@ UNIV_INLINE
/* out: pointer to block */
/* out: pointer to frame */
byte* ptr); /* in: pointer to a frame */
Checks if a pointer points to the block array of the buffer pool (blocks, not
......@@ -505,6 +529,19 @@ buf_pool_invalidate(void);
--------------------------- LOWER LEVEL ROUTINES -------------------------
Maps the page of block to a frame, if not mapped yet. Unmaps some page
from the end of the awe_LRU_free_mapped. */
buf_block_t* block, /* in: block whose page should be
mapped to a frame */
ibool add_to_mapped_list);/* in: TRUE if we in the case
we need to map the page should also
add the block to the
awe_LRU_free_mapped list */
Adds latch level info for the rw-lock protecting the buffer frame. This
should be called in the debug version after a successful latching of a
......@@ -638,7 +675,16 @@ struct buf_block_struct{
byte* frame; /* pointer to buffer frame which
is of size UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, and
aligned to an address divisible by
UNIV_PAGE_SIZE; if AWE is used, this
will be NULL for the pages which are
currently not mapped into the virtual
address space window of the buffer
pool */
os_awe_t* awe_info; /* if AWE is used, then an array of
awe page infos for
(normally = 4) physical memory
pages; otherwise NULL */
ulint space; /* space id of the page */
ulint offset; /* page number within the space */
ulint lock_hash_val; /* hashed value of the page address
......@@ -691,6 +737,10 @@ struct buf_block_struct{
/* node of the free block list */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) LRU;
/* node of the LRU list */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(buf_block_t) awe_LRU_free_mapped;
/* in the AWE version node in the
list of free and LRU blocks which are
mapped to a frame */
ulint LRU_position; /* value which monotonically
decreases (or may stay constant if
the block is in the old blocks) toward
......@@ -758,11 +808,12 @@ struct buf_block_struct{
indexing */
/* 6. Debug fields */
rw_lock_t debug_latch; /* in the debug version, each thread
which bufferfixes the block acquires
an s-latch here; so we can use the
debug utilities in sync0rw */
ibool file_page_was_freed;
/* this is set to TRUE when fsp
frees a page in buffer pool */
......@@ -781,16 +832,36 @@ struct buf_pool_struct{
struct and control blocks, except the
read-write lock in them */
byte* frame_mem; /* pointer to the memory area which
was allocated for the frames */
was allocated for the frames; in AWE
this is the virtual address space
window where we map pages stored
in physical memory */
byte* frame_zero; /* pointer to the first buffer frame:
this may differ from frame_mem, because
this is aligned by the frame size */
byte* high_end; /* pointer to the end of the
buffer pool */
byte* high_end; /* pointer to the end of the buffer
frames */
ulint n_frames; /* number of frames */
buf_block_t* blocks; /* array of buffer control blocks */
buf_block_t** blocks_of_frames;/* inverse mapping which can be used
to retrieve the buffer control block
of a frame; this is an array which
lists the blocks of frames in the
order frame_zero,
frame_zero + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, ...
