1. 27 Oct, 2005 1 commit
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Fix bug#14186 select datefield is null not updated · 77723c24
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      Date field was declared as not null, thus expression 'datefield is null'
      was always false. For SELECT special handling of such cases is used. 
      There 'datefield is null' converted to 'datefield eq "0000-00-00"'.
      In mysql_update() before creation of select added remove_eq_conds() call.
      It makes some optimization of conds and in particular performs conversion
      from 'is null' to 'eq'. 
      Also remove_eq_conds() makes some evaluation of conds and if it founds that
      conds is always false then update statement is not processed further.
      All this allows to perform some update statements process faster due to
      optimized conds, and not wasting resources if conds known to be false. 
  2. 26 Oct, 2005 1 commit
  3. 25 Oct, 2005 13 commits
  4. 24 Oct, 2005 1 commit
  5. 22 Oct, 2005 4 commits
  6. 21 Oct, 2005 5 commits
  7. 20 Oct, 2005 2 commits
  8. 19 Oct, 2005 2 commits
  9. 18 Oct, 2005 7 commits
  10. 17 Oct, 2005 3 commits
  11. 14 Oct, 2005 1 commit