Commit 93da852c authored by's avatar


parents 3052249e 013259ea
......@@ -155,11 +155,24 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
if ( $::opt_reorder )
@$cases = sort {
if ( $a->{'master_restart'} and $b->{'master_restart'} or
! $a->{'master_restart'} and ! $b->{'master_restart'} )
if ( ! $a->{'master_restart'} and ! $b->{'master_restart'} )
return $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'};
if ( $a->{'master_restart'} and $b->{'master_restart'} )
my $cmp= mtr_cmp_opts($a->{'master_opt'}, $b->{'master_opt'});
if ( $cmp == 0 )
return $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'};
return $cmp;
if ( $a->{'master_restart'} )
return 1; # Is greater
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ sub mtr_add_arg ($$@);
sub mtr_path_exists(@);
sub mtr_script_exists(@);
sub mtr_exe_exists(@);
sub mtr_copy_dir($$);
sub mtr_same_opts($$);
sub mtr_cmp_opts($$);
......@@ -108,5 +111,44 @@ sub mtr_exe_exists (@) {
sub mtr_copy_dir($$) {
my $srcdir= shift;
my $dstdir= shift;
# Create destination directory
find(\&mtr_copy_one_file, $dstdir);
sub mtr_copy_one_file {
print $File::Find::name, "\n";
sub mtr_same_opts ($$) {
my $l1= shift;
my $l2= shift;
return mtr_cmp_opts($l1,$l2) == 0;
sub mtr_cmp_opts ($$) {
my $l1= shift;
my $l2= shift;
my @l1= @$l1;
my @l2= @$l2;
return -1 if @l1 < @l2;
return 1 if @l1 > @l2;
while ( @l1 ) # Same length
my $e1= shift @l1;
my $e2= shift @l2;
my $cmp= ($e1 cmp $e2);
return $cmp if $cmp != 0;
return 0; # They are the same
......@@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ sub initial_setup () {
if ( $glob_cygwin_perl )
# Windows programs like 'mysqld' needs Windows paths
$glob_mysql_test_dir= `cygpath -m $glob_mysql_test_dir`;
$glob_mysql_test_dir= `cygpath -m "$glob_mysql_test_dir"`;
my $shell= $ENV{'SHELL'} || "/bin/bash";
$glob_cygwin_shell= `cygpath -w $shell`; # The Windows path c:\...
$glob_cygwin_shell= `cygpath -w "$shell"`; # The Windows path c:\...
......@@ -2031,13 +2031,37 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ( ! $glob_use_running_server and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} or
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'} or
# Stop if cluster is started but test cases does not need cluster
( $opt_with_ndbcluster && $tinfo->{'ndb_test'} != $using_ndbcluster_master ) )
# We try to find out if we are to restart the server
my $do_restart= 0; # Assumes we don't have to
if ( $tinfo->{'master_sh'} )
$do_restart= 1; # Always restart if script to run
elsif ( $opt_with_ndbcluster and $tinfo->{'ndb_test'} != $using_ndbcluster_master )
$do_restart= 1; # Restart without cluster
elsif ( $master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'} and
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}->{'timezone'} eq
$tinfo->{'timezone'} and
$tinfo->{'master_opt'}) )
# If running master was started with special settings, but
# the current test requuires the same ones, we *don't* restart.
$do_restart= 0;
elsif ( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} or
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'} )
$do_restart= 1;
if ( $do_restart )
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}= 0; # Forget why we stopped
delete $master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}; # Forget history
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -2129,7 +2153,8 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} )
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}= 1;
# Save this test case information, so next can examine it
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}= $tinfo;
elsif ( ! $opt_skip_im and $tinfo->{'component_id'} eq 'im' )
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