1. 10 Apr, 2007 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz's avatar
      Bug #19372: · 9514ac9f
      gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz authored
      Added a test case.
      The problem was fixed by the fix for bug #17379.
      The problem was that because of some conditions 
      the optimizer always preferred range or full index
      scan access methods to lookup access methods even
      when the latter were much cheaper.
  2. 04 Apr, 2007 6 commits
  3. 03 Apr, 2007 3 commits
  4. 02 Apr, 2007 2 commits
  5. 31 Mar, 2007 6 commits
  6. 30 Mar, 2007 7 commits
  7. 29 Mar, 2007 14 commits
  8. 28 Mar, 2007 1 commit