Commit e32efc01 authored by Igor Babaev's avatar Igor Babaev


parents 92f2392e 84a0c9b2
......@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition; Using where
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BNLH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -2411,7 +2411,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKAH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -2722,7 +2722,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition; Using where
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -2936,7 +2936,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BNLH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BNLH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -3150,7 +3150,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -3364,7 +3364,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -3578,7 +3578,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -3792,7 +3792,7 @@ CountryLanguage.Percentage > 50;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE CountryLanguage ALL PRIMARY,Percentage NULL NULL NULL 984 Using where
1 SIMPLE Country eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.Country.Code 18 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKAH join)
1 SIMPLE City ref Country Country 3 world.CountryLanguage.Country 18 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKAH join)
SELECT City.Name, Country.Name, CountryLanguage.Language
FROM City,Country,CountryLanguage
WHERE City.Country=Country.Code AND
......@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.package_id 1
1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY,id PRIMARY 2 test.t1.carrier 1 Using where
1 SIMPLE t5 ref carrier_id carrier_id 5 22 Using index
1 SIMPLE t3 ref package_id package_id 5 1 Using where; Using index
1 SIMPLE t3 ref package_id package_id 5 test.t2.package_id 1 Using index
FROM ((t2 JOIN t1 ON t2.package_id =
JOIN t3 ON t3.package_id =
......@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.package_id 1 Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY,id PRIMARY 2 test.t1.carrier 1 Using where
1 SIMPLE t5 ref carrier_id carrier_id 5 22 Using index
1 SIMPLE t3 ref package_id package_id 5 1 Using where; Using index
1 SIMPLE t3 ref package_id package_id 5 test.t2.package_id 1 Using index
FROM ((t2 JOIN t1 ON t2.package_id =
JOIN t3 ON t3.package_id =
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ table3.col_varchar_key = table2.col_varchar_nokey AND<>0;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE table2 ALL col_varchar_key NULL NULL NULL 20 Using where
1 SIMPLE table3 ref PRIMARY,col_varchar_key col_varchar_key 3 test.table2.col_varchar_key 3 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE table3 ref PRIMARY,col_varchar_key col_varchar_key 3 test.table2.col_varchar_key 3 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
set join_cache_level= @save_join_cache_level;
set join_buffer_size= @save_join_buffer_size;
drop table t1;
......@@ -4383,7 +4383,7 @@ EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT a, b FROM t1 WHERE a > 1 AND b = a LIMIT 2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 3 100.00 Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`b`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`b` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
# Bug#47019: Assertion failed: 0, file .\rt_mbr.c, line 138 when
......@@ -4875,4 +4875,106 @@ f1 f1 f1 f1 f2 f1 f1
SET SESSION join_buffer_size = DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
# Bug #698882: best equality substitution not applied to ref
CREATE TABLE t1 (a1 int NOT NULL, b1 char(10), INDEX idx (a1));
CREATE TABLE t2 (a2 int NOT NULL, b2 char(10), INDEX idx (a2));
CREATE TABLE t3 (a3 int NOT NULL, b3 char(10), INDEX idx (a3));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'xx'), (1,'xxx'), (11,'xxxxxxx');
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'y'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'y'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy'),
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'yy'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yyyyyyyy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'yyy'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy');
(9,'zzzzzzz'), (2,'zzzzz'), (1,'z'), (9,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'),
(4,'zz'), (3,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'), (3,'zz'), (4,'zzzz'), (3,'z'),
(9,'zzzzzzzz'), (2,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zzzzz'), (3,'zz'),
(9,'zzzzzz'), (2,'zzzz'), (1,'zzz'), (9,'z'), (1,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'),
(4,'z'), (3,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzz'), (3,'z'), (4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'),
(9,'zzzzz'), (2,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zz'), (3,'zzzzz');
SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
EXPLAIN SELECT * from t1,t2,t3 WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
SELECT * from t1,t2,t3
WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -4390,7 +4390,7 @@ EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT a, b FROM t1 WHERE a > 1 AND b = a LIMIT 2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 3 100.00 Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`b`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`b` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
# Bug#47019: Assertion failed: 0, file .\rt_mbr.c, line 138 when
......@@ -4882,6 +4882,108 @@ f1 f1 f1 f1 f2 f1 f1
SET SESSION join_buffer_size = DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
# Bug #698882: best equality substitution not applied to ref
CREATE TABLE t1 (a1 int NOT NULL, b1 char(10), INDEX idx (a1));
CREATE TABLE t2 (a2 int NOT NULL, b2 char(10), INDEX idx (a2));
CREATE TABLE t3 (a3 int NOT NULL, b3 char(10), INDEX idx (a3));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'xx'), (1,'xxx'), (11,'xxxxxxx');
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'y'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'y'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy'),
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'yy'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yyyyyyyy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'yyy'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy');
(9,'zzzzzzz'), (2,'zzzzz'), (1,'z'), (9,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'),
(4,'zz'), (3,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'), (3,'zz'), (4,'zzzz'), (3,'z'),
(9,'zzzzzzzz'), (2,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zzzzz'), (3,'zz'),
(9,'zzzzzz'), (2,'zzzz'), (1,'zzz'), (9,'z'), (1,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'),
(4,'z'), (3,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzz'), (3,'z'), (4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'),
(9,'zzzzz'), (2,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zz'), (3,'zzzzz');
SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
EXPLAIN SELECT * from t1,t2,t3 WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2 Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5 Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2 Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5 Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2 Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5 Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
SELECT * from t1,t2,t3
WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
End of 5.1 tests
set join_cache_level=default;
show variables like 'join_cache_level';
......@@ -4383,7 +4383,7 @@ EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT a, b FROM t1 WHERE a > 1 AND b = a LIMIT 2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 3 100.00 Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`b`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`b` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` > 1)) limit 2
# Bug#47019: Assertion failed: 0, file .\rt_mbr.c, line 138 when
......@@ -4875,4 +4875,106 @@ f1 f1 f1 f1 f2 f1 f1
SET SESSION join_buffer_size = DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
# Bug #698882: best equality substitution not applied to ref
CREATE TABLE t1 (a1 int NOT NULL, b1 char(10), INDEX idx (a1));
CREATE TABLE t2 (a2 int NOT NULL, b2 char(10), INDEX idx (a2));
CREATE TABLE t3 (a3 int NOT NULL, b3 char(10), INDEX idx (a3));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'xx'), (1,'xxx'), (11,'xxxxxxx');
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'y'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'y'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy'),
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'yy'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yyyyyyyy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'yyy'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy');
(9,'zzzzzzz'), (2,'zzzzz'), (1,'z'), (9,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'),
(4,'zz'), (3,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'), (3,'zz'), (4,'zzzz'), (3,'z'),
(9,'zzzzzzzz'), (2,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zzzzz'), (3,'zz'),
(9,'zzzzzz'), (2,'zzzz'), (1,'zzz'), (9,'z'), (1,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'),
(4,'z'), (3,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzz'), (3,'z'), (4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'),
(9,'zzzzz'), (2,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zz'), (3,'zzzzz');
SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
EXPLAIN SELECT * from t1,t2,t3 WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 2
1 SIMPLE t3 ref idx idx 4 test.t1.a1 5
SELECT * from t1,t2,t3
WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
2 xx 2 y 2 zz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzzz
2 xx 2 y 2 zzz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zz
2 xx 2 yy 2 zzz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 zz
1 xxx 1 yy 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 zzz
1 xxx 1 y 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
1 xxx 1 yyy 1 z
SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 PRIMARY subselect2 eq_ref unique_key unique_key 8 func 1 1.00
2 SUBQUERY t1 ALL varchar_key NULL NULL NULL 15 100.00 Using where
Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`varchar_nokey` AS `varchar_nokey` from `test`.`t2` semi join (`test`.`t1`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` = `test`.`t1`.`varchar_key`) and ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` < 'n') xor `test`.`t1`.`pk`))
Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`varchar_nokey` AS `varchar_nokey` from `test`.`t2` semi join (`test`.`t1`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` = `test`.`t1`.`varchar_key`) and ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_key` < 'n') xor `test`.`t1`.`pk`))
SELECT varchar_nokey
WHERE ( `varchar_nokey` , `varchar_nokey` ) IN (
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ t2.Population > 100000);
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 PRIMARY t1 range Population,Country Population 4 NULL 1 Using index condition; Using MRR
1 PRIMARY t3 eq_ref PRIMARY,Percentage PRIMARY 33 test.t1.Country,const 1 Using index condition; Using where
1 PRIMARY t2 eq_ref PRIMARY,Population PRIMARY 3 test.t3.Country 1 Using index condition; Using where
1 PRIMARY t2 eq_ref PRIMARY,Population PRIMARY 3 test.t1.Country 1 Using where
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
Code char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ t2.Population > 100000);
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 PRIMARY t1 range Population,Country Population 4 NULL 1 Using index condition; Using MRR
1 PRIMARY t3 eq_ref PRIMARY,Percentage PRIMARY 33 test.t1.Country,const 1 Using index condition; Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BKA join)
1 PRIMARY t2 eq_ref PRIMARY,Population PRIMARY 3 test.t3.Country 1 Using index condition(BKA); Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
1 PRIMARY t2 eq_ref PRIMARY,Population PRIMARY 3 test.t1.Country 1 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BKA join)
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
Code char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
......@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 PRIMARY subselect2 eq_ref unique_key unique_key 8 func 1 1.00
2 SUBQUERY t1 ALL varchar_key NULL NULL NULL 15 100.00 Using where
Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`varchar_nokey` AS `varchar_nokey` from `test`.`t2` semi join (`test`.`t1`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` = `test`.`t1`.`varchar_key`) and ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` < 'n') xor `test`.`t1`.`pk`))
Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`varchar_nokey` AS `varchar_nokey` from `test`.`t2` semi join (`test`.`t1`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_nokey` = `test`.`t1`.`varchar_key`) and ((`test`.`t1`.`varchar_key` < 'n') xor `test`.`t1`.`pk`))
SELECT varchar_nokey
WHERE ( `varchar_nokey` , `varchar_nokey` ) IN (
......@@ -4121,4 +4121,47 @@ SET SESSION join_buffer_size = DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
--echo #
--echo # Bug #698882: best equality substitution not applied to ref
--echo #
CREATE TABLE t1 (a1 int NOT NULL, b1 char(10), INDEX idx (a1));
CREATE TABLE t2 (a2 int NOT NULL, b2 char(10), INDEX idx (a2));
CREATE TABLE t3 (a3 int NOT NULL, b3 char(10), INDEX idx (a3));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'xx'), (1,'xxx'), (11,'xxxxxxx');
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'y'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'y'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy'),
(7,'yyyy'), (2,'yy'), (3,'yyy'), (1,'yyyyyyyy'), (1,'yyyyy'),
(3,'yy'), (1,'yyy'), (4,'yyy'), (7,'y'), (4,'yyyyy'), (7,'yyy');
(9,'zzzzzzz'), (2,'zzzzz'), (1,'z'), (9,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'),
(4,'zz'), (3,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'), (3,'zz'), (4,'zzzz'), (3,'z'),
(9,'zzzzzzzz'), (2,'zz'), (1,'zz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zz'), (5,'zzzzzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zzzzz'), (3,'zz'),
(9,'zzzzzz'), (2,'zzzz'), (1,'zzz'), (9,'z'), (1,'z'), (5,'zzzzzz'),
(4,'z'), (3,'zzz'), (5,'zzzzz'), (3,'z'), (4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'),
(9,'zzzzz'), (2,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (9,'zzz'), (1,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzzz'),
(4,'zzz'), (3,'zzzz'), (5,'zzzz'), (3,'zzz'), (4,'zz'), (3,'zzzzz');
SET SESSION optimizer_switch='index_condition_pushdown=off';
EXPLAIN SELECT * from t1,t2,t3 WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1;
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1;
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2;
SELECT * from t1,t2,t3
WHERE t3.a3=t1.a1 AND t2.a2=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t1.a1 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3
WHERE t2.a2=t1.a1 AND t3.a3=t2.a2 AND
LENGTH(CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.b1,t2.b2),t3.b3)) <= 7;
SET SESSION optimizer_switch=DEFAULT;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
--echo End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -4814,7 +4814,8 @@ bool Item_field::set_no_const_sub(uchar *arg)
Replace an Item_field for an equal Item_field that evaluated earlier
(if any).