a control block is always assigned
for each frame, even if the frame does
not contain any data; note that in AWE
there are more control blocks than
buffer frames */
os_awe_t* awe_info; /* if AWE is used, AWE info for the
physical 4 kB memory pages associated
with buffer frames */
ulint max_size; /* number of control blocks ==
maximum pool size in pages */
ulint curr_size; /* current pool size in pages */
ulint curr_size; /* current pool size in pages;
currently always the same as
max_size */
hash_table_t* page_hash; /* hash table of the file pages */
ulint n_pend_reads; /* number of pending read operations */
......@@ -802,11 +873,14 @@ struct buf_pool_struct{
ulint n_pages_created;/* number of pages created in the pool
with no read */
ulint n_page_gets; /* number of page gets performed;
also successful seraches through
also successful searches through
the adaptive hash index are
counted as page gets; this field
is NOT protected by the buffer
pool mutex */
ulint n_pages_awe_remapped; /* if AWE is enabled, the
number of remaps of blocks to
buffer frames */
ulint n_page_gets_old;/* n_page_gets when buf_print was
last time called: used to calculate
hit rate */
......@@ -815,6 +889,7 @@ struct buf_pool_struct{
ulint n_pages_written_old;/* number write operations */
ulint n_pages_created_old;/* number of pages created in
the pool with no read */
ulint n_pages_awe_remapped_old;
/* 2. Page flushing algorithm fields */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) flush_list;
......@@ -847,7 +922,10 @@ struct buf_pool_struct{
/* 3. LRU replacement algorithm fields */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) free;
/* base node of the free block list */
/* base node of the free block list;
in the case of AWE, at the start are
always free blocks for which the
physical memory is mapped to a frame */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) LRU;
/* base node of the LRU list */
buf_block_t* LRU_old; /* pointer to the about 3/8 oldest
......@@ -859,6 +937,12 @@ struct buf_pool_struct{
see buf0lru.c for the restrictions
on this value; not defined if
LRU_old == NULL */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) awe_LRU_free_mapped;
/* list of those blocks which are
in the LRU list or the free list, and
where the page is mapped to a frame;
thus, frames allocated, e.g., to the
locki table, are not in this list */
/* States of a control block */
......@@ -36,25 +36,27 @@ buf_block_peek_if_too_old(
Gets the current size of buffer buf_pool in bytes. */
Gets the current size of buffer buf_pool in bytes. In the case of AWE, the
size of AWE window (= the frames). */
/* out: size in bytes */
return((buf_pool->curr_size) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
return((buf_pool->n_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
Gets the maximum size of buffer buf_pool in bytes. */
Gets the maximum size of buffer buf_pool in bytes. In the case of AWE, the
size of AWE window (= the frames). */
/* out: size in bytes */
return((buf_pool->max_size) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
return((buf_pool->n_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
......@@ -207,54 +209,24 @@ buf_block_align(
frame_zero = buf_pool->frame_zero;
ut_ad((ulint)ptr >= (ulint)frame_zero);
block = buf_pool_get_nth_block(buf_pool, ((ulint)(ptr - frame_zero))
if (block < buf_pool->blocks
|| block >= buf_pool->blocks + buf_pool->max_size) {
if ((ulint)ptr < (ulint)frame_zero
|| (ulint)ptr > (ulint)(buf_pool->high_end)) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer %lx\n"
"InnoDB: buf pool start is at %lx, number of pages %lu\n", (ulint)ptr,
(ulint)frame_zero, buf_pool->max_size);
" InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer %lx\n"
"InnoDB: buf pool start is at %lx, end at %lx\n"
"InnoDB: Probable reason is database corruption or memory\n"
"InnoDB: corruption. If this happens in an InnoDB database recovery,\n"
"InnoDB: you can look from section 6.1 at\n"
"InnoDB: how to force recovery.\n",
(ulint)ptr, (ulint)frame_zero,
Gets the block to whose frame the pointer is pointing to. Does not
require a file page to be bufferfixed. */
/* out: pointer to block */
byte* ptr) /* in: pointer to a frame */
buf_block_t* block;
buf_frame_t* frame_zero;
frame_zero = buf_pool->frame_zero;
ut_ad((ulint)ptr >= (ulint)frame_zero);
block = buf_pool_get_nth_block(buf_pool, ((ulint)(ptr - frame_zero))
if (block < buf_pool->blocks
|| block >= buf_pool->blocks + buf_pool->max_size) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer %lx\n"
"InnoDB: buf pool start is at %lx, number of pages %lu\n", (ulint)ptr,
(ulint)frame_zero, buf_pool->max_size);
block = *(buf_pool->blocks_of_frames + (((ulint)(ptr - frame_zero))
