Commit 90f21ab5 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

- Fix the default length for DOUBLE to 255 (was 256, max is 255)

  Add a trace in MakeSQL

parent ee9c5d8b
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
// Get type, type name, and precision
fld = myc.GetCharField(1);
prec = 0;
len = 256; // Default for text or blob
len = 255; // Default for text or blob
if ((nf = sscanf(fld, "%[^(](%d,%d", cmd, &len, &prec)) < 1) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_FIELD_TYPE), fld);
......@@ -507,6 +507,9 @@ bool TDBMYSQL::MakeSelect(PGLOBAL g)
if (To_Filter)
strcat(strcat(Query, " WHERE "), To_Filter);
if (trace)
htrc("Query=%s\n", Query);
// Now we know how much to suballocate
PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(Query) + 1);
return FALSE;
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