The function returns a pointer to an item that is taken from
If this->item_equal points to some item and coincides with arg then
the function returns a pointer to an item that is taken from
the very beginning of the item_equal list which the Item_field
object refers to (belongs to) unless item_equal contains a constant
item. In this case the function returns this constant item,
......@@ -4822,7 +4823,7 @@ bool Item_field::set_no_const_sub(uchar *arg)
If the Item_field object does not refer any Item_equal object
'this' is returned .
@param arg a dummy parameter, is not used here
@param arg NULL or points to so some item of the Item_equal type
......@@ -4837,7 +4838,7 @@ bool Item_field::set_no_const_sub(uchar *arg)
Item *Item_field::replace_equal_field(uchar *arg)
if (item_equal)
if (item_equal && item_equal == (Item_equal *) arg)
Item *const_item= item_equal->get_const();
if (const_item)
......@@ -4848,7 +4849,7 @@ Item *Item_field::replace_equal_field(uchar *arg)
return const_item;
Item_field *subst= item_equal->get_first(this);
if (subst && field->table != subst->field->table && !field->eq(subst->field))
if (subst && !field->eq(subst->field))
return subst;
return this;
......@@ -5521,6 +5521,7 @@ Item_equal::Item_equal(Item_field *f1, Item_field *f2)
const_item_cache= 0;
f1->item_equal= f2->item_equal= this;
Item_equal::Item_equal(Item *c, Item_field *f)
......@@ -5598,6 +5599,7 @@ void Item_equal::add(Item *c)
void Item_equal::add(Item_field *f)
f->item_equal= this;
uint Item_equal::members()
......@@ -5668,7 +5670,7 @@ void Item_equal::merge(Item_equal *item)
If cmp(item_field1,item_field2,arg)<0 than item_field1 must be
placed after item_fiel2.
The function sorts field items by the exchange sort algorithm.
The function sorts field items by the bubble sort algorithm.
The list of field items is looked through and whenever two neighboring
members follow in a wrong order they are swapped. This is performed
again and again until we get all members in a right order.
......@@ -5679,7 +5681,7 @@ void Item_equal::merge(Item_equal *item)
void Item_equal::sort(Item_field_cmpfunc compare, void *arg)
exchange_sort<Item_field>(&fields, compare, arg);
bubble_sort<Item_field>(&fields, compare, arg);
......@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ void build_eq_mods_for_cond(Dep_analysis_context *ctx,
if (fvl->elements)
exchange_sort<Dep_value_field>(fvl, compare_field_values, NULL);
bubble_sort<Dep_value_field>(fvl, compare_field_values, NULL);
add_module_expr(ctx, eq_mod, *and_level, NULL, bound_item, fvl);
......@@ -515,36 +515,40 @@ public:
Exchange sort algorithm for List<T>.
Bubble sort algorithm for List<T>.
This sort function is supposed to be used only for very short list.
Currently it is used for the lists of Item_equal objects and
for some lists in the table elimination algorithms. In both
cases the sorted lists are very short.
template <class T>
inline void exchange_sort(List<T> *list_to_sort,
int (*sort_func)(T *a, T *b, void *arg), void *arg)
inline void bubble_sort(List<T> *list_to_sort,
int (*sort_func)(T *a, T *b, void *arg), void *arg)
bool swap;
T **ref1= 0;
T **ref2= 0;
List_iterator<T> it(*list_to_sort);
T **last_ref= ref1;
T *item1= it++;
T **ref1= it.ref();
ref1= it.ref();
T *item2;
swap= FALSE;
while ((item2= it++))
while ((item2= it++) && (ref2= it.ref()) != last_ref)
T **ref2= it.ref();
if (sort_func(item1, item2, arg) < 0)
T *item= *ref1;
*ref1= *ref2;
*ref2= item;
*ref1= item2;
*ref2= item1;
swap= TRUE;
item1= item2;
ref1= ref2;
ref1= ref2;
} while (swap);
......@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ JOIN::optimize()
Permorm the the optimization on fields evaluation mentioned above
Perform the optimization on fields evaluation mentioned above
for all on expressions.
