Commit ab2fdf78 authored by Alexander Ivanov's avatar Alexander Ivanov

MWL#36: Add a mysqlbinlog option to change the used database.

Add Rpl_filter to
Note. Though within MWL#36 we are going to use only two Rpl_filter's
      methods (add_db_rewrite and get_rewrite_db), we look forward for
      MWL#40 where Rpl_filter is likely to be used to its more extent.
Note. Within MWL#36 we will not use Rpl_filter for supporting --database
      option: this option allows to specify only one database what
      doesn't correlate with Rpl_filter::add_do_db() (using this method
      will either appear "artificial" or require changing --database
      semantics). To be discussed within MWL#40.
To add Rpl_filter we need:
1. include sql_string.h
   There are two instances of sql_string.* files - in sql and in client
   directories. We need to use the ones from the sql dir.
2. include sql_list.h
   This requires to define a client version of sql_alloc() function.
3. include rpl_filter.h
   This requires a definition of system_charset_info variable.
   Besides, Rpl_filter::tables_ok() refers to a TABLE_LIST structure which
   encounts deep non-client dependencies and can't be used here as is. On
   the other hand, tables_ok() make use only few TABLE_LIST's members and
   none of them depends on specific server context. This allows to redefine
   TABLE_LIST in a client context so that tables_ok() becomes admissible
   (surely it's a kind of hack but (at least currently) it's better than
   #ifndef'ing this method in Rpl_filter definition).
Also add Rpl_filter::rewrite_db_is_empty() method. This is needed to be
able to check that --rewrite-db is not used jointly with --base64-output=
always (this is not supported - at least currently).
parent f79aed87
......@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@
#include "log_event.h"
#include "sql_common.h"
/* Needed for Rlp_filter */
struct TABLE_LIST;
/* Needed for Rpl_filter */
CHARSET_INFO* system_charset_info= &my_charset_utf8_general_ci;
#include "../sql/sql_string.h" // needed for Rpl_filter
#include "sql_list.h" // needed for Rpl_filter
#include "rpl_filter.h"
Rpl_filter *binlog_filter;
......@@ -1986,6 +1998,8 @@ end:
return retval;
/* Used in sql_alloc(). Inited and freed in main() */
MEM_ROOT s_mem_root;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
......@@ -1998,6 +2012,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
my_init_time(); // for time functions
init_alloc_root(&s_mem_root, 16384, 0);
if (!(binlog_filter= new Rpl_filter))
error("Failed to create Rpl_filter");
parse_args(&argc, (char***)&argv);
......@@ -2084,6 +2105,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (result_file != stdout)
my_fclose(result_file, MYF(0));
delete binlog_filter;
free_root(&s_mem_root, MYF(0));
......@@ -2095,6 +2118,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
DBUG_RETURN(retval == ERROR_STOP ? 1 : 0);
/* Redefinition for Rpl_filter::tables_ok() */
TABLE_LIST *next_global, **prev_global;
bool updating;
char* db;
char* table_name;
void *sql_alloc(size_t size)
return alloc_root(&s_mem_root, size);
We must include this here as it's compiled with different options for
the server
......@@ -2105,4 +2143,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include "../sql/"
#include ""
#include ""
......@@ -514,6 +514,13 @@ Rpl_filter::get_wild_ignore_table(String* str)
return rewrite_db.is_empty();
const char*
Rpl_filter::get_rewrite_db(const char* db, size_t *new_len)
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public:
void get_wild_do_table(String* str);
void get_wild_ignore_table(String* str);
bool rewrite_db_is_empty();
const char* get_rewrite_db(const char* db, size_t *new_len);
I_List<i_string>* get_do_db();
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