Commit 36555dfc authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Add tests for undoLog() and history() in client/

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 9f8baf67
......@@ -752,20 +752,81 @@ class ClientApplicationTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(app.undo(tid3, txn4, wrapper), (tid4, [oid2, ]))
def test_undoLog(self):
raise NotImplementedError
app = self.getApp()
app.num_partitions = 2
uuid1, uuid2 = '\x00' * 15 + '\x01', '\x00' * 15 + '\x02'
# two nodes, two partition, two transaction, two objects :
node1, node2 = Mock({}), Mock({})
cell1, cell2 = Mock({}), Mock({})
tid1, tid2 = self.makeTID(1), self.makeTID(2)
oid1, oid2 = self.makeOID(1), self.makeOID(2)
# TIDs packets supplied by _waitMessage hook
# TXN info packets
p3, p4 = Packet(), Packet()
p3.answerTransactionInformation(1, tid1, '', '', '', (oid1, ))
p4.answerTransactionInformation(1, tid2, '', '', '', (oid2, ))
conn = Mock({
'getNextId': 1,
'getUUID': ReturnValues(uuid1, uuid2),
'fakeGetApp': app,
'fakeReceived': ReturnValues(p3, p4),
'getAddress': ('', 10010),
}) = Mock({
'getNodeList': (node1, node2, ),
'getCellList': ReturnValues([cell1], [cell2]),
app.cp = Mock({ 'getConnForNode': conn})
def _waitMessage(self, conn=None, msg_id=None):
self.local_var.node_tids = {uuid1: (tid1, ), uuid2: (tid2, )}
Application._waitMessage = _waitMessage_old
_waitMessage_old = Application._waitMessage
Application._waitMessage = _waitMessage
def txn_filter(info):
return info['id'] > '\x00' * 8
result = app.undoLog(0, 4, filter=txn_filter)
self.assertEquals(result[0]['id'], tid1)
self.assertEquals(result[1]['id'], tid2)
def test_history(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def test_sync(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def test_connectToPrimaryMasterNode(self):
raise NotImplementedError
app = getApp()
app = self.getApp()
oid = self.makeOID(1)
tid1, tid2 = self.makeTID(1), self.makeTID(2)
object_history = ( (tid1, 42), (tid2, 42),)
# object history, first is a wrong oid, second is valid
p1, p2 = Packet(), Packet()
p1.answerObjectHistory(1, self.makeOID(2), ())
p2.answerObjectHistory(1, oid, object_history)
# transaction history
p3, p4 = Packet(), Packet()
p3.answerTransactionInformation(1, tid1, 'u', 'd', 'e', (oid, ))
p4.answerTransactionInformation(1, tid2, 'u', 'd', 'e', (oid, ))
conn = Mock({
'getNextId': 1,
'fakeGetApp': app,
'fakeReceived': ReturnValues(p1, p2, p3, p4),
'getAddress': ('', 10010),
object_cells = [ Mock({}), Mock({}) ]
history_cells = [ Mock({}), Mock({}) ] = Mock({
'getCellList': ReturnValues(object_cells, history_cells,
app.cp = Mock({ 'getConnForNode': conn})
result = app.history(oid)
self.assertEquals(len(result), 2)
self.assertEquals(result[0]['serial'], tid1)
self.assertEquals(result[1]['serial'], tid2)
self.assertEquals(result[0]['size'], 42)
self.assertEquals(result[1]['size'], 42)
# def test_connectToPrimaryMasterNode(self):
# raise NotImplementedError
# app = getApp()
# app.connectToPrimaryMasterNode_org()
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