1. 24 Jun, 2004 2 commits
    • patg@krsna.patg.net's avatar
      Development.fgl: · c9b1946c
      patg@krsna.patg.net authored
        add typelib.h to filelist
      Clients and Tools.fgl:
        add libmysql.dll to file list
        Various fixes to installshield project file (added files)
    • patg@krsna.patg.net's avatar
      Do-rpm: · c7e61b8e
      patg@krsna.patg.net authored
        Small fix to handle the src rpm file correctly (contains '0', release number in spec file)
  2. 23 Jun, 2004 3 commits
  3. 22 Jun, 2004 9 commits
  4. 21 Jun, 2004 3 commits
  5. 20 Jun, 2004 1 commit
  6. 19 Jun, 2004 1 commit
    • heikki@hundin.mysql.fi's avatar
      mem0dbg.c: · 3cd6299b
      heikki@hundin.mysql.fi authored
        InnoDB with UNIV_MEM_DEBUG did not compile because a global variable was forgotten when we put back mem_print_info() functions 2 days ago; add that variable
  7. 18 Jun, 2004 8 commits
  8. 17 Jun, 2004 13 commits