1. 25 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  2. 24 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
      MDEV-9975 - main.partition_innodb_plugin fails sporadically · 2b7573ec
      Sergey Vojtovich authored
      Fixed wait condition to wait for InnoDB to actually acquire row locks instead
      of waiting for thread to enter "Searching rows for update" state (which happens
      Also use default wait timeout, 2 seconds can be too few for threads to enter
      appropriate state.
  3. 23 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  4. 22 Apr, 2016 3 commits
  5. 20 Apr, 2016 12 commits
  6. 19 Apr, 2016 11 commits
  7. 18 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  8. 01 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  9. 18 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  10. 17 Mar, 2016 2 commits
  11. 26 Feb, 2016 3 commits
    • Yashwant Sahu's avatar
    • Venkatesh Duggirala's avatar
      Venkatesh Duggirala authored
      The main.merge test case was failing when tested using row based
      binlog format.
      While analyzing the issue it was found the following issues:
      a) The server is calling binlog related code even when a statement will
         not be binlogged;
      b) The child table list was not present into table structure by the time
         to generate the create table statement;
      c) The tables in the child table list will not be opened yet when
         generating table create info using row based replication;
      d) CREATE TABLE LIKE TEMP_TABLE does not preserve original table storage
         engine when using row based replication;
      This patch addressed all above issues.
      @ sql/sql_class.h
      Added a function to determine if the binary log is disabled to
        the current session. This is related with issue (a) above.
      @ sql/sql_table.cc
      Added code to skip binary logging related code if the statement
        will not be binlogged. This is related with issue (a) above.
      Added code to add the children to the query list of the table that
        will have its CREATE TABLE generated. This is related with issue (b)
      Added code to force the storage engine to be generated into the
        CREATE TABLE. This is related with issue (d) above.
      @ storage/myisammrg/ha_myisammrg.cc
      Added a test to skip a table getting info about a child table if the
        child table is not opened. This is related to issue (c) above.
    • Elena Stepanova's avatar
      MDEV-4070 sys_vars.secure_file_priv fails sporadically if it's executed with --mem · c29e450e
      Elena Stepanova authored
      The test created a file in location relative to the datadir
      (a few levels above datadir).
      The file was created by MariaDB server (via INTO OUTFILE), and
      later removed by mysqltest (via remove_file). The problem is that
      when the vardir is a symlink, MariaDB server and mysqltest can
      resolve such paths differently. MariaDB server would return back
      to where the symlink is located, while mysqltest would go above
      the real directory. For example, if the test is run with --mem,
      and /bld/5.5/mysql-test/var points at /dev/shm/var_auto_X, then
      SELECT INTO OUTFILE created a file in /bld/5.5/mysql-test , but
      remove_file would look for it in /dev/shm/.
      The test is re-written so that all paths are resolved in perl,
      the logic itself hasn't changed.