Commit 8e9f6b19 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

A fix for Bug#11901 "mysql_stmt_attr_set CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY join in

subqry order by server crash": failing DBUG_ASSERT(curr_join == this)
when opening a cursor.
Ensure that for top-level join curr_join == join (always), 
and thus fix the failing assert.
curr_join is a hack to ensure that uncacheable subqueries can be
re-evaluated safely, and should be never different from main join
in case of top-level join.

  - utilize tmp_join only if we evaluate an uncacheable subquery.
  - implement JOIN::is_top_level_join()
  A test case for Bug#11901 "mysql_stmt_attr_set CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY
   join in subqry order by server crash"
parent 8559ef62
......@@ -1090,9 +1090,10 @@ JOIN::optimize()
if (thd->lex->subqueries)
if (select_lex->uncacheable && !is_top_level_join())
/* If this join belongs to an uncacheable subquery */
if (!(tmp_join= (JOIN*)thd->alloc(sizeof(JOIN))))
error= 0; // Ensure that tmp_join.error= 0
......@@ -1636,9 +1637,7 @@ JOIN::exec()
curr_join->fields= curr_fields_list;
curr_join->procedure= procedure;
if (unit == &thd->lex->unit &&
(unit->fake_select_lex == 0 || select_lex == unit->fake_select_lex) &&
thd->cursor && tables != const_tables)
if (is_top_level_join() && thd->cursor && tables != const_tables)
We are here if this is JOIN::exec for the last select of the main unit
......@@ -366,6 +366,11 @@ class JOIN :public Sql_alloc
bool change_result(select_result *result);
bool is_top_level_join() const
return (unit == &thd->lex->unit && (unit->fake_select_lex == 0 ||
select_lex == unit->fake_select_lex));
......@@ -14051,6 +14051,128 @@ static void test_bug11909()
/* Cursors: opening a cursor to a compilicated query with ORDER BY */
static void test_bug11901()
MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
int rc;
char workdept[20];
ulong workdept_len;
uint32 empno;
const char *stmt_text;
stmt_text= "drop table if exists t1, t2";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "create table t1 ("
" empno int(11) not null, firstname varchar(20) not null,"
" midinit varchar(20) not null, lastname varchar(20) not null,"
" workdept varchar(6) not null, salary double not null,"
" bonus float not null, primary key (empno), "
" unique key (workdept, empno) "
") default charset=latin1 collate=latin1_bin";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "insert into t1 values "
"(10, 'CHRISTINE', 'I', 'HAAS', 'A00', 52750, 1000),"
"(20, 'MICHAEL', 'L', 'THOMPSON', 'B01', 41250, 800), "
"(30, 'SALLY', 'A', 'KWAN', 'C01', 38250, 800), "
"(50, 'JOHN', 'B', 'GEYER', 'E01', 40175, 800), "
"(60, 'IRVING', 'F', 'STERN', 'D11', 32250, 500), "
"(70, 'EVA', 'D', 'PULASKI', 'D21', 36170, 700), "
"(90, 'EILEEN', 'W', 'HENDERSON', 'E11', 29750, 600), "
"(100, 'THEODORE', 'Q', 'SPENSER', 'E21', 26150, 500), "
"(110, 'VINCENZO', 'G', 'LUCCHESSI', 'A00', 46500, 900), "
"(120, 'SEAN', '', 'O\\'CONNELL', 'A00', 29250, 600), "
"(130, 'DOLORES', 'M', 'QUINTANA', 'C01', 23800, 500), "
"(140, 'HEATHER', 'A', 'NICHOLLS', 'C01', 28420, 600), "
"(150, 'BRUCE', '', 'ADAMSON', 'D11', 25280, 500), "
"(160, 'ELIZABETH', 'R', 'PIANKA', 'D11', 22250, 400), "
"(170, 'MASATOSHI', 'J', 'YOSHIMURA', 'D11', 24680, 500), "
"(180, 'MARILYN', 'S', 'SCOUTTEN', 'D11', 21340, 500), "
"(190, 'JAMES', 'H', 'WALKER', 'D11', 20450, 400), "
"(200, 'DAVID', '', 'BROWN', 'D11', 27740, 600), "
"(210, 'WILLIAM', 'T', 'JONES', 'D11', 18270, 400), "
"(220, 'JENNIFER', 'K', 'LUTZ', 'D11', 29840, 600), "
"(230, 'JAMES', 'J', 'JEFFERSON', 'D21', 22180, 400), "
"(240, 'SALVATORE', 'M', 'MARINO', 'D21', 28760, 600), "
"(250, 'DANIEL', 'S', 'SMITH', 'D21', 19180, 400), "
"(260, 'SYBIL', 'P', 'JOHNSON', 'D21', 17250, 300), "
"(270, 'MARIA', 'L', 'PEREZ', 'D21', 27380, 500), "
"(280, 'ETHEL', 'R', 'SCHNEIDER', 'E11', 26250, 500), "
"(290, 'JOHN', 'R', 'PARKER', 'E11', 15340, 300), "
"(300, 'PHILIP', 'X', 'SMITH', 'E11', 17750, 400), "
"(310, 'MAUDE', 'F', 'SETRIGHT', 'E11', 15900, 300), "
"(320, 'RAMLAL', 'V', 'MEHTA', 'E21', 19950, 400), "
"(330, 'WING', '', 'LEE', 'E21', 25370, 500), "
"(340, 'JASON', 'R', 'GOUNOT', 'E21', 23840, 500)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "create table t2 ("
" deptno varchar(6) not null, deptname varchar(20) not null,"
" mgrno int(11) not null, location varchar(20) not null,"
" admrdept varchar(6) not null, refcntd int(11) not null,"
" refcntu int(11) not null, primary key (deptno)"
") default charset=latin1 collate=latin1_bin";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
stmt_text= "insert into t2 values "
"('A00', 'SPIFFY COMPUTER SERV', 10, '', 'A00', 0, 0), "
"('B01', 'PLANNING', 20, '', 'A00', 0, 0), "
"('C01', 'INFORMATION CENTER', 30, '', 'A00', 0, 0), "
"('D01', 'DEVELOPMENT CENTER', 0, '', 'A00', 0, 0),"
"('D11', 'MANUFACTURING SYSTEM', 60, '', 'D01', 0, 0), "
"('D21', 'ADMINISTRATION SYSTE', 70, '', 'D01', 0, 0), "
"('E01', 'SUPPORT SERVICES', 50, '', 'A00', 0, 0), "
"('E11', 'OPERATIONS', 90, '', 'E01', 0, 0), "
"('E21', 'SOFTWARE SUPPORT', 100,'', 'E01', 0, 0)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, stmt_text, strlen(stmt_text));
/* ****** Begin of trace ****** */
stmt= open_cursor("select t1.empno, t1.workdept "
"from (t1 left join t2 on t2.deptno = t1.workdept) "
"where t2.deptno in "
" (select t2.deptno "
" from (t1 left join t2 on t2.deptno = t1.workdept) "
" where t1.empno = ?) "
"order by 1");
bzero(bind, sizeof(bind));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
bind[0].buffer= &empno;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= (void*) workdept;
bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(workdept);
bind[1].length= &workdept_len;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
empno= 10;
/* ERROR: next statement causes a server crash */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1, t2");
Read and parse arguments and MySQL options from my.cnf
......@@ -14298,6 +14420,7 @@ static struct my_tests_st my_tests[]= {
{ "test_bug10760", test_bug10760 },
{ "test_bug12001", test_bug12001 },
{ "test_bug11909", test_bug11909 },
{ "test_bug11901", test_bug11901 },
{ 0, 0 }
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