Commit 15a9ccef authored by Test's avatar Test

X reran neo1 - neo2 after reloading r8169 driver on both machines

Compared to run from Oct10 txc settings were not changed and they are now
200μs/4f/0μs-irq/0f-irq on both machines instead of 200μs/4f/0μs-irq/0f-irq on
neo1 and 200μs/0f/0μs-irq/0f-irq on neo2.

The noise about py runs remains.

Go-go serial time remains the same ~155μs without much noise, but Go-go time
with +prefetch128 gets worse:

NEO/go Cgo +prefetch128

        ~45μs   -> 65 - 160μs

Probably it makes sense to tune txc too...
parent b288e62f
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