1. 16 May, 2012 6 commits
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
    • Annamalai Gurusami's avatar
      Merge from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5. · 0de21532
      Annamalai Gurusami authored
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug #13955256: KEYCACHE CRASHES, CORRUPTIONS/HANGS WITH, · db2ad645
      Venkata Sidagam authored
      Problem Statement:
      1) Create a table with FT index.
      2) Enable concurrent inserts.
      3) In multiple threads do below operations repeatedly
         a) truncate table
         b) insert into table ....
         c) select ... match .. against .. non-boolean/boolean mode
      After some time we could observe two different assert core dumps
      1)assert core dump at key_read_cache():
      Two select threads operating in-parallel on same key 
      root block.
      1st select thread block->status is set to BLOCK_ERROR 
      because the my_pread() in read_block() is returning '0'. 
      Truncate table made the index file size as 1024 and pread 
      was asked to get the block of count bytes(1024 bytes) 
      from offset of 1024 which it cannot read since its 
      "end of file" and retuning '0' setting 
      "my_errno= HA_ERR_FILE_TOO_SHORT" and the key_file_length, 
      key_root[0] is same i.e. 1024. Since block status has BLOCK_ERROR 
      the 1st select thread enter into the free_block() and will 
      be under wait on conditional mutex by making status as 
      BLOCK_REASSIGNED and goes for wait_on_readers(). Other select 
      thread will also work on the same block and sees the status as 
      BLOCK_ERROR and enters into free_block(), checks for BLOCK_REASSIGNED 
      and asserting the server.
      2)assert core dump at key_write_cache():
      One select thread and One insert thread.
      Select thread gets the unlocks the 'keycache->cache_lock', 
      which allows other threads to continue and gets the pread() 
      return value as'0'(please see the explanation above) and 
      tries to get the lock on 'keycache->cache_lock' and waits 
      there for the lock.
      Insert thread requests for the block, block will be assigned 
      from the hash list and makes the page_status as 
      'PAGE_WAIT_TO_BE_READ' and goes for the read_block(), waits 
      in the queue since there are some other threads performing 
      reads on the same block.
      Select thread which was waiting for the 'keycache->cache_lock' 
      mutex in the read_block() will continue after getting the my_pread() 
      value as '0' and sets the block status as BLOCK_ERROR and goes to 
      the free_block() and go to the wait_for_readers().
      Now the insert thread will awake and continues. and checks 
      block->status as not BLOCK_READ and it asserts.  
      In the full text code, multiple readers of index file is not guarded. 
      Hence added below below code in _ft2_search() and walk_and_match().
      to lock the key_root I have used below code in _ft2_search()
       if (info->s->concurrent_insert)
      and to unlock 
       if (info->s->concurrent_insert)
    • Olav Sandstaa's avatar
      Fix for Bug#12667154 SAME QUERY EXEC AS WHERE SUBQ GIVES DIFFERENT · 1e696622
      Olav Sandstaa authored
                           RESULTS ON IN() & NOT IN() COMP #3
      This bug causes a wrong result in mysql-trunk when ICP is used
      and bad performance in mysql-5.5 and mysql-trunk.
      Using the query from bug report to explain what happens and causes
      the wrong result from the query when ICP is enabled:
      1. The t3 table contains four records. The outer query will read
         these and for each of these it will execute the subquery.
      2. Before the first execution of the subquery it will be optimized. In
         this case the important is what happens to the first table t1:
         -make_join_select() will call the range optimizer which decides
          that t1 should be accessed using a range scan on the k1 index
          It creates a QUICK_RANGE_SELECT object for this.
         -As the last part of optimization the ICP code pushes the
          condition down to the storage engine for table t1 on the k1 index.
         This produces the following information in the explain for this table:
           2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t1 range k1 k1 5 NULL 3 Using index condition; Using filesort
         Note the use of filesort.
      3. The first execution of the subquery does (among other things) due
         to the need for sorting:
         a. Call create_sort_index() which again will call find_all_keys():
         b. find_all_keys() will read the required keys for all qualifying
            rows from the storage engine. To do this it checks if it has a
            quick-select for the table. It will use the quick-select for
            reading records. In this case it will read four records from the
            storage engine (based on the range criteria). The storage engine
            will evaluate the pushed index condition for each record.
         c. At the end of create_sort_index() there is code that cleans up a
            lot of stuff on the join tab. One of the things that is cleaned
            is the select object. The result of this is that the
            quick-select object created in make_join_select is deleted.