for (JOIN_TAB *tab= join_tab + const_tables; tab < join_tab + tables ; tab++)
......@@ -1048,8 +1048,38 @@ JOIN::optimize()
Perform the optimization on fields evaliation mentioned above
for all used ref items.
for (JOIN_TAB *tab= join_tab + const_tables; tab < join_tab + tables; tab++)
for (uint i=0; i < tab->ref.key_parts; i++)
Item **ref_item_ptr= tab->ref.items+i;
Item *ref_item= *ref_item_ptr;
COND_EQUAL *equals= tab->first_inner ? tab->first_inner->cond_equal :
ref_item= substitute_for_best_equal_field(ref_item, equals, map2table);
if (*ref_item_ptr != ref_item)
*ref_item_ptr= ref_item;
Item *item= ref_item->real_item();
if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM)
store_key_field *key_copy= (store_key_field *) tab->ref.key_copy[i];
key_copy->change_source_field((Item_field *) item);
if (conds && const_table_map != found_const_table_map &&
(select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE))
......@@ -9508,10 +9538,14 @@ static COND *build_equal_items(THD *thd, COND *cond,
Compare field items by table order in the execution plan.
If field1 and field2 belong to different tables then
field1 considered as better than field2 if the table containing
field1 is accessed earlier than the table containing field2.
The function finds out what of two fields is better according
this criteria.
If field1 and field2 belong to the same table then the result
of comparison depends on whether the fields are parts of
the key that are used to access this table.
@param field1 first field item to compare
@param field2 second field item to compare
......@@ -9526,8 +9560,8 @@ static COND *build_equal_items(THD *thd, COND *cond,
static int compare_fields_by_table_order(Item_field *field1,
Item_field *field2,
void *table_join_idx)
Item_field *field2,
void *table_join_idx)
int cmp= 0;
bool outer_ref= 0;
......@@ -9536,7 +9570,7 @@ static int compare_fields_by_table_order(Item_field *field1,
outer_ref= 1;
cmp= -1;
if (field2->used_tables() & OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)
if (field1->used_tables() & OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)
outer_ref= 1;
......@@ -9545,6 +9579,42 @@ static int compare_fields_by_table_order(Item_field *field1,
return cmp;
JOIN_TAB **idx= (JOIN_TAB **) table_join_idx;
cmp= idx[field2->field->table->tablenr]-idx[field1->field->table->tablenr];
if (!cmp)
JOIN_TAB *tab= idx[field1->field->table->tablenr];
uint keyno= MAX_KEY;
if (tab->ref.key_parts)
keyno= tab->ref.key;
else if (tab->select && tab->select->quick)
keyno = tab->select->quick->index;
if (keyno != MAX_KEY)
if (field2->field->part_of_key.is_set(keyno))
cmp= -1;
if (field1->field->part_of_key.is_set(keyno))
if (!cmp)
KEY *key_info= tab->table->key_info + keyno;
for (uint i= 0; i < key_info->key_parts; i++)
Field *fld= key_info->key_part[i].field;
if (fld->eq(field2->field))
cmp= -1;
if (fld->eq(field1->field))
cmp= 1;
cmp= field2->field->field_index-field1->field->field_index;
return cmp < 0 ? -1 : (cmp ? 1 : 0);
......@@ -9833,8 +9903,14 @@ static COND* substitute_for_best_equal_field(COND *cond,
cond= eliminate_item_equal(0, cond_equal, item_equal);
return cond ? cond : org_cond;
cond->transform(&Item::replace_equal_field, 0);
else if (cond_equal)
List_iterator_fast<Item_equal> it(cond_equal->current_level);
while((item_equal= it++))
cond= cond->transform(&Item::replace_equal_field, (uchar *) item_equal);
return cond;
......@@ -1071,6 +1071,12 @@ class store_key_field: public store_key
const char *name() const { return field_name; }
void change_source_field(Item_field *fld_item)
copy_field.set(to_field, fld_item->field, 0);
field_name= fld_item->full_name();
enum store_key_result copy_inner()
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