1. 16 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  2. 15 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  3. 12 Jul, 2007 7 commits
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-runtime · 6c152b29
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      into  bodhi.(none):/opt/local/work/mysql-5.0-runtime
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      Apply community contributed fix for Bug#13326 SQLPS statement logging is · 366b761f
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      incomplete in 5.0 (and review fixes).
      When in 5.0.13 I introduced class Prepared_statement and methods
      ::prepare and ::execute, general logging was left out of this class.
      This was good for stored procedures, since in stored procedures
      we do not log sub-statements, but introduced a regression in case of SQL
      syntax for prepared statements, as previously we would log the actual
      statements to the log, and after the change we would log only
      COM_QUERY text.
      Restore the old behavior, but still suppress logging if inside a stored 
      Based on a community contributed patch from Vladimir Shebordaev.
      No test case since we do not have a mechanism to test output
      of the general log.
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-runtime · 675a4e8f
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      into  bodhi.(none):/opt/local/work/mysql-5.0-26141-final
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      A fix and a test case for Bug#26141 mixing table types in trigger · 5ab4b6f1
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      causes full table lock on innodb table.
      Also fixes Bug#28502 Triggers that update another innodb table 
      will block on X lock unnecessarily (duplciate).
      Code review fixes.
      Both bugs' synopses are misleading: InnoDB table is
      not X locked. The statements, however, cannot proceed concurrently, 
      but this happens due to lock conflicts for tables used in triggers,
      not for the InnoDB table. 
      If a user had an InnoDB table, and two triggers, AFTER UPDATE and 
      AFTER INSERT, competing for different resources (e.g. two distinct
      MyISAM tables), then these two triggers would not be able to execute
      concurrently. Moreover, INSERTS/UPDATES of the InnoDB table would
      not be able to run concurrently. 
      The problem had other side-effects (see respective bug reports).
      This behavior was a consequence of a shortcoming of the pre-locking
      algorithm, which would not distinguish between different DML operations
      (e.g. INSERT and DELETE) and pre-lock all the tables
      that are used by any trigger defined on the subject table.
      The idea of the fix is to extend the pre-locking algorithm to keep track,
      for each table, what DML operation it is used for and not
      load triggers that are known to never be fired.
    • thek@adventure.(none)'s avatar
      Merge kpettersson@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-runtime · 825b5096
      thek@adventure.(none) authored
      into  adventure.(none):/home/thek/Development/cpp/mysql-5.0-runtime
    • thek@adventure.(none)'s avatar
      Merge adventure.(none):/home/thek/Development/cpp/bug28249/my50-bug28249 · 2a5e7fe5
      thek@adventure.(none) authored
      into  adventure.(none):/home/thek/Development/cpp/mysql-5.0-runtime
    • thek@adventure.(none)'s avatar
      Bug#28249 Query Cache returns wrong result with concurrent insert / certain lock · 8ee7e48d
      thek@adventure.(none) authored
      A race condition in the integration between MyISAM and the query cache code 
      caused the query cache to fail to invalidate itself on concurrently inserted
      This patch fix this problem by using the existing handler interface which, upon
      each statement cache attempt, compare the size of the table as viewed from the 
      cache writing thread and with any snap shot of the global table state. If the
      two sizes are different the global table size is unknown and the current
      statement can't be cached.
  4. 11 Jul, 2007 1 commit
  5. 06 Jul, 2007 2 commits
  6. 05 Jul, 2007 1 commit
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      A fix and a test case for Bug#29050 Creation of a legal stored procedure · a7b05cb7
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      fails if a database is not selected prior.
      The problem manifested itself when a user tried to
      create a routine that had non-fully-qualified identifiers in its bodies
      and there was no current database selected.
      This is a regression introduced by the fix for Bug 19022:
      The patch for Bug 19022 changes the code to always produce a warning
      if we can't resolve the current database in the parser. 
      In this case this was not necessary, since even though the produced
      parsed tree was incorrect, we never re-use sphead
      that was obtained at first parsing of CREATE PROCEDURE.
      The sphead that is anyhow used is always obtained through db_load_routine,
      and there we change the current database to sphead->m_db before
      calling yyparse.
      The idea of the fix is to resolve the current database directly using 
      lex->sphead->m_db member when parsing a stored routine body, when
      such is present.
      This patch removes the need to reset the current database
      when loading a trigger or routine definition into SP cache.
      The redundant code will be removed in 5.1.
  7. 04 Jul, 2007 1 commit
    • kostja@bodhi.(none)'s avatar
      A fix and a teset case for Bug#28551 The warning · c3f37e0b
      kostja@bodhi.(none) authored
      'No database selected' is reported when calling stored procedures
      Remove the offending warning introduced by the fix for Bug
      This minimal patch relies on the intrinsic knowledge of the fact that
      mysql_change_db is never called with 'force_switch' set to TRUE
      when such a warning may be needed:
       * every stored routine belongs to a database (unlike, e.g., a 
      user defined function, which does not), so if we're activating the
      database of a stored routine, it can never be NULL.
      Therefore, this branch is never called for activation.
       * if we're restoring the 'old' current database after routine
      execution is complete, we should not issue a warning, since it's OK to 
      call a routine without having previously selected the current database.