      4. The second execution of the subquery does the same as the first but
         the result is different:
         a. Call create_sort_index() which again will call find_all_keys()
            (same as for the first execution)
         b. find_all_keys() will read the keys from the storage engine. To
            do this it checks if it has a quick-select for the table. Now
            there is NO quick-select object(!) (since it was deleted in
            step 3c). So find_all_keys defaults to read the table using a
            table scan instead. So instead of reading the four relevant records
            in the range it reads the entire table (6 records). It then
            evaluates the table's condition (and here it goes wrong). Since
            the entire condition has been pushed down to the storage engine
            using ICP all 6 records qualify. (Note that the storage engine
            will not evaluate the pushed index condition in this case since
            it was pushed for the k1 index and now we do a table scan
            without any index being used).
            The result is that here we return six qualifying key values
            instead of four due to not evaluating the table's condition.
         c. As above.
      5. The two last execution of the subquery will also produce wrong results
         for the same reason.
      Summary: The problem occurs due to all but the first executions of the
      subquery is done as a table scan without evaluating the table's
      condition (which is pushed to the storage engine on a different
      index). This is caused by the create_sort_index() function deleting
      the quick-select object that should have been used for executing the
      subquery as a range scan.
      Note that this bug in addition to causing wrong results also can
      result in bad performance due to executing the subquery using a table
      scan instead of a range scan. This is an issue in MySQL 5.5.
      The fix for this problem is to avoid that the Quick-select-object that
      the optimizer created is deleted when create_sort_index() is doing
      clean-up of the join-tab. This will ensure that the quick-select
      object and the corresponding pushed index condition will be available
      and used by all following executions of the subquery.
    • mysql-builder@oracle.com's avatar
      No commit message · 43809590
      mysql-builder@oracle.com authored
      No commit message
    • Annamalai Gurusami's avatar
      Bug #12752572 61579: REPLICATION FAILURE WHILE · f23215ee
      Annamalai Gurusami authored
      When an insert stmt like "insert into t values (1),(2),(3)" is
      executed, the autoincrement values assigned to these three rows are
      expected to be contiguous.  In the given lock mode
      (innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1), the auto inc lock will be released
      before the end of the statement.  So to make the autoincrement
      contiguous for a given statement, we need to reserve the auto inc
      values at the beginning of the statement.  
      rb://1074 approved by Alexander Nozdrin
  2. 15 May, 2012 8 commits
  3. 14 May, 2012 1 commit
  4. 10 May, 2012 2 commits
    • Annamalai Gurusami's avatar
    • Annamalai Gurusami's avatar
      Bug #14007649 65111: INNODB SOMETIMES FAILS TO UPDATE ROWS INSERTED · b76a59f5
      Annamalai Gurusami authored
      The member function QUICK_RANGE_SELECT::init_ror_merged_scan() performs
      a table handler clone. Innodb does not provide a clone operation.  
      The ha_innobase::clone() is not there. The handler::clone() does not 
      take care of the ha_innobase->prebuilt->select_lock_type.  Because of 
      this what happens is that for one index we do a locking read, and 
      for the other index we were doing a non-locking (consistent) read. 
      The patch introduces ha_innobase::clone() member function.  
      It is implemented similar to ha_myisam::clone().  It calls the 
      base class handler::clone() and then does any additional operation 
      required.  I am setting the ha_innobase->prebuilt->select_lock_type 
      rb://1060 approved by Marko
  5. 09 May, 2012 1 commit
  6. 08 May, 2012 1 commit
  7. 07 May, 2012 3 commits
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
      Merge 5.5.24 back into main 5.5. · ad1e123f
      Joerg Bruehe authored
      This is a weave merge, but without any conflicts.
      In 14 source files, the copyright year needed to be updated to 2012.
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug #11754178 45740: MYSQLDUMP DOESN'T DUMP GENERAL_LOG AND SLOW_QUERY · 066dc9a2
      Venkata Sidagam authored
                           CAUSES RESTORE PROBLEM
      Merging the fix from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug #11754178 45740: MYSQLDUMP DOESN'T DUMP GENERAL_LOG AND SLOW_QUERY · 14aa2c02
      Venkata Sidagam authored
                           CAUSES RESTORE PROBLEM
      Problem Statement:
      mysqldump is not having the dump stmts for general_log and slow_log
      tables. That is because of the fix for Bug#26121. Hence, after 
      dropping the mysql database, and applying the dump by enabling the 
      logging, "'general_log' table not found" errors are logged into the 
      server log file.
