Commit f4426090 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

new file_id generation method

  fixed result for new file_id generating method
  Added vio/viotest-ssl to the ignore list
  use a different method to generate unique file_id
  new file_id generationg method
  new file_id generationg method
parent 7b145930
......@@ -375,3 +375,4 @@ support-files/mysql.server
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ master-bin.001 172 Intvar 1 3 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.001 200 Query 1 4 use test; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.001 263 Query 1 5 use test; drop table t1
master-bin.001 311 Query 1 6 use test; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.001 386 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=11;block_len=81
master-bin.001 554 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=11
master-bin.001 386 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=81
master-bin.001 554 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=1
master-bin.001 577 Query 1 9 use test; drop table t1
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Log_seq Info
master-bin.001 79 Query 1 2 use test; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ master-bin.001 172 Intvar 1 3 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.001 200 Query 1 4 use test; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.001 263 Query 1 5 use test; drop table t1
master-bin.001 311 Query 1 6 use test; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.001 386 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=11;block_len=81
master-bin.001 554 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=11
master-bin.001 386 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=81
master-bin.001 554 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=1
master-bin.001 577 Query 1 9 use test; drop table t1
master-bin.001 625 Rotate 1 10 master-bin.002;pos=4
master-bin.001 666 Stop 1 11
......@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ slave-bin.001 225 Intvar 1 3 INSERT_ID=1
slave-bin.001 253 Query 1 4 use test; insert into t1 values (NULL)
slave-bin.001 316 Query 1 5 use test; drop table t1
slave-bin.001 364 Query 1 6 use test; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
slave-bin.001 439 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=11;block_len=81
slave-bin.001 647 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=11
slave-bin.001 670 Query 1 9 use test; drop table t1
slave-bin.001 718 Rotate 1 4 slave-bin.002;pos=4; forced by master
slave-bin.001 758 Stop 2 5
slave-bin.001 439 Create_file 1 7 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=81
slave-bin.001 646 Exec_load 1 8 ;file_id=1
slave-bin.001 669 Query 1 9 use test; drop table t1
slave-bin.001 717 Rotate 1 4 slave-bin.002;pos=4; forced by master
slave-bin.001 757 Stop 2 5
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Log_seq Info
slave-bin.002 4 Start 2 1 Server ver: $VERSION, Binlog ver: 2
slave-bin.002 79 Slave 2 10 host=,port=$MASTER_MYPORT,log=master-bin.002,pos=4
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static int find_uniq_filename(char *name)
MYSQL_LOG::MYSQL_LOG(): last_time(0), query_start(0),index_file(-1),
name(0), log_type(LOG_CLOSED),write_error(0),
inited(0), log_seq(1), no_rotate(0)
inited(0), log_seq(1), file_id(1),no_rotate(0)
We don't want to intialize LOCK_Log here as the thread system may
......@@ -724,6 +724,15 @@ err:
return error;
uint MYSQL_LOG::next_file_id()
uint res;
res = file_id++;
return res;
Write a cached log entry to the binary log
We only come here if there is something in the cache.
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ static void pretty_print_char(FILE* file, int c)
static void pretty_print_char(String* packet, int c)
......@@ -1106,7 +1107,7 @@ Create_file_log_event::Create_file_log_event(THD* thd_arg, sql_exchange* ex,
char* block_arg, uint block_len_arg):
file_id(thd_arg->file_id = thd_arg->query_id)
file_id(thd_arg->file_id = mysql_bin_log.next_file_id())
......@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ class MYSQL_LOG {
bool write_error,inited;
uint32 log_seq; // current event sequence number
// needed this for binlog
uint file_id; // current file sequence number for load data infile
// binary logging
bool no_rotate; // for binlog - if log name can never change
// we should not try to rotate it or write any rotation events
// the user should use FLUSH MASTER instead of FLUSH LOGS for
......@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ public:
int find_first_log(LOG_INFO* linfo, const char* log_name);
int find_next_log(LOG_INFO* linfo);
int get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo);
uint next_file_id();
inline bool is_open() { return log_type != LOG_CLOSED; }
char* get_index_fname() { return index_file_name;}
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