1. 18 Oct, 2007 3 commits
    • antony@pcg5ppc.xiphis.org's avatar
      Merge pcg5ppc.xiphis.org:/private/Network/Servers/anubis.xiphis.org/home/antony/work/p1-bug31473.1 · 407f73c8
      antony@pcg5ppc.xiphis.org authored
      into  pcg5ppc.xiphis.org:/private/Network/Servers/anubis.xiphis.org/home/antony/work/p1-bug31473.1-merge-5.1-engines
    • antony@pcg5ppc.xiphis.org's avatar
      Bug#31473 · f4a153c3
      antony@pcg5ppc.xiphis.org authored
        "CSV does not work with NULL value in datetime fields"
        Attempting to insert a row with a NULL value for a DATETIME field
        results in a CSV file which the storage engine cannot read.
        Don't blindly assume that "0" is acceptable for all field types,
        Since CSV does not support NULL, we find out from the field the
        default non-null value.
        Do not permit the creation of a table with a nullable columns.
    • istruewing@stella.local's avatar
      Bug#31692 - binlog_killed.test crashes sometimes · 672290b0
      istruewing@stella.local authored
      The server crashed when a thread was killed while locking the
      general_log table at statement begin.
      The general_log table is handled like a performance schema table.
      The state of open tables is saved and cleared so that this table
      seems to be the only open one. Then this table is opened and locked.
      After writing, the table is closed and the open table state is
      restored. Before restoring, however, it is asserted that there is
      no current table open.
      After locking the table, mysql_lock_tables() checks if the thread
      was killed in between. If so, it unlocks the table and returns an
      error. open_ltable() just returns with the error and leaves closing
      of the table to close_thread_tables(), which is called at
      statement end.
      open_performance_schema_table() did not take this into account.
      It assumed that a failed open_ltable() would not leave an open
      table behind.
      Fixed by closing thread tables after open_ltable() and before
      restore_backup_open_tables_state() if the thread was killed.
      No test case. It requires correctly timed parallel execution.
      Since this bug was detected by the test suite, it seems
      dispensable to add another test.
  2. 10 Oct, 2007 5 commits
  3. 09 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  4. 05 Oct, 2007 2 commits
  5. 04 Oct, 2007 8 commits
  6. 02 Oct, 2007 1 commit
  7. 01 Oct, 2007 6 commits
  8. 29 Sep, 2007 4 commits
  9. 28 Sep, 2007 7 commits
  10. 27 Sep, 2007 1 commit