      As part of the fix for Bug#26121, we skipped the dumping of tables 
      for general_log and slow_log, because the data dump of those tables 
      are taking LOCKS, which is not allowed for log tables.
      We came up with an approach that instead of taking both meta data 
      and data dump information for those tables, take only the meta data 
      dump which doesn't need LOCKS.
      As part of fixing the issue we came up with below algorithm.
      Design before fix:
      1) mysql database is having tables like db, event,... general_log,
         ... slow_log...
      2) Skip general_log and slow_log while preparing the tables list
      3) Take the TL_READ lock on tables which are present in the table 
         list and do 'show create table'.
      4) Release the lock.
      Design with the fix:
      1) mysql database is having tables like db, event,... general_log,
         ... slow_log...
      2) Skip general_log and slow_log while preparing the tables list
      3) Explicitly call the 'show create table' for general_log and 
      3) Take the TL_READ lock on tables which are present in the table 
         list and do 'show create table'.
      4) Release the lock.
      While taking the meta data dump for general_log and slow_log the 
      "CREATE TABLE" is replaced with "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS". 
      This is because we skipped "DROP TABLE" for those tables, 
      "DROP TABLE" fails for these tables if logging is enabled. 
      Customer is applying the dump by enabling logging so, if the dump 
      has "DROP TABLE" it will fail. Hence, removed the "DROP TABLE" 
      stmts for those tables.
      After the fix we could observe "Table 'mysql.general_log' 
      doesn't exist" errors initially that is because in the customer 
      scenario they are dropping the mysql database by enabling the 
      logging, Hence, those errors are expected. Once we apply the 
      dump which is taken before the "drop database mysql", the errors 
      will not be there.
  8. 04 May, 2012 2 commits
    • Venkata Sidagam's avatar
      Bug #11754178 45740: MYSQLDUMP DOESN'T DUMP GENERAL_LOG AND SLOW_QUERY · 41cdad98
      Venkata Sidagam authored
                           CAUSES RESTORE PROBLEM
      Problem Statement:
      mysqldump is not having the dump stmts for general_log and slow_log
      tables. That is because of the fix for Bug#26121. Hence, after 
      dropping the mysql database, and applying the dump by enabling the 
      logging, "'general_log' table not found" errors are logged into the 
      server log file.
      As part of the fix for Bug#26121, we skipped the dumping of tables 
      for general_log and slow_log, because the data dump of those tables 
      are taking LOCKS, which is not allowed for log tables.
      We came up with an approach that instead of taking both meta data 
      and data dump information for those tables, take only the meta data 
      dump which doesn't need LOCKS.
      As part of fixing the issue we came up with below algorithm.
      Design before fix:
      1) mysql database is having tables like db, event,... general_log,
         ... slow_log...
      2) Skip general_log and slow_log while preparing the tables list
      3) Take the TL_READ lock on tables which are present in the table 
         list and do 'show create table'.
      4) Release the lock.
      Design with the fix:
      1) mysql database is having tables like db, event,... general_log,
         ... slow_log...
      2) Skip general_log and slow_log while preparing the tables list
      3) Explicitly call the 'show create table' for general_log and 
      3) Take the TL_READ lock on tables which are present in the table 
         list and do 'show create table'.
      4) Release the lock.
      While taking the meta data dump for general_log and slow_log the 
      "CREATE TABLE" is replaced with "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS". 
      This is because we skipped "DROP TABLE" for those tables, 
      "DROP TABLE" fails for these tables if logging is enabled. 
      Customer is applying the dump by enabling logging so, if the dump 
      has "DROP TABLE" it will fail. Hence, removed the "DROP TABLE" 
      stmts for those tables.
      After the fix we could observe "Table 'mysql.general_log' 
      doesn't exist" errors initially that is because in the customer 
      scenario they are dropping the mysql database by enabling the 
      logging, Hence, those errors are expected. Once we apply the 
      dump which is taken before the "drop database mysql", the errors 
      will not be there.
    • Annamalai Gurusami's avatar
      In perl, to break out of a foreach loop we need to use · f619c8ce
      Annamalai Gurusami authored
      the keyword "last" and not "break".  Fixing the failing
      test case. 
  9. 27 Apr, 2012 6 commits
  10. 26 Apr, 2012 3 commits
  11. 24 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  12. 23 Apr, 2012 6 commits