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  1. 08 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  2. 27 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      fixes for test failures · 474fe6d9
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      and small collateral changes
        somehow with "print" we get truncated writes sometimes
        md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb
        host table is not ported over yet
        host table is not ported over yet
        this differs, because we don't rewrite general log queries, and multi-statement
        packets are logged as a one entry. this result file is identical to what mysql-5.6.5
        produces with the --log-raw option.
        MariaDB modifies the binlog index file directly, while MySQL 5.6 has a feature "crash-safe binlog index" and modifies a special "crash-safe" shadow copy of the index file and then moves it over. That's why this test shows "NONE" index file writes in MySQL and "MANY" in MariaDB.
        MariaDB initializes the "manager" resources from the "manager" thread, and starts this thread only when --flush-time is not 0. MySQL 5.6 initializes "manager" resources unconditionally on server startup.
        this differs, because MariaDB disables query cache when query_cache_size=0. MySQL does not
        do that, and this causes useless mutex locks and waits.
        md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb
        md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb
        md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb
        will be updated to match 5.6 when and are merged
        will be updated to match 5.6 when is merged
  3. 14 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  4. 03 Nov, 2010 1 commit
    • Marc Alff's avatar
      Bug#57609 performance_schema does not work with lower_case_table_names · 4e1678da
      Marc Alff authored
      Before this fix, the performance schema tables were defined in UPPERCASE.
      This was incompatible with the lowercase_table_names option, and caused
      issues with the install / upgrade process, when changing the lower case
      table names setting *after* the install or upgrade.
      With this fix, all performance schema tables are exposed with lowercase names.
      As a result, the name of the performance schema table is always lowercase,
      no matter how / if / when the lowercase_table_names setting if changed.
  5. 08 Sep, 2010 1 commit
    • Marc Alff's avatar
      Bug#56528 Increased server footprint with MTR · c314b3f1
      Marc Alff authored
      With recent changes in the performance schema default sizing parameters,
      the memory used by a mysqld binary increased accordingly.
      This negatively affects the MTR test suite,
      because running several tests in parallel now consumes more ressources.
      The fix is to leave the default production values unchanged,
      and to configure the MTR environment to limit memory
      used when running tests in the test suite, which is ok
      because only a few objects are typically used within a test script.
      This fix:
      - changed the default configuration in MTR to use less memory
      - adjusted the performance schema tests accordingly
      Note that 1,000 mutex instances was too short and caused test failures
      in the past in team trees, so the default used is now 10,000 in MTR.
      The amount of memory used by the performance schema itself
      can be observed with the statement SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS
  6. 25 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Marc Alff's avatar
      Bug#55576 Two perfschema tests failed on mysql-next-mr-innodb PB2 tests · 19e67ad2
      Marc Alff authored
      Before this fix, some tests failed due to lack of instrumentation slots
      in the performance schema, because the default sizing was too low.
      Now that more code has been instrumented, the default sizing has to be adjusted
      to match the current instrumentation consumption.
      This change:
      - increases the number of rwlock classes from 20 to 30,
      - increases the number of rwlock and mutex instances to 1 million.
      Both are to account for the volume of data instrumented
      when the innodb storage engine is used (because of the innodb buffer pool).
      Adjusted the test output accordingly.
  7. 12 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Marc Alff's avatar
      Bug#55416 Renaming of performance_schema tables for 5.5 · 26f1efd9
      Marc Alff authored
      Removed table SETUP_OBJECTS.
      Renamed table PROCESSLIST to THREADS.
      Adjusted Makefiles, code and tests accordingly.
  8. 12 Jan, 2010 1 commit