Commit 9765454a authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

#167 test case for -100010 error when shrinking a column

parent c2581575
drop table if exists t;
set tokudb_disable_hot_alter=ON;
set default_storage_engine=tokudb;
create table t (id int, x char(2), primary key (id), unique key (x));
insert into t values (1,'aa'),(2,'ab');
alter table t modify x char(1);
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'a' for key 'x'
drop table t;
# test that a uniqueness violation during an alter table operation returns a duplicate key error
source include/;
drop table if exists t;
set tokudb_disable_hot_alter=ON;
set default_storage_engine=tokudb;
create table t (id int, x char(2), primary key (id), unique key (x));
insert into t values (1,'aa'),(2,'ab');
--error 1062
alter table t modify x char(1);
drop table t;
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