will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 5ce3ad70 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

storage: add support for recent version of sqlite

parent d4ed0828
......@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ from neo.lib import logging, util
from neo.lib.exception import DatabaseFailure
from neo.lib.protocol import CellStates, ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, ZERO_HASH
def unique_constraint_message(table, column):
c = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
c.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (%s UNIQUE)" % (table, column))
c.executemany("INSERT INTO %s VALUES(?)" % table, 'xx')
except sqlite3.IntegrityError, e:
return e.args[0]
assert False
def splitOIDField(tid, oids):
if (len(oids) % 8) != 0 or len(oids) == 0:
raise DatabaseFailure('invalid oids length for tid %d: %d' % (tid,
......@@ -360,13 +369,14 @@ class SQLiteDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
q("DELETE FROM data WHERE id IN (%s)"
% ",".join(map(str, data_id_list)))
def _storeData(self, checksum, data, compression):
def _storeData(self, checksum, data, compression,
_dup_hash=unique_constraint_message("data", "hash")):
H = buffer(checksum)
return self.query("INSERT INTO data VALUES (NULL,?,?,?)",
(H, compression, buffer(data))).lastrowid
except sqlite3.IntegrityError, e:
if e.args[0] == 'column hash is not unique':
if e.args[0] == _dup_hash:
(r, c, d), = self.query("SELECT id, compression, value"
" FROM data WHERE hash=?", (H,))
if c == compression and str(d) == data:
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