      TODO: 'force_switch' is an ambiguous flag, since we do not actually
      have to 'force' the switch in case of stored routines at all.
      When we activate the routine's database, we should perform
      all the checks as in case of 'use db', and so we already do (in this
      case 'force_switch' is unused).
      When we load a routine into cache, we should not use mysql_change_db
      at all, since there it's enough to call thd->reset_db(). We
      do it this way for triggers, but code for routines is different (wrongly). 
      TODO: bugs are lurking in replication, since it bypasses mysql_change_db
      and calls thd->[re_]set_db to set the current database.
      The latter does not change thd->db_charset, thd->sctx->db_access
      and thd->variables.collation_database (and this may have nasty side
      These todo items are to be addressed in a separate patch, if at all.
  8. 01 Jul, 2007 2 commits
  9. 30 Jun, 2007 1 commit
  10. 29 Jun, 2007 9 commits
    • gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc's avatar
      Merge gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.0-opt-29205 · 3b8b31b0
      gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc authored
      into  gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.0-opt
    • gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc's avatar
      Fixed bug #29205. · 3c260e4a
      gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc authored
      When a UNION statement forced conversion of an UTF8
      charset value to a binary charset value, the byte
      length of the result values was truncated to the
      CHAR_LENGTH of the original UTF8 value.
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Merge epotemkin@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 1f118574
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      into  moonbone.local:/mnt/gentoo64/work/29261-bug-5.0-opt-mysql
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Bug#29261: Sort order of the collation wasn't used when comparing trailing · fc601d77
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      When the my_strnncollsp_simple function compares two strings and one is a prefix
      of another then this function compares characters in the rest of longer key
      with the space character to find whether the longer key is greater or less.
      But the sort order of the collation isn't used in this comparison. This may
      lead to a wrong comparison result, wrongly created index or wrong order of the
      result set of a query with the ORDER BY clause.
      Now the my_strnncollsp_simple function uses collation sort order to compare
      the characters in the rest of longer key with the space character.
    • anozdrin/alik@ibm.'s avatar
      Update result files. · 2f4b4de6
      anozdrin/alik@ibm. authored
    • anozdrin/alik@ibm.'s avatar
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz's avatar
      Merge gkodinov@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 9a9263a3
      gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz authored
      into  magare.gmz:/home/kgeorge/mysql/autopush/B27333-gcov-5.0-opt
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz's avatar
      Bug#27333: subquery grouped for aggregate of outer · 38172240
      gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz authored
      query / no aggregate of subquery
       The optimizer counts the aggregate functions that 
       appear as top level expressions (in all_fields) in 
       the current subquery. Later it makes a list of these
       that it uses to actually execute the aggregates in
       That count is used in several places as a flag whether
       there are aggregates functions.
       While collecting the above info it must not consider
       aggregates that are not aggregated in the current 
       context. It must treat them as normal expressions 
       instead. Not doing that leads to incorrect data about
       the query, e.g. running a query that actually has no
       aggregate functions as if it has some (and hence is
       expected to return only one row).
       Fixed by ignoring the aggregates that are not aggregated
       in the current context. 
       One other smaller omission discovered and fixed in the 
       process : the place of aggregation was not calculated for
       user defined functions. Fixed by calling 
       Item_sum::init_sum_func_check() and 
       Item_sum::check_sum_func() as it's done for the rest of 
       the aggregate functions.
    • holyfoot/hf@hfmain.(none)'s avatar
      Merge bk@ · 2fafcb1e
      holyfoot/hf@hfmain.(none) authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/hf/work/29247/my50-29247
  11. 28 Jun, 2007 2 commits
  12. 27 Jun, 2007 3 commits
  13. 26 Jun, 2007 4 commits
    • igor@olga.mysql.com's avatar
      Merge olga.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0-opt · 6a4b2343
      igor@olga.mysql.com authored
      into  olga.mysql.com:/home/igor/dev-opt/mysql-5.0-opt-bug29087
    • gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc's avatar
      Fixed bug #29251. · f8bf427b
      gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc authored
      Sometimes special 0 ENUM values was ALTERed to normal
      empty string ENUM values.
      Special 0 ENUM value has the same string representation
      as normal ENUM value defined as '' (empty string).
      The do_field_string function was used to convert
      ENUM data at an ALTER TABLE request, but this
      function doesn't care about numerical "indices" of
      ENUM values, i.e. do_field_string doesn't distinguish
      a special 0 value from an empty string value.
      A new copy function called do_field_enum has been added to
      copy special 0 ENUM values without conversion to an empty
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz's avatar
      Merge gkodinov@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 8209199c
      gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz authored
      into  magare.gmz:/home/kgeorge/mysql/autopush/B29154-5.0-opt
    • igor@olga.mysql.com's avatar
      Fixed bug #29087. This bug manifested itself for queries that performed · 6f98ec66
      igor@olga.mysql.com authored
      a lookup into a BINARY index by a key ended with spaces. It caused
      an assertion abort for a debug version and wrong results for non-debug
      The problem occurred because the function _mi_pack_key stripped off 
      the trailing spaces from binary search keys while the function _mi_make_key
      did not do it when keys were inserted into the index.
      Now the function _mi_pack_key does not remove the trailing spaces from
      search keys if they are of the binary type.
  14. 25 Jun, 2007 5 commits