......@@ -264,7 +236,7 @@ UNIV_INLINE
/* out: pointer to block */
/* out: pointer to frame */
byte* ptr) /* in: pointer to a frame */
buf_frame_t* frame;
......@@ -273,14 +245,19 @@ buf_frame_align(
frame = ut_align_down(ptr, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
if (((ulint)frame
< (ulint)(buf_pool->frame_zero))
|| ((ulint)frame > (ulint)(buf_pool_get_nth_block(buf_pool,
buf_pool->max_size - 1)->frame))) {
if (((ulint)frame < (ulint)(buf_pool->frame_zero))
|| (ulint)frame >= (ulint)(buf_pool->high_end)) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer %lx\n"
"InnoDB: buf pool start is at %lx, number of pages %lu\n", (ulint)ptr,
(ulint)(buf_pool->frame_zero), buf_pool->max_size);
" InnoDB: Error: trying to access a stray pointer %lx\n"
"InnoDB: buf pool start is at %lx, end at %lx\n"
"InnoDB: Probable reason is database corruption or memory\n"
"InnoDB: corruption. If this happens in an InnoDB database recovery,\n"
"InnoDB: you can look from section 6.1 at\n"
"InnoDB: how to force recovery.\n",
(ulint)ptr, (ulint)(buf_pool->frame_zero),
......@@ -469,7 +446,7 @@ buf_frame_modify_clock_inc(
block = buf_block_align_low(frame);
block = buf_block_align(frame);
ut_ad((mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)) && (block->buf_fix_count == 0))
|| rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
......@@ -479,6 +456,25 @@ buf_frame_modify_clock_inc(
Increments the modify clock of a frame by 1. The caller must (1) own the
buf_pool mutex and block bufferfix count has to be zero, (2) or own an x-lock
on the block. */
/* out: new value */
buf_block_t* block) /* in: block */
ut_ad((mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)) && (block->buf_fix_count == 0))
|| rw_lock_own(&(block->lock), RW_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
Returns the value of the modify clock. The caller must have an s-lock
or x-lock on the block. */
......@@ -508,15 +504,16 @@ void
buf_block_t* block, /* in: block to bufferfix */
char* file, /* in: file name */
ulint line) /* in: line */
char* file __attribute__ ((unused)), /* in: file name */
ulint line __attribute__ ((unused))) /* in: line */
ibool ret;
ret = rw_lock_s_lock_func_nowait(&(block->debug_latch), file, line);
ut_ad(ret == TRUE);
......@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ LRU list to the free list. */
/* out: the free control block */
/* out: the free control block; also if AWE is
used, it is guaranteed that the block has its
page mapped to a frame when we return */
Puts a block back to the free list. */
......@@ -355,12 +355,7 @@ in the debug version: spaces with an odd number as the id are replicate
spaces */
/* This many blocks must be left free in the buffer pool when we scan
the log and store the scanned log records in the buffer pool: we will
use these free blocks to read in pages when we start applying the
log records to the database. */
#define RECV_POOL_N_FREE_BLOCKS (ut_min(256, buf_pool_get_curr_size() / 8))
extern ulint recv_n_pool_free_frames;
#include "log0recv.ic"
......@@ -15,6 +15,76 @@ Created 9/30/1995 Heikki Tuuri
typedef void* os_process_t;
typedef unsigned long int os_process_id_t;
/* The cell type in os_awe_allocate_mem page info */
#ifdef __NT__
typedef ULONG_PTR os_awe_t;
typedef ulint os_awe_t;
/* Physical page size when Windows AWE is used. This is the normal
page size of an Intel x86 processor. We cannot use AWE with 2 MB or 4 MB
pages. */
#define OS_AWE_X86_PAGE_SIZE 4096
Windows AWE support. Tries to enable the "lock pages in memory" privilege for
the current process so that the current process can allocate memory-locked
virtual address space to act as the window where AWE maps physical memory. */
/* out: TRUE if success, FALSE if error;
prints error info to stderr if no success */
Allocates physical RAM memory up to 64 GB in an Intel 32-bit x86
processor. */
/* out: TRUE if success */
os_awe_t** page_info, /* out, own: array of opaque data containing
the info for allocated physical memory pages;
each allocated 4 kB physical memory page has
one slot of type os_awe_t in the array */
ulint n_megabytes); /* in: number of megabytes to allocate */
Allocates a window in the virtual address space where we can map then
pages of physical memory. */
/* out, own: allocated memory, or NULL if did not
succeed */
ulint size); /* in: virtual memory allocation size in bytes, must
be < 2 GB */
With this function you can map parts of physical memory allocated with
the ..._allocate_physical_mem to the virtual address space allocated with
the previous function. Intel implements this so that the process page
tables are updated accordingly. A test on a 1.5 GHz AMD processor and XP
showed that this takes < 1 microsecond, much better than the estimated 80 us
