1. 28 May, 2007 1 commit
    • mats@kindahl-laptop.dnsalias.net's avatar
      WL#3303 (RBR: Engine-controlled logging format): · 9a92325c
      mats@kindahl-laptop.dnsalias.net authored
      Adding support to allow engines to tell what formats they can handle.
      The server will generate an error if it is not possible to log the
      statement according to the logging mode in effect.
      Adding flags to several storage engines to state what they can handle.
      Changes to NDB handler removing code that forces row-based mode and
      adding flag saying that NDB can only handle row format.
      Adding check that binlog flags are only used for real tables that are
      opened for writing.
  2. 14 May, 2007 1 commit
    • mats@romeo.kindahl.net's avatar
      WL#3339 (Issue warnings when statement-based replication may fail): · 6a7925a2
      mats@romeo.kindahl.net authored
      Replacing binlog_row_based_if_mixed with variable binlog_stmt_flags
      holding several flags and adding member functions to manipulate the
      Added code to generate a warning when an attempt to log an unsafe
      statement to the binary log was made. The warning is both pushed to the
      SHOW WARNINGS table and written to the error log. The prevent flooding
      the error log, the warning is just written to the error log once per
      open session.
  3. 08 May, 2007 4 commits
  4. 04 May, 2007 2 commits
  5. 02 May, 2007 1 commit
    • bar@mysql.com's avatar
      Bug#27898 UPDATEXML Crashes the Server! · ea6bb028
      bar@mysql.com authored
      Problem: when replacing the root element, UpdateXML
      erroneously tried to mix old XML content with the
      replacement string, which led to crash.
      Fix: don't use the old XML content in these cases,
      just return the replacement string.
  6. 26 Apr, 2007 1 commit
    • mleich@four.local.lan's avatar
      Minor improvement to save some testing runtime (~ 2 minutes). · 44f02c57
      mleich@four.local.lan authored
         This test executes DML statements on a NDB table to detect if some SQL statements of special interest commits the ongoing transaction.
         When running in MIXED mode, automatic switching from statement-based to row-based replication takes place when a DML statement
         updates an NDB table.
         That means running this test on NDB with binlog-format=mixed and binlog-format=row mostly checks the same routines twice.
         Therefore we skip the variant with binlog-format=mixed.
  7. 25 Apr, 2007 1 commit
  8. 24 Apr, 2007 1 commit
    • mleich@four.local.lan's avatar
      The fix for Bug#18946: Test case rpl_ndb_ddl disabled pushed around end of... · a0991b9a
      mleich@four.local.lan authored
      The fix for   Bug#18946: Test case rpl_ndb_ddl disabled   pushed around end of March 2007 enabled this testcase.
      It was later disabled because the test failed with timeout on one testing box.
      The reason for this failing test could not be found because we do not have informations about the conditions on the box during this test.
      Jeb and I tried this test on other boxes and it passed.
      My experience is that
      - tests using NDB need in general often significant more runtime
        than comparable tests of other storage engines
      - the actual load of the box where the test is running and the
        filesystem (nfs could be extreme slow) where the tests are
        executed might have a huge impact on the test performance 
        (runtime * 2 till 3)
      - there are sometimes problems with the ports most probably
        caused by OS properties (NDB+RPL need many ports) or
        parallel tests accidently running with the same ports.
      AFAIK these are the reasons why the NDB tests fail sometimes with timeout.
      Conclusion: We enable rpl_ndb_ddl again because the failure happens in rare cases
      and seems not to be caused by errors within the server or test code. 
  9. 20 Apr, 2007 7 commits
  10. 19 Apr, 2007 1 commit
  11. 18 Apr, 2007 4 commits
  12. 17 Apr, 2007 7 commits
  13. 16 Apr, 2007 5 commits
  14. 15 Apr, 2007 4 commits