1. 08 Oct, 2008 2 commits
  2. 07 Oct, 2008 2 commits
    • Mats Kindahl's avatar
      Fixing some missing table drops. · 4f3c4b5d
      Mats Kindahl authored
        Using temporary table to avoid leaving a table after test.
        Adding drop of table t1.
    • Mats Kindahl's avatar
      Post-merge fixes. · df346862
      Mats Kindahl authored
        Removing extreneous start slave.
        Added missing drop of table t1.
        Replaced $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log with $MYSQLD_DATADIR
        Using temporary table instead to remove need for drop table.
  3. 06 Oct, 2008 2 commits
  4. 04 Oct, 2008 1 commit
  5. 29 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  6. 28 Sep, 2008 1 commit
    • He Zhenxing's avatar
      BUG#38734 rpl_server_id2 sync_with_master failed · a4cd8862
      He Zhenxing authored
      Rotate event is automatically generated and written when rotating binary
      log or relay log. Rotate events for relay logs are usually ignored by slave
      SQL thread becuase they have the same server id as that of the slave.
      However, if --replicate-same-server-id is enabled, rotate event
      for relay log would be treated as if it's a rotate event from master, and
      would be executed by slave to update the rli->group_master_log_name and
      rli->group_master_log_pos to a wrong value and cause the MASTER_POS_WAIT
      function to fail and return NULL.
      This patch fixed this problem by setting a flag bit (LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F)
      in the event to tell the SQL thread to ignore these Rotate events generated
      for relay logs.
      This patch also added another binlog event flag bit (LOG_EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_F)
      to distinquish faked events, the method used before this was by checking if
      log_pos was zero.
        Add a member to MYSQL_BIN_LOG to distinguish binary log from relay log.
        Change artificial_event member to LOG_EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_F flag
        If LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F is set in the event flags for a rotate event, ignore it when updating position
        Refactored the code in Rotate_log_event::do_update_pos
        Add LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F flag to Log_event flags
        Add RELAY_LOG flag to Rotate_log_event flags
        Set LOG_EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_F for fake rotate events
  7. 22 Sep, 2008 4 commits
  8. 20 Sep, 2008 4 commits
  9. 15 Sep, 2008 5 commits
  10. 11 Sep, 2008 4 commits
  11. 10 Sep, 2008 6 commits
  12. 09 Sep, 2008 8 commits
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Merge · 3363e185
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Merge · c29da10e
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Bug#35600: Auto merged. · da8fecaa
      Martin Hansson authored
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Fix for bug#37526: asymertic operator <=> in trigger · 835f3528
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
      Problem: <=> operator may return wrong results 
      comparing NULL and a DATE/DATETIME/TIME value.
      Fix: properly check NULLs.
        Fix for bug#37526: asymertic operator <=> in trigger
          - test result.
        Fix for bug#37526: asymertic operator <=> in trigger
          - test case.
        Fix for bug#37526: asymertic operator <=> in trigger
          - if is_nulls_eq is TRUE Arg_comparator::compare_datetime() 
        should return 1 only if both arguments are NULL.
    • Mats Kindahl's avatar
      Merging with 5.1-5.1.29-rc · 4fa5cd08
      Mats Kindahl authored
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Bug#35600: Security breach via view, I_S table and prepared · 2f9486e4
      Martin Hansson authored
      statement/stored procedure
      View privileges are properly checked after the fix for bug no 
      36086, so the method TABLE_LIST::get_db_name() must be used 
      instead of field TABLE_LIST::db, as this only works for tables.
      Bug appears when accessing views in prepared statements.
        Bug#35600: Extended existing test case.
        Bug#35600: Extended existing test result.
        Bug#35600: Using method to retrieve database name instead of
    • Mats Kindahl's avatar
      Bug #39106: · 0dcca07f
      Mats Kindahl authored
      SUPER is not required to change binlog format for session
      A user without SUPER privileges can change the value of the
      session variable BINLOG_FORMAT, causing problems for a DBA.
      This changeset requires a user to have SUPER privileges to
      change the value of the session variable BINLOG_FORMAT, and
      not only the global variable BINLOG_FORMAT.
        Adding test to test grants needed for SQL_LOG_BIN and BINLOG_FORMAT.
        Adding code to check that user has SUPER permission
        needed to change the value of BINLOG_FORMAT.
        Adding function sys_var_thd_binlog_format::check()
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      WL#4350 Add missing 'exit' · a9965cb9
      Magnus Svensson authored