for copying a 16 kB page memory to memory. But, the operation will at least
partially invalidate the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) of all
processors. Under a real-world load the performance hit may be bigger. */
/* out: TRUE if success; the function
calls exit(1) in case of an error */
byte* ptr, /* in: a page-aligned pointer to
somewhere in the virtual address
space window; we map the physical mem
pages here */
ulint n_mem_pages, /* in: number of 4 kB mem pages to
map */
os_awe_t* page_info); /* in: array of page infos for those
pages; each page has one slot in the
array */
Converts the current process id to a number. It is not guaranteed that the
number is unique. In Linux returns the 'process number' of the current
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ extern ulint srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit;
extern byte srv_latin1_ordering[256];/* The sort order table of the latin1
character set */
extern ulint srv_pool_size;
extern ulint srv_awe_window_size;
extern ulint srv_mem_pool_size;
extern ulint srv_lock_table_size;
......@@ -86,6 +87,8 @@ extern ibool srv_use_doublewrite_buf;
extern ibool srv_set_thread_priorities;
extern int srv_query_thread_priority;
extern ibool srv_use_awe;
extern ibool srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes;
extern ulint srv_n_rows_inserted;
......@@ -437,25 +437,29 @@ log_group_calc_lsn_offset(
dulint lsn, /* in: lsn, must be within 4 GB of group->lsn */
log_group_t* group) /* in: log group */
dulint gr_lsn;
ulint gr_lsn_size_offset;
ulint difference;
ulint group_size;
ulint offset;
dulint gr_lsn;
ib_longlong gr_lsn_size_offset;
ib_longlong difference;
ib_longlong group_size;
ib_longlong offset;
/* If total log file size is > 2 GB we can easily get overflows
with 32-bit integers. Use 64-bit integers instead. */
gr_lsn = group->lsn;
gr_lsn_size_offset = log_group_calc_size_offset(group->lsn_offset,
group_size = log_group_get_capacity(group);
gr_lsn_size_offset = (ib_longlong)
log_group_calc_size_offset(group->lsn_offset, group);
group_size = (ib_longlong) log_group_get_capacity(group);
if (ut_dulint_cmp(lsn, gr_lsn) >= 0) {
difference = ut_dulint_minus(lsn, gr_lsn);
difference = (ib_longlong) ut_dulint_minus(lsn, gr_lsn);
} else {
difference = ut_dulint_minus(gr_lsn, lsn);
difference = (ib_longlong) ut_dulint_minus(gr_lsn, lsn);
difference = difference % group_size;
......@@ -464,7 +468,13 @@ log_group_calc_lsn_offset(
offset = (gr_lsn_size_offset + difference) % group_size;
return(log_group_calc_real_offset(offset, group));
ut_a(offset <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
/* printf("Offset is %lu gr_lsn_offset is %lu difference is %lu\n",
(ulint)offset,(ulint)gr_lsn_size_offset, (ulint)difference);
return(log_group_calc_real_offset((ulint)offset, group));
......@@ -3054,8 +3064,8 @@ log_check_log_recs(
ut_memcpy(scan_buf, start, end - start);
buf_pool_get_curr_size() -
(buf_pool->n_frames -
recv_n_pool_free_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
FALSE, scan_buf, end - start,
......@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ ulint recv_previous_parsed_rec_is_multi = 0;
ulint recv_max_parsed_page_no = 0;
/* This many frames must be left free in the buffer pool when we scan
the log and store the scanned log records in the buffer pool: we will
use these free frames to read in pages when we start applying the
log records to the database. */
ulint recv_n_pool_free_frames = 256;
Creates the recovery system. */
......@@ -1018,10 +1026,10 @@ recv_recover_page(
block = buf_block_align(page);
if (just_read_in) {
/* Move the ownership of the x-latch on the page to this OS
thread, so that we can acquire a second x-latch on it. This
is needed for the operations to the page to pass the debug
checks. */
/* Move the ownership of the x-latch on the page to
this OS thread, so that we can acquire a second
x-latch on it. This is needed for the operations to
the page to pass the debug checks. */
......@@ -2362,8 +2370,8 @@ recv_group_scan_log_recs(
group, start_lsn, end_lsn);
finished = recv_scan_log_recs(TRUE,
- recv_n_pool_free_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
TRUE, log_sys->buf,
RECV_SCAN_SIZE, start_lsn,
contiguous_lsn, group_scanned_lsn);
......@@ -3001,8 +3009,8 @@ ask_again:
read_offset % UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, len, buf, NULL);
ret = recv_scan_log_recs(TRUE,
buf_pool_get_curr_size() -
(buf_pool->n_frames -
recv_n_pool_free_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
TRUE, buf, len, start_lsn,
&dummy_lsn, &scanned_lsn);
......@@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ os_aio_simulated_handle(
