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  1. 26 Jul, 2012 4 commits
  2. 25 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  3. 11 Jul, 2012 5 commits
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
      Empty version change upmerge · 1877016c
      Bjorn Munch authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Raise version number after cloning 5.1.65 · 4c33e849
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · 21bc74e0
      unknown authored
      No commit message
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · 28255d4c
      unknown authored
      No commit message
    • Chaithra Gopalareddy's avatar
      Bug #13444084:PRIMARY KEY OR UNIQUE KEY >453 BYTES FAILS FOR · fc74e2e0
      Chaithra Gopalareddy authored
                    COUNT DISTINCT GROUP BY
      To calculate the final result of the count(distinct(select 1))
      we call 'end_send' function instead of 'end_send_group'.
      'end_send' cannot be called if we have aggregate functions
      that need to be evaluated.
      While evaluating for a possible loose_index_scan option for
      the query, the variable 'is_agg_distinct' is set to 'false'
      as the item in the distinct clause is not a field. But, we
      choose loose_index_scan by not taking this into 
      So, while setting the final 'select_function' to evaluate
      the result, 'precomputed_group_by' is set to TRUE as in
      this case loose_index_scan is chosen and we do not have
      agg_distinct in the query (which is clearly wrong as we
      have one).
      As a result, 'end_send' function is chosen as the final
      select_function instead of 'end_send_group'. The difference
      between the two being, 'end_send_group' evaluates the
      aggregates while 'end_send' does not. Hence the wrong result.
      The variable 'is_agg_distinct' always represents if 
      'loose_idnex_scan' can be chosen for aggregate_distinct 
      functions present in the select.
      So, we check for this variable to continue with 
      loose_index_scan option.
        Do not continue if is_agg_distinct is not set in case
        of agg_distinct functions.
  4. 10 Jul, 2012 19 commits
    • Rohit Kalhans's avatar
      bug#11759333: · 6fe6288d
      Rohit Kalhans authored
      follow-up patch for the failure on pb2 windows build
    • Mayank Prasad's avatar
      Mayank Prasad authored
      Follow up patch to resolve pb2 failure on windows platform
    • Jon Olav Hauglid's avatar
      Bug#12623923 Server can crash after failure to create · a47e778a
      Jon Olav Hauglid authored
                   primary key with innodb tables
      The bug was triggered if a single ALTER TABLE statement both
      added and dropped indexes and ALTER TABLE failed during drop
      (e.g. because the index was needed in a foreign key constraint).
      In such cases, the server index information would get out of
      sync with InnoDB - the added index would be present inside
      InnoDB, but not in the server. This could then lead to InnoDB
      error messages and/or server crashes.
      The root cause is that new indexes are added before old indexes
      are dropped. This means that if ALTER TABLE fails while dropping
      indexes, index changes will be reverted in the server but not
      inside InnoDB.
      This patch fixes the problem by dropping any added indexes
      if drop fails (for ALTER TABLE statements that both adds
      and drops indexes). 
      However, this won't work if we added a primary key as this
      key might not be possible to drop inside InnoDB. Therefore,
      we resort to the copy algorithm if a primary key is added
      by an ALTER TABLE statement that also drops an index.
      In 5.6 this bug is more properly fixed by the handler interface
      changes done in the scope of WL#5534 "Online ALTER".
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · 51a47a8d
      unknown authored
      No commit message
    • unknown's avatar
      No commit message · dfa00930
      unknown authored
      No commit message
    • Rohit Kalhans's avatar
      Rohit Kalhans authored
      Problem: The unsafety warning for statements such as
      update...limit1 where pk=1 are thrown when binlog-format
      = STATEMENT,despite of the fact that such statements are
      actually safe. this leads to filling up of the disk space 
      with false warnings.
      Solution: This is not a complete fix for the problem, but
      prevents the disks from getting filled up. This should
      therefore be regarded as a workaround. In the future this
      should be overriden by server general suppress/filtering
      framework. It should also be noted that another worklog is
      supposed to defeat this case's artificial unsafety.
      We use a warning suppression mechanism to detect warning flood,
      enable the suppression, and disable this when the average
      warnings/second has reduced to acceptable limits.
        Activation: The supression for LIMIT unsafe statements are
        activated when the last 50 warnings were logged in less 
        than 50 seconds. 
