Commit e74bf079 authored by Sergei Petrunia's avatar Sergei Petrunia

Better comments

parent f5d84542
......@@ -25224,15 +25224,18 @@ uint get_index_for_order(ORDER *order, TABLE *table, SQL_SELECT *select,
return MAX_KEY;
Count how much times conditions are true for several first rows of the table
Count how many times the specified conditions are true for first rows_to_read
rows of the table.
@param thd thread handle
@param rows_to_read how much rows to check
@param table table which should be checked
@conds conds list of conditions and countars for them
@param thd Thread handle
@param rows_to_read How many rows to sample
@param table Table to use
@conds conds INOUT List of conditions and counters for them
@return number of really checked rows or 0 in case of error or empty table
@return Number of we've checked. It can be equal or less than rows_to_read.
0 is returned for error or when the table had no rows.
ulong check_selectivity(THD *thd,
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