* Copy $MYSQL_DIR on all machines and on same path which you plan to use as
nodes (you can use scp utility or ask JonathanMiller about distribution on
ndbXX servers).
* Compile and install ATRT:
* Go to $TREE_ROOT/storage/ndb/test
* do make
* do make install
* Make sure that $MYSQL_DIR/bin now contains files like that: testBasic,
testBlobs, testDict and so on
* Make sure that $MYSQL_DIR/mysql-test/ndb now contains files like that: atrt,
atrt-analyze-result.sh, atrt-setup.sh, make-config.sh and so on
* Add $MYSQL_DIR/mysql-test/ndb to PATH and make sure that you can call atrt
from any place on disk.
* Configure CPCD processes on all machines. Repeat following steps for each
* Create $VAR_DIR/run/ndb_cpcd directory
* Create /etc/ndb_cpcd.cnf file. It will configuration file ndb_cpcd daemon.
It strongly recommended instead command line options because more simply.
More option for configuration can fe found in this document in section CPCD
* Add to file following text:
work-dir= $VAR_DIR/run/ndb_cpcd # e.g. /mysql/builds/5.1/var/run/ndb_cpcd
logfile= $VAR_DIR/run/ndb_cpcd/log.txt # e.g. /mysql/builds/5.1/var/run/ndb_cpcd/log.txt
debug= 1
user= ndbdev
* Register ndb_cpcd in etc/initab. Hint: you can use more simply way if use
Linux - add following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local file
$MYSQL_DIR/libexec/ndb_cpcd > /dev/null 2>&1 &
* Start ndb_cpcd
$MYSQL_DIR/libexec/ndb_cpcd > /dev/null 2>&1 &
* Open log file and make sure that ndb_cpcd process started properly. Ususal mistakes are: wrong definition of paths and ndb_cpcd process already running. You can test ndb_cpcd from any ndb system by using the command line below. If nothing is returned the process is up and running. Otherwise you will see Failed to connect to node:1234:
$MYSQL_DIR/libexec/ndb_cpcc node
Now ATRT Setup done. After accomplishment all steps above you should be have
* Each node contains fresh build
* Each node has configured and started ndb_cpcd process.
* The node that will used for starting ATRT has installed atrt binaries/scripts
and some tests.
3.Preparing for testing
* Create new empty directory where you plan to use for testing. Note: if you
plan to test different cluster configuration you need to create own directory
for each cluster configuration. Do not use same directory.
* Create d.tmp file for your cluster configuration. See details in this
document in section d.tmp.
* Run make-config.sh ./d.tmp. It will create necessary directories and files for
* Create ATRT testcase file(s) (e.g. test1.atrt). See details in this document
in section Test Case File format. Examples.
* Put your test application into $MYSQL_DIR/bin directory. If your application
requires another directory (e.g. mysql-test-run.pl) create redirect script