1. 13 Jul, 2005 1 commit
    • konstantin@mysql.com's avatar
      - a fix for Bug#11458 "Prepared statement with subselects return random · bef558b7
      konstantin@mysql.com authored
      data": remove the fix for another bug (8807) that
      added OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT to all subqueries that used a placeholder
      to prevent their evaluation at prepare. As this bit hanged in 
      Item_subselect::used_tables_cache for ever, a constant subquery with
      a placeholder was never evaluated as such, which caused wrong 
      choice of the execution plan for the statement.
      - to fix Bug#8807 backport a better fix from 5.0
      - post-review fixes.
  2. 12 Jul, 2005 4 commits
  3. 11 Jul, 2005 3 commits
  4. 08 Jul, 2005 6 commits
  5. 07 Jul, 2005 4 commits
  6. 06 Jul, 2005 18 commits
  7. 05 Jul, 2005 4 commits