        Supression: Once activated this supression will prevent the
        individual warnings to be logged in the error log, but print
        the warning for every 50 warnings with the note:
        "The last warning was repeated N times in last S seconds"  
        Noteworthy is the fact that this supression works only on the
        error logs and the warnings seen by the clients will remain as
        it is (i.e. one warning/ unsafe statement)
        Deactivation: The supression will be deactivated once the
        average # of warnings/sec have gone down to the acceptable limits.
        Added code to supress warning while logging them to error-log.
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      null-merge from 5.1. · c60ad575
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      merge from 5.5 repo. · f4dc9215
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      merge from 5.1 repo. · cd0912a4
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
      null upmerge · 88a74a16
      Bjorn Munch authored
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      merge from 5.1 repo. · eca29d5f
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
      null upmerge · 5473c42a
      Bjorn Munch authored
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      merge from 5.1 repo. · 5be435de
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Sujatha Sivakumar's avatar
      merge from 5.1 to 5.5 · 2e84cf86
      Sujatha Sivakumar authored
    • Sujatha Sivakumar's avatar
      BUG#11762670:MY_B_WRITE RETURN VALUE IGNORED · 13f7f002
      Sujatha Sivakumar authored
      The return value from my_b_write is ignored by: `my_b_write_quoted',
      Most callers of `my_b_printf' ignore the return value. `' 
      has many calls to it. 
      `my_b_write' is used to write data into a file. If the write fails it
      sets appropriate error number and error message through my_error()
      function call and sets the IO_CACHE::error == -1.
      `my_b_printf' function is also used to write data into a file, it
      internally invokes my_b_write to do the write operation. Upon
      success it returns number of characters written to file and on error
      it returns -1 and sets the error through my_error() and also sets
      IO_CACHE::error == -1.  Most of the event specific print functions
      for example `Create_file_log_event::print', `Execute_load_log_event::print'
      etc are the ones which make several calls to the above two functions and
      they do not check for the return value after the 'print' call. All the above 
      mentioned abuse cases deal with the client side.
      As part of bug fix a check for IO_CACHE::error == -1 has been added at 
      a very high level after the call to the 'print' function.  There are 
      few more places where the return value of "my_b_write" is ignored
      those are mentioned below.
      +++ mysys/mf_iocache2.c    2012-06-04 07:03:15 +0000
      @@ -430,7 +430,8 @@
                 memset(buffz, '0', minimum_width - length2);
                 memset(buffz, ' ', minimum_width - length2);
      -        my_b_write(info, buffz, minimum_width - length2);
      +++ sql/	2012-06-08 09:04:46 +0000
      @@ -2388,7 +2388,12 @@
             end= strxmov(buff, "# administrator command: ", NullS);
             buff_len= (ulong) (end - buff);
      -      my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff, buff_len);
      At these places appropriate return value handlers have been added.
        check for IO_CACHE::error == -1 has been added after the call to
        the event specific print functions
        Added handler to check the written value of `my_b_write'
        Added handler to check the written value of `my_b_write'
        Added error simulation statements in `Create_file_log_event::print`
        and `Execute_load_query_log_event::print'
        Removed the extra ';'
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
    • Bjorn Munch's avatar
  5. 09 Jul, 2012 4 commits
  6. 06 Jul, 2012 4 commits
  7. 05 Jul, 2012 3 commits
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      merge bug14275000 fixes to 5.5 · 5841af19
      Andrei Elkin authored
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      Bug#14275000 · e3c8fb4a
      Andrei Elkin authored
      Fixes for BUG11761686 left a flaw that managed to slip away from testing.
      Only effective filtering branch was actually tested with a regression test
      added to rpl_filter_tables_not_exist.
      The reason of the failure is destuction of too early mem-root-allocated memory 
      at the end of the deferred User-var's do_apply_event().
      Fixed with bypassing free_root() in the deferred execution branch.
      Deallocation of created in do_apply_event() items is done by the base code
      through THD::cleanup_after_query() -> free_items() that the parent Query
      can't miss.
        Do not call free_root() in case the deferred User-var event.
        Necessary methods to the User-var class are added, do_apply_event() refined.
        Necessary methods to avoid destoying mem-root-based memory at
        User-var applying are defined.