Commit d43e0618 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

added example of mgmapi usage

moved get_configuration to doxygen internal since the "iterators" are not documented
parent 2ac2870a
......@@ -47,6 +47,23 @@
* Error conditions can be identified by using the appropriate
* error-reporting functions ndb_mgm_get_latest_error() and
* @ref ndb_mgm_error.
* Below is an example of usage (without error handling for brevity).
* @code
* NdbMgmHandle handle= ndb_mgm_create_handle();
* ndb_mgm_connect(handle,0,0,0);
* struct ndb_mgm_cluster_state *state= ndb_mgm_get_status(handle);
* for(int i=0; i < state->no_of_nodes; i++)
* {
* printf("node with id=%d ", state->node_states[i].node_id);
* if(state->node_states[i].version != 0)
* printf("connected\n");
* else
* printf("not connected\n");
* }
* free((void*)state);
* ndb_mgm_destroy_handle(&handle);
* @endcode
/** @addtogroup MGM_C_API
......@@ -215,6 +232,9 @@ extern "C" {
* Sub-structure in enum ndb_mgm_cluster_state
* returned by ndb_mgm_get_status()
* @note @ref node_status, @ref start_phase, @ref dynamic_id
* and @ref node_group are only relevant for database nodes
struct ndb_mgm_node_state {
/** NDB Cluster node id*/
......@@ -873,6 +893,7 @@ extern "C" {
int ndb_mgm_exit_single_user(NdbMgmHandle handle,
struct ndb_mgm_reply* reply);
/** @} *********************************************************************/
* @name Configuration handling
......@@ -893,7 +914,6 @@ extern "C" {
unsigned version);
void ndb_mgm_destroy_configuration(struct ndb_mgm_configuration *);
int ndb_mgm_alloc_nodeid(NdbMgmHandle handle,
unsigned version, int nodetype);
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