This is a release of MySQL, a basically free SQL database server (more licence information in the PUBLIC file and in the reference manual). Please read the Upgrading section in the manual if emigration from 3.20.# to 3.21.#. Otherwise it wont work!! The latest information about MySQL can be found at: To see what it can do take a look at the features section in the manual. For installation instructions see the Installation chapter in the manual. For future plans see the TODO appendix in the manual. New features/bug fixes history is in the news appendix in the manual. For the currently known bugs/misfeatures (known errors) see the bugs appendix in the manual. For examples of SQL and benchmarking information see the bench directory. The manual mentioned above can be found in the Docs directory. The manual is available in the following formats: as text in Docs/manual.txt, as HTML in Docs/manual_toc.html, as GNU Info in Docs/ and as PostScript in Docs/ For a contributed user manual see MySQL is brought to you by: Michael (Monty) Widenius at TcX DataKonsult AB. For the other contributors see the Credits appendix in the manual. ************************************************************ IMPORTANT: Send bug (error) reports, questions and comments to the mailing list at Please use the 'mysqlbug' script when posting bug reports or questions about MySQL. mysqlbug will gather some information about your system and start your editor with a form in which you can describe your problem. Bug reports might be silently ignored by the MySQL maintainers if there is not a good reason included in the report as to why mysqlbug has not been used. A report that says 'MySQL does not work for me. Why?' is not consider a valid bug report. The mysqlbug script can be found in the 'scripts' directory in the distribution, that is 'there-you-installed-mysql/scripts'.
RESTORE TABLE FROM 'directory' log on slave when it connects to the master