Commit f1b4b23b authored by Aleksandr Kuzminsky's avatar Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Fixed typo in percona-sql.spec

parent 539a8d49
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
# xtradbversion - The XtraDB release, eg. 6
%define mysql_vendor Percona, Inc
%{!?redhatversion:%define redhatversion 5}
%{!?community:%define community 1}
%{!?mysqlversion :%define mysqlversion 5.1.45}
%{!?pluginversion:%define pluginversion 1.0.6}
%{!?xtradbversion:%define xtradbversion 10}
%define redhatversion 5
%define community 1
%define mysqlversion 5.1.45
%define pluginversion 1.0.6
%define xtradbversion 10
%define distribution rhel%{redhatversion}
%define release %{xtradbversion}.%{distribution}
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