1. 07 Oct, 2008 1 commit
    • Gleb Shchepa's avatar
      Bug #38691: segfault/abort in ``UPDATE ...JOIN'' while · e219979e
      Gleb Shchepa authored
                ``FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK''
      Concurrent execution of 1) multitable update with a
      NATURAL/USING join and 2) a such query as "FLUSH TABLES
      WITH READ LOCK" or "ALTER TABLE" of updating table led
      to a server crash.
      The mysql_multi_update_prepare() function call is optimized
      to lock updating tables only, so it postpones locking to
      the last, and if locking fails, it does cleanup of modified
      syntax structures and repeats a query analysis.  However,
      that cleanup procedure was incomplete for NATURAL/USING join
      syntax data: 1) some Field_item items pointed into freed
      table structures, and 2) the TABLE_LIST::join_columns fields
      was not reset.
      Major change:
        short-living Field *Natural_join_column::table_field has
        been replaced with long-living Item*.
  2. 02 Oct, 2008 1 commit
  3. 01 Oct, 2008 6 commits
  4. 30 Sep, 2008 3 commits
    • Patrick Crews's avatar
      automerge · 2f58dc79
      Patrick Crews authored
    • Patrick Crews's avatar
      Automerge · c7f32b02
      Patrick Crews authored
    • Gleb Shchepa's avatar
      Fixed bug #17823: 'arc' directories inside database directories. · e20b9de1
      Gleb Shchepa authored
      Server created "arc" directories inside database directories and
      maintained there useless copies of .frm files.
      Creation and renaming procedures of those copies as well as
      creation of "arc" directories has been discontinued.
      Removal procedure has been kept untouched to be able to
      cleanup existent database directories by the DROP DATABASE
      query. Also view renaming procedure has been updated to remove
      these directories.
  5. 29 Sep, 2008 1 commit
    • Alexey Botchkov's avatar
      Bug#37949 Crash if argument to SP is a subquery that returns more than one row · b6f4b1c0
      Alexey Botchkov authored
           JOIN for the subselect wasn't cleaned if we came upon an error
           during sub_select() execution. That leads to the assertion failure
           in close_thread_tables()
           part of the 6.0 code backported
      per-file comments:
      Bug#37949 Crash if argument to SP is a subquery that returns more than one row 
          test result
      Bug#37949 Crash if argument to SP is a subquery that returns more than one row 
          test case
      Bug#37949 Crash if argument to SP is a subquery that returns more than one row 
          lex->unit.cleanup() call added if not substatement
  6. 23 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  7. 20 Sep, 2008 4 commits
  8. 19 Sep, 2008 2 commits
  9. 18 Sep, 2008 3 commits
    • Matthias Leich's avatar
      Merge actual tree -> local tree · 47ba1e81
      Matthias Leich authored
      no conflicts
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #39353: Multiple conditions on timestamp column crashes server · 0a61c6d7
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      The fix for bug 31887 was incomplete : it assumes that all the 
      field types returned by the IS_NUM macro are descendants of 
      Item_num and tries to zero-fill the values before doing constant
      substitution with such fields when they are compared to constant string
      The only exception to this is Field_timestamp : it's in the IS_NUM
      macro, but is not a descendant of Field_num.
      Fixed by excluding timestamp fields (Field_timestamp) when zero-filling
      when converting the constant to compare with to a string.
      Note that this will not exclude the timestamp columns from const 
    • Tatiana A. Nurnberg's avatar
      Bug#37114: sql_mode NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES does not work properly with LOAD DATA... · 86775b10
      Tatiana A. Nurnberg authored
      Bug#37114: sql_mode NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES does not work properly with LOAD DATA      Bug#37114: sql_mode NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES does not work properly with LOAD DATA INFILE
      tweaked test to make embedded server happy
  10. 17 Sep, 2008 2 commits
  11. 16 Sep, 2008 3 commits
  12. 15 Sep, 2008 2 commits
    • Patrick Crews's avatar
      Bug#37938 Test "mysqldump" lacks various INSERT statements / values · ef1d6cca
      Patrick Crews authored
      Moved fix for this bug to 5.0 as other mysqldump bugs seem tied to concurrent_insert being on
      Setting concurrent_insert off during this test as INSERTs weren't being 
      completely processed before the calls to mysqldump, resulting in failing tests.
      Altered .test file to turn concurrent_insert off during the test and to restore it
      to whatever the value was at the start of the test when complete.
      Re-recorded .result file to account for changes to variables in the test.
    • Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
      Bug#35987 - crash report on windows doesn't resolve stack traces. · 95af2754
      Vladislav Vaintroub authored
      The problem here is that symbols can not be loaded, because symbol
      path is not set and  default path does not include the directory
      where PDB is located.
      The problem is _not_ reproducible on the same machine where
      mysqld.exe is built - if PDB is not found in the symbol path,
      dbghelp would fallback to fully qualified PDB path as given in the
      executable header and on the build host this will succeed.
      The solution is to calculate symbol path and pass it to SymInitialize()
  13. 11 Sep, 2008 2 commits
  14. 10 Sep, 2008 2 commits
  15. 09 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  16. 05 Sep, 2008 3 commits
  17. 03 Sep, 2008 3 commits
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Fix for bug#38821: Assert table->auto_increment_field_not_null failed · ef13c12c
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
      in open_table()
      Problem: repeating "CREATE... ( AUTOINCREMENT) ... SELECT" may lead to
      an assertion failure.
      Fix: reset table->auto_increment_field_not_null after each record 
    • Gleb Shchepa's avatar
      merge with local tree · cfb4a66a
      Gleb Shchepa authored
    • Gleb Shchepa's avatar
      Bug #39002: The server crashes on the query: · 6f94324f
      Gleb Shchepa authored
      In order to get correct values from update fields that
      belongs to the SELECT part in the INSERT .. SELECT .. ON
      DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement, the server adds referenced
      fields to the select list. Part of the code that does this
      transformation is shared between implementations of
      the DEFAULT(col) function and the DEFAULT keyword (in
      the col=DEFAULT expression), and an implementation of
      the DEFAULT keyword is incomplete.