ulint offs;
ulint lowest_offset;
byte* combined_buf;
byte* combined_buf2= 0; /* Remove warning */
byte* combined_buf2;
ibool ret;
ulint n;
ulint i;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -140,9 +140,14 @@ byte srv_latin1_ordering[256] /* The sort order table of the latin1
, 0xD8, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x59, 0x59, 0xDE, 0xFF
ulint srv_pool_size = ULINT_MAX; /* size in database pages;
MySQL originally sets this
value in megabytes */
ulint srv_pool_size = ULINT_MAX; /* size in pages; MySQL inits
this to size in kilobytes but
we normalize this to pages in
srv_boot() */
ulint srv_awe_window_size = 0; /* size in pages; MySQL inits
this to bytes, but we
normalize it to pages in
srv_boot() */
ulint srv_mem_pool_size = ULINT_MAX; /* size in bytes */
ulint srv_lock_table_size = ULINT_MAX;
......@@ -218,6 +223,13 @@ ibool srv_use_doublewrite_buf = TRUE;
ibool srv_set_thread_priorities = TRUE;
int srv_query_thread_priority = 0;
/* TRUE if the Address Windowing Extensions of Windows are used; then we must
disable adaptive hash indexes */
ibool srv_use_awe = FALSE;
ibool srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes = TRUE;
ulint srv_n_spin_wait_rounds = 20;
ulint srv_spin_wait_delay = 5;
......@@ -1956,9 +1968,19 @@ srv_normalize_init_values(void)
srv_log_buffer_size = srv_log_buffer_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
srv_pool_size = srv_pool_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
srv_pool_size = srv_pool_size / (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 1024);
srv_awe_window_size = srv_awe_window_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
srv_lock_table_size = 20 * srv_pool_size;
if (srv_use_awe) {
/* If we are using AWE we must save memory in the 32-bit
address space of the process, and cannot bind the lock
table size to the real buffer pool size. */
srv_lock_table_size = 20 * srv_awe_window_size;
} else {
srv_lock_table_size = 20 * srv_pool_size;
......@@ -2323,6 +2345,12 @@ srv_sprintf_innodb_monitor(
"Total memory allocated %lu; in additional pool allocated %lu\n",
if (srv_use_awe) {
buf += sprintf(buf,
"In addition to that %lu MB of AWE memory allocated\n",
srv_pool_size / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
buf_print_io(buf, buf_end);
buf = buf + strlen(buf);
ut_a(buf < buf_end + 1500);
......@@ -935,6 +935,7 @@ innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void)
/* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */
buf_pool_t* ret;
ibool create_new_db;
ibool log_file_created;
ibool log_created = FALSE;
......@@ -970,6 +971,11 @@ innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void)
"InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_MEM_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
"InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_SIMULATE_AWE switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
if (srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc != (ulint)sizeof(trx_t)) {
......@@ -1002,6 +1008,17 @@ innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void)
srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = TRUE;
os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE;
#if !defined(__NT__) && !defined(UNIV_SIMULATE_AWE)
if (srv_use_awe) {
"InnoDB: Error: You have specified innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb\n"
"InnoDB: in my.cnf, but AWE can only be used in Windows 2000 and later.\n");
#ifdef __WIN__
if (os_get_os_version() == OS_WIN95
|| os_get_os_version() == OS_WIN31
......@@ -1057,6 +1074,9 @@ innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void)
/* Note that the call srv_boot() also changes the values of
srv_pool_size etc. to the units used by InnoDB internally */
err = srv_boot();
if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1088,7 +1108,26 @@ innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void)
buf_pool_init(srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size);
if (srv_use_awe) {
"InnoDB: Using AWE: Memory window is %lu MB and AWE memory is %lu MB\n",
srv_awe_window_size / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE),
srv_pool_size / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
/* We must disable adaptive hash indexes because they do not
tolerate remapping of pages in AWE */
srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes = FALSE;
ret = buf_pool_init(srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size,
} else {
ret = buf_pool_init(srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size,
if (ret == NULL) {
......@@ -472,9 +472,9 @@ trx_sys_update_mysql_binlog_offset(
if (0 != ut_memcmp(sys_header + field + TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_NAME,
