Commit b84648cf authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul Committed by Yoni Fogel

Fix #5835: minor fixes to partitioned_counters.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@51374 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6f2981d0
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static void pc_unlock (void)
// Key creation primivites.
// Key creation primitives
static void pk_create (pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void*)) {
int r = pthread_key_create(key, destructor);
......@@ -151,10 +151,9 @@ struct local_counter {
static __thread GrowableArray<struct local_counter *> thread_local_array;
static __thread bool thread_local_array_inited = false;
DoublyLinkedList<GrowableArray<struct local_counter *> *> all_thread_local_arrays;
__thread LinkedListElement<GrowableArray<struct local_counter *> *> thread_local_ll_elt;
static DoublyLinkedList<GrowableArray<struct local_counter *> *> all_thread_local_arrays;
static __thread LinkedListElement<GrowableArray<struct local_counter *> *> thread_local_ll_elt;
// I want this to be static, but I have to use hidden visibility instead because it's a friend function.
static void destroy_thread_local_part_of_partitioned_counters (void *ignore_me);
static void destroy_thread_local_part_of_partitioned_counters (void *ignore_me __attribute__((__unused__)))
// Effect: This function is called whenever a thread terminates using the
......@@ -200,35 +199,28 @@ static pthread_key_t thread_destructor_key;
// We don't like using up pthread_keys (macos provides only 128 of them),
// so we built our own.
// so we built our own. Also, looking at the source code for linux libc,
// it looks like pthread_keys get slower if there are a lot of them.
// So we use only one pthread_key.
bool *counters_in_use = NULL;
uint64_t counters_in_use_size = 0;
GrowableArray<bool> counters_in_use;
//bool *counters_in_use = NULL;
//uint64_t counters_in_use_size = 0;
static uint64_t allocate_counter (void)
// Effect: Find an unused counter number, and allocate it, returning the counter number.
// Requires: The pc mutex is held before calling.
for (uint64_t i=0; i<counters_in_use_size; i++) {
if (!counters_in_use[i]) {
size_t size = counters_in_use.get_size();
for (uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
if (!counters_in_use.fetch_unchecked(i)) {
counters_in_use.store_unchecked(i, true);
return i;
uint64_t old_size = counters_in_use_size;
if (counters_in_use_size==0) {
counters_in_use_size = 1;
} else {
counters_in_use_size *= 2;
XREALLOC_N(counters_in_use_size, counters_in_use);
for (uint64_t i=old_size; i<counters_in_use_size; i++) {
counters_in_use[i] = false;
assert(old_size < counters_in_use_size);
counters_in_use[old_size] = true;
return old_size;
return size;
......@@ -236,15 +228,13 @@ static void free_counter(uint64_t counternum)
// Effect: Free a counter.
// Requires: The pc mutex is held before calling.
assert(counternum < counters_in_use_size);
counters_in_use[counternum] = false;
assert(counternum < counters_in_use.get_size());
counters_in_use.store_unchecked(counternum, false);
static void destroy_counters (void) {
......@@ -299,7 +289,7 @@ static struct local_counter *get_or_alloc_thread_local_counter(PARTITIONED_COUNT
// trying to access the same local counter at the same time.
uint64_t pc_key = pc->pc_key;
struct local_counter *lc = get_thread_local_counter(pc->pc_key, &thread_local_array);
if (__builtin_expect(!!(lc == NULL), 0)) {
if (lc == NULL) {
XMALLOC(lc); // Might as well do the malloc without holding the pc lock. But most of the rest of this work needs the lock.
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