• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    go/zodb: Fix Persistent.badf · f117335c
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Due to forgotten ... it was not passing prepared argv as argv to
    fmt.Errorf, but as a single slice argument. The result was messy, for
        persistent_test.go:176: deactivate refcnt < 0: panic error unexpected:
            have: "[t.zodb.MyObject 000000000000000c](%!s(MISSING)): deactivate: refcnt < 0"
            want: "t.zodb.MyObject(000000000000000c): deactivate: refcnt < 0"
    Using the occasion add details to deactivate refcnt panic, which
    made me to discover this bug.
persistent.go 18.6 KB