file_name, 1 + ut_strlen(file_name))) {
mlog_write_string((byte*) (sys_header + field
(byte*) file_name, 1 + ut_strlen(file_name), mtr);
mlog_write_string(sys_header + field
file_name, 1 + ut_strlen(file_name), mtr);
if (mach_read_from_4(sys_header + field
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ trx_create(
trx->mysql_log_file_name = NULL;
trx->mysql_log_offset = 0;
trx->mysql_master_log_file_name = (char*) "";
trx->mysql_master_log_file_name = "";
trx->mysql_master_log_pos = 0;
trx->ignore_duplicates_in_insert = FALSE;
......@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ ut_get_year_month_day(
*month = (ulint)cal_tm.wMonth;
*day = (ulint)cal_tm.wDay;
struct tm cal_tm;
struct tm* cal_tm_ptr;
time_t tm;
......@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ are declared in */
long innobase_mirrored_log_groups, innobase_log_files_in_group,
innobase_log_file_size, innobase_log_buffer_size,
innobase_buffer_pool_size, innobase_additional_mem_pool_size,
innobase_buffer_pool_size, innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb,
innobase_file_io_threads, innobase_lock_wait_timeout,
innobase_thread_concurrency, innobase_force_recovery;
......@@ -753,7 +754,25 @@ innobase_init(void)
srv_log_buffer_size = (ulint) innobase_log_buffer_size;
srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit = (ulint) innobase_flush_log_at_trx_commit;
srv_pool_size = (ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size;
/* We set srv_pool_size here in units of 1 kB. InnoDB internally
changes the value so that it becomes the number of database pages. */
if (innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb == 0) {
/* Careful here: we first convert the signed long int to ulint
and only after that divide */
srv_pool_size = ((ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size) / 1024;
} else {
srv_use_awe = TRUE;
srv_pool_size = (ulint)
(1024 * innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb);
srv_awe_window_size = (ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size;
/* Note that what the user specified as
innodb_buffer_pool_size is actually the AWE memory window
size in this case, and the real buffer pool size is
determined by .._awe_mem_mb. */
srv_mem_pool_size = (ulint) innobase_additional_mem_pool_size;
......@@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ extern char *innobase_home, *innobase_tmpdir, *innobase_logdir;
extern long innobase_lock_scan_time;
extern long innobase_mirrored_log_groups, innobase_log_files_in_group;
extern long innobase_log_file_size, innobase_log_buffer_size;
extern long innobase_buffer_pool_size, innobase_additional_mem_pool_size;
extern long innobase_buffer_pool_size, innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb,
extern long innobase_file_io_threads, innobase_lock_wait_timeout;
extern long innobase_force_recovery, innobase_thread_concurrency;
extern char *innobase_data_home_dir, *innobase_data_file_path;
......@@ -3194,6 +3194,7 @@ enum options {
......@@ -3753,6 +3754,10 @@ struct my_option my_long_options[] =
"The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.",
(gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, (gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, 0,
GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, ~0L, 0, 1024*1024L, 0},
{"innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb", OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_AWE_MEM_MB,
"If Windows AWE is used, the size of InnoDB buffer pool allocated from the AWE memory.",
(gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb, (gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb, 0,
GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 63000, 0, 1, 0},
{"innodb_additional_mem_pool_size", OPT_INNODB_ADDITIONAL_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
"Size of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures.",
(gptr*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size,
......@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ struct show_var_st init_vars[]= {
{"innodb_additional_mem_pool_size", (char*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size, SHOW_LONG },
{"innodb_buffer_pool_size", (char*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, SHOW_LONG },
{"innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb", (char*) &innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb, SHOW_LONG },
{"innodb_data_file_path", (char*) &innobase_data_file_path, SHOW_CHAR_PTR},
{"innodb_data_home_dir", (char*) &innobase_data_home_dir, SHOW_CHAR_PTR},
{"innodb_file_io_threads", (char*) &innobase_file_io_threads, SHOW_LONG },
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