1. 17 Nov, 2009 2 commits
  2. 15 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  3. 12 Nov, 2009 10 commits
  4. 11 Nov, 2009 5 commits
  5. 10 Nov, 2009 5 commits
    • Alexey Botchkov's avatar
      Bug #47139 Test "merge" crashes in "embedded" run · 2658504d
      Alexey Botchkov authored
        In fact this crashes in normal (not embedded) run also.
        The problem is in the memory mapping. Handling the ha_myisammrg::extra(MMAP)
        the MERGE engine tries to mmap all the tables it unites.
        Though some can be empty and then in the mi_dynmap_file()
        we call the my_mmap(0). Normally this call returns MAP_FAILED,
        but not on FreeBSD. There it returns like a 'normal' value,
        and after the consequitive munmap systems gets unstable and
        crashes on some system call later.
      per-file comments:
      Bug #47139      Test "merge" crashes in "embedded" run
          don't try to mmap zero-length area, just return at once.
    • Alexey Botchkov's avatar
      Bug#42520 killing load .. infile Assertion failed: ! is_set(), file .\sql_error.cc, line 8 · 487941f5
      Alexey Botchkov authored
         The additional patch. That 'loadxml.test' failure was actually about our testing system,
         not the code.
         Firstly we need a new mysqltest command, wich i called 'send_eval'. So the expression
         can be evaluated, then started in a parallel thread. We only have separane 'send' and
         'eval' commands at the moment.
         Then we need to add the waiting code after the 'KILL' to our test, so the thread will be killed
         before the test goes further. The present 'reap' command doesn't handle the killed threads
      per-file comments:
      Bug#42520      killing load .. infile Assertion failed: ! is_set(), file .\sql_error.cc, line 8
          The 'send_eval' command implemented.
      Bug#42520      killing load .. infile Assertion failed: ! is_set(), file .\sql_error.cc, line 8
         test result updated.
      Bug#42520      killing load .. infile Assertion failed: ! is_set(), file .\sql_error.cc, line 8
         test case added.
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Fix build failure. · 12422e5f
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Auto-merge from mysql-next-mr-alik. · ea300e42
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Auto-merge from mysql-next-mr. · 25f9f358
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
  6. 09 Nov, 2009 8 commits
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Fix manual-merge (2nd attempt). · 3c3495b0
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Auto-merge from mysql-trunk-merge. · 87149cf6
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Fix manual-merge. · 6618bdd4
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Fix innodb.test due to Bug#48636. · 18819ca9
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      # · b38306ef
      Alexander Barkov authored
      # Bug#24690 Stored functions: RETURNing UTF8 strings
      # do not return UTF8_UNICODE_CI collation
      # Bug#17903: cast to char results in binary
      # Regression. The character set was not being properly initialized
      # for CAST() with a type like CHAR(2) BINARY, which resulted in
      # incorrect results or even a server crash.
      Backporting from mysql-6.0-codebase.
        Adding tests
        Adding prototype
        Remember COLLATE clause for non-default collations
        Adding a new helper function
        - Allow "CHARACTER SET cs COLLATE cl" in
          SP parameters, RETURNS, DECLARE
        - Minor reorganization for "ASCII" and "UNICODE"
          related rules, to make the code more readable,
          also to allow these aliases:
          * "VARCHAR(10) ASCII BINARY"   -> CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
          * "VARCHAR(10) BINARY ASCII"   -> CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
          * "VARCHAR(10) UNICODE BINARY" -> CHARACTER SET ucs2 COLLATE ucs2_bin
          * "VARCHAR(10) BINARY UNICODE" -> CHARACTER SET ucs2 COLLATE ucs2_bin
          Previously these four aliases returned the error
          "This version of MySQL does not yet support return value collation".
         This patch allows  "VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET cs COLLATE cl"
         and the above four aliases.
         "VARCHAR(10) COLLATE cl" is still not allowed
         i.e. when COLLATE is given without CHARACTER SET.
         If we want to support this, we need an architecture decision
         which character set to use by default.
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
  7. 06 Nov, 2009 9 commits