1. 20 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    • msvensson@neptunus.(none)'s avatar
      Bug#19535 mysql-test-run cannot handle crashing test cases · c40e953d
      msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
       - Make mysql-test-run.pl restart a crashed/stopped process if it was expected it should crash.
       - Added testcase for "crash_commit_before", which tests behaviour when server crashes just before commit.
        * The testcase first write a small var/tmp/master0.expect file indicating expected crash
        * Then sets "DEBUG" variable to for example "d,crash_commit_before" and then executes a commit.
        * The server will crash and be brought back up by mysql-test-run.pl
        * Test case will then wait for the process to come back online before continuing.
  2. 19 Jul, 2006 2 commits
  3. 18 Jul, 2006 2 commits
  4. 15 Jul, 2006 1 commit
  5. 14 Jul, 2006 1 commit
  6. 13 Jul, 2006 6 commits
  7. 12 Jul, 2006 4 commits
  8. 11 Jul, 2006 5 commits
  9. 10 Jul, 2006 17 commits
  10. 09 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    • aelkin/elkin@dsl-hkigw8-feb1fb00-100.dhcp.inet.fi's avatar
      BUG#20919 temp tables closing fails when binlog is off · fadbdf27
      closing temp tables through end_thread
      had a flaw in binlog-off branch of close_temporary_tables where
      next table to close was reset via table->next
       for (table= thd->temporary_tables; table; table= table->next)
      which was wrong since the current table instance got destoyed at
      	close_temporary(table, 1);
      The fix adapts binlog-on branch method to engage the loop's internal 'next' variable which holds table->next prior table's destoying.