Update ps and show_check results to account for new -master.opt settings.

parent cda2a113
......@@ -1537,54 +1537,62 @@ flush tables;
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
call proc_1();
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
call proc_1();
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
call proc_1();
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
flush tables;
create function func_1() returns int begin flush tables; return 1; end|
ERROR 0A000: FLUSH is not allowed in stored function or trigger
......@@ -1600,49 +1608,56 @@ select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
prepare abc from "flush tables";
execute abc;
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
execute abc;
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
execute abc;
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
select Host, User from mysql.user limit 0;
Host User
select Host, Db from mysql.host limit 0;
Host Db
show open tables from mysql;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql user 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql host 0 0
mysql user 0 0
flush tables;
deallocate prepare abc;
create procedure proc_1() flush logs;
......@@ -148,12 +148,14 @@ flush tables;
show open tables;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
create table t1(n int);
insert into t1 values (1);
show open tables;
Database Table In_use Name_locked
test t1 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
test t1 0 0
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int not null, b VARCHAR(10), INDEX (b) ) AVG_ROW_LENGTH=10 CHECKSUM=1 COMMENT="test" ENGINE=MYISAM MIN_ROWS=10 MAX_ROWS=100 PACK_KEYS=1 DELAY_KEY_WRITE=1 ROW_FORMAT=fixed;
show create table t1;
......@@ -566,21 +568,23 @@ SELECT 1 FROM mysql.db, mysql.proc, mysql.user, mysql.time_zone, mysql.time_zone
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql db 0 0
mysql proc 0 0
test urkunde 0 0
mysql time_zone 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql db 0 0
test txt1 0 0
mysql proc 0 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
test tyt2 0 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql user 0 0
mysql time_zone_name 0 0
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql db 0 0
mysql proc 0 0
mysql time_zone 0 0
mysql db 0 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql proc 0 0
mysql user 0 0
mysql time_zone_name 0 0
......@@ -594,14 +598,16 @@ test tyt2 0 0
mysql time_zone_name 0 0
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql proc 0 0
mysql time_zone 0 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql proc 0 0
mysql time_zone_name 0 0
Database Table In_use Name_locked
mysql general_log 1 0
mysql slow_log 1 0
DROP TABLE urkunde;
......@@ -674,20 +680,20 @@ SHOW COLUMNS FROM no_such_table;
ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.no_such_table' doesn't exist
flush status;
show status like 'slow_queries';
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 0
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 0
show tables;
show status like 'slow_queries';
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 0
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 1
select 1 from information_schema.tables limit 1;
show status like 'slow_queries';
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 1
End of 5.0 tests
Variable_name Value
Slow_queries 2
End of 5.0 tests.
create database mysqltest;
show create database mysqltest;
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