Commit c1e69a77 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Avoid races in connect.test.

The problem was in a test case for Bug33507:
  - when the number of active connections reaches the limit,
    the server accepts only root connections. That's achieved by
    accepting a connection, negotiating with the client and
    checking user credentials. If it is not SUPER, the connection
    is dropped.
  - when the server accepts connection, it increases the counter;
  - when the server drops connection, it decreases the counter;
  - the race was in between of decreasing the counter and accepting
    new connection:
    - max_user_connections = 2;
    - 2 oridinary user connections accepted;
    - extra user connection is establishing;
    - server checked user credentials, and sent 'Too many connections'
    - the client receives the error and establishes extra SUPER user
    - the server however didn't decrease the counter (the extra
      user connection still is "alive" in the server) -- so, the new
      SUPER-user connection, will be dropped, because it exceeds
      (max_user_connections + 1).

The fix is to implement "safe connect", which makes several attempts
to connect and use it in the test script.

  Update test file.
  Avoid races in connect.test.
  Auxiliary routine to establish a connection reliably.
parent 30d644f8
# include/
# Make several attempts to connect.
# connect.test
let $wait_counter= 300;
if ($wait_timeout)
let $wait_counter= `SELECT $wait_timeout * 10`;
# Reset $wait_timeout so that its value won't be used on subsequent
# calls, and default will be used instead.
let $wait_timeout= 0;
--echo # -- Establishing connection '$con_name' (user: $con_user_name)...
while ($wait_counter)
--connect ($con_name,localhost,$con_user_name)
let $error = $mysql_errno;
if (!$error)
let $wait_counter= 0;
if ($error)
real_sleep 0.1;
dec $wait_counter;
if ($error)
--echo # -- Error: can not establish connection '$con_name'.
if (!$error)
--echo # -- Connection '$con_name' has been established.
......@@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO mysqltest_u1@localhost;
SET GLOBAL max_connections = 3;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
# -- Waiting for old connections to close...
# -- Waiting for Event Scheduler to start...
# -- Disconnecting default connection...
......@@ -136,22 +135,33 @@ SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
# -- many threads are running.
# -- Connecting (1)...
# -- Waiting for root connection to close...
# -- Establishing connection 'con_1' (user: mysqltest_u1)...
# -- Connection 'con_1' has been established.
# -- Connecting (2)...
# -- Establishing connection 'con_2' (user: mysqltest_u1)...
# -- Connection 'con_2' has been established.
# -- Connecting (3)...
# -- Connecting (4)...
ERROR 08004: Too many connections
# -- Establishing connection 'con_3' (user: mysqltest_u1)...
# -- Connection 'con_3' has been established.
# -- Waiting for the last connection to close...
# -- Connecting (4) [should fail]...
# -- Establishing connection 'con_4' (user: mysqltest_u1)...
# -- Error: can not establish connection 'con_4'.
# -- Check that we allow one extra SUPER-user connection.
# -- Connecting super (1)...
# -- Connecting super (2)...
ERROR HY000: Too many connections
# -- Establishing connection 'con_super_1' (user: root)...
# -- Connection 'con_super_1' has been established.
# -- Connecting super (2) [should fail]...
# -- Establishing connection 'con_super_2' (user: root)...
# -- Error: can not establish connection 'con_super_2'.
# -- Ensure that we have Event Scheduler thread, 3 ordinary user
# -- connections and one extra super-user connection.
SELECT user FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY id;
......@@ -165,6 +175,7 @@ SET GLOBAL max_connections = 151;
# -- Stopping Event Scheduler...
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = OFF;
# -- Waiting for Event Scheduler to stop...
# -- That's it. Closing connections...
......@@ -114,106 +114,94 @@ drop table t1;
--echo # -- End of 4.1 tests
--echo # ------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo # -- Bug#33507: Event scheduler creates more threads than max_connections
--echo # -- which results in user lockout.
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO mysqltest_u1@localhost;
# NOTE: if the test case fails sporadically due to spurious connections,
# consider disabling all users.
let $saved_max_connections = `SELECT @@global.max_connections`;
SET GLOBAL max_connections = 3;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
--echo # -- Waiting for old connections to close...
let $wait_condition =
FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE db = 'test';
--source include/
--echo # -- Waiting for Event Scheduler to start...
let $wait_condition =
FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE user = 'event_scheduler';
--source include/
--echo # -- Disconnecting default connection...
--disconnect default
--echo # -- Check that we allow exactly three user connections, no matter how
--echo # -- many threads are running.
--echo # -- Connecting (1)...
--connect (con_1,localhost,mysqltest_u1)
let $con_name = con_1;
let $con_user_name = mysqltest_u1;
--source include/
--echo # -- Waiting for root connection to close...
let $wait_condition =
FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE db = 'test';
--source include/
--echo # -- Connecting (2)...
--connect (con_2,localhost,mysqltest_u1)
let $con_name = con_2;
let $con_user_name = mysqltest_u1;
--source include/
--echo # -- Connecting (3)...
--connect (con_3,localhost,mysqltest_u1)
--echo # -- Connecting (4)...
--connect (con_4,localhost,mysqltest_u1)
let $con_name = con_3;
let $con_user_name = mysqltest_u1;
--source include/
--echo # -- Waiting for the last connection to close...
let $wait_condition =
FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE db = 'test';
--source include/
--echo # -- Connecting (4) [should fail]...
let $con_name = con_4;
let $con_user_name = mysqltest_u1;
let $wait_timeout = 5;
--source include/
--echo # -- Check that we allow one extra SUPER-user connection.
--echo # -- Connecting super (1)...
--connect (con_super_1,localhost,root)
let $con_name = con_super_1;
let $con_user_name = root;
--source include/
--echo # -- Connecting super (2)...
--connect (con_super_2,localhost,root)
--echo # -- Connecting super (2) [should fail]...
let $con_name = con_super_2;
let $con_user_name = root;
let $wait_timeout = 5;
--source include/
# Ensure that we have Event Scheduler thread, 3 ordinary user connections and
# one extra super-user connection.
--echo # -- Ensure that we have Event Scheduler thread, 3 ordinary user
--echo # -- connections and one extra super-user connection.
SELECT user FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY id;
--echo # -- Resetting variables...
--eval SET GLOBAL max_connections = $saved_max_connections
--echo # -- Stopping Event Scheduler...
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = OFF;
--echo # -- Waiting for Event Scheduler to stop...
let $wait_condition =
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