Commit 5d042452 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

MySQL: change schema of 'data' table to use autoincrement integer as primary key

This optimizes storage layout on disk, because more recent entries are often
being accessed more.

This will also simplify implementation of incremental backups.

Storage API is changed so that backends are not forced to use the checksum to
index data.
parent d4fac5c0
NEO 1.0
The format of MySQL tables has changed in NEO 1.0 and there is no backward
compatibility or transparent migration, so you will have to use the following
SQL commands to migrate each storage from NEO 0.10.x::
-- make sure 'tobj' is empty first
CREATE TABLE new_data (id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, hash BINARY(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, compression TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL, value LONGBLOB NULL) ENGINE = InnoDB SELECT DISTINCT obj.hash as hash, compression, value FROM obj, data WHERE obj.hash=data.hash ORDER BY serial;
RENAME TABLE new_data TO data;
CREATE TABLE new_obj (partition SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, oid BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, serial BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, data_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, value_serial BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, PRIMARY KEY (partition, oid, serial), KEY (data_id)) ENGINE = InnoDB SELECT partition, oid, serial, as data_id, value_serial FROM obj LEFT JOIN data ON (obj.hash=data.hash);
RENAME TABLE new_obj TO obj;
NEO 0.10
......@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class BTreeDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
raise AssertionError("hash collision")
except KeyError:
self._data[checksum] = compression, data, set()
return checksum
def finishTransaction(self, tid):
tid = util.u64(tid)
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
_uncommitted_data is a dict containing refcounts to data of
write-locked objects, except in case of undo, where the refcount is
increased later, when the object is read-locked.
Keys are checksums and values are number of references.
Keys are data ids and values are number of references.
If reset is true, existing data must be discarded and
self._uncommitted_data must be an empty dict.
......@@ -294,19 +294,19 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
"""Store a transaction temporarily, if temporary is true. Note
that this transaction is not finished yet. The list of objects
contains tuples, each of which consists of an object ID,
a checksum and object serial.
a data_id and object serial.
The transaction is either None or a tuple of the list of OIDs,
user information, a description, extension information and transaction
pack state (True for packed)."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _pruneData(self, checksum_list):
def _pruneData(self, data_id_list):
"""To be overriden by the backend to delete any unreferenced data
'unreferenced' means:
- not in self._uncommitted_data
- and not referenced by a fully-committed object (storage should have
an index or a refcound of all data checksums of all objects)
an index or a refcound of all data ids of all objects)
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -318,38 +318,39 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
raise NotImplementedError
def storeData(self, checksum, data=None, compression=None):
def storeData(self, checksum_or_id, data=None, compression=None):
"""Store object raw data
'checksum' must be the result of neo.lib.util.makeChecksum(data)
checksum must be the result of neo.lib.util.makeChecksum(data)
'compression' indicates if 'data' is compressed.
A volatile reference is set to this data until 'unlockData' is called
with this checksum.
If called with only a checksum, it only increment the volatile
reference to the data matching the checksum.
If called with only an id, it only increment the volatile
reference to the data matching the id.
refcount = self._uncommitted_data
refcount[checksum] = 1 + refcount.get(checksum, 0)
if data is not None:
self._storeData(checksum, data, compression)
checksum_or_id = self._storeData(checksum_or_id, data, compression)
refcount[checksum_or_id] = 1 + refcount.get(checksum_or_id, 0)
return checksum_or_id
def unlockData(self, checksum_list, prune=False):
def unlockData(self, data_id_list, prune=False):
"""Release 1 volatile reference to given list of checksums
If 'prune' is true, any data that is not referenced anymore (either by
a volatile reference or by a fully-committed object) is deleted.
refcount = self._uncommitted_data
for checksum in checksum_list:
count = refcount[checksum] - 1
for data_id in data_id_list:
count = refcount[data_id] - 1
if count:
refcount[checksum] = count
refcount[data_id] = count
del refcount[checksum]
del refcount[data_id]
if prune:
......@@ -379,8 +380,8 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
" of _getDataTID. It should be overriden by backend storage.")
r = self._getObject(oid, tid, before_tid)
if r:
serial, _, _, checksum, _, value_serial = r
if value_serial is None and checksum:
serial, _, _, data_id, _, value_serial = r
if value_serial is None and data_id:
return serial, serial
return serial, value_serial
return None, None
......@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
to it.
- getObjectData function
To call if value_serial is None and an object needs to be updated.
Takes no parameter, returns a 3-tuple: compression, checksum,
Takes no parameter, returns a 3-tuple: compression, data_id,
raise NotImplementedError
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ class ReplicationHandler(EventHandler):
serial_end, compression, checksum, data, data_serial):
dm =
if data or checksum != ZERO_HASH:
dm.storeData(checksum, data, compression)
data_id = dm.storeData(checksum, data, compression)
checksum = None
data_id = None
# Directly store the transaction.
obj = oid, checksum, data_serial
obj = oid, data_id, data_serial
dm.storeTransaction(serial_start, [obj], None, False)
def _doAskCheckSerialRange(self, min_oid, min_tid, max_tid,
......@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ class Transaction(object):
# assert self._transaction is not None
self._transaction = (oid_list, user, desc, ext, packed)
def addObject(self, oid, checksum, value_serial):
def addObject(self, oid, data_id, value_serial):
Add an object to the transaction
assert oid not in self._checked_set, dump(oid)
self._object_dict[oid] = oid, checksum, value_serial
self._object_dict[oid] = oid, data_id, value_serial
def delObject(self, oid):
......@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
# drop the lock it held on this object, and drop object data for
# consistency.
del self._store_lock_dict[oid]
checksum = self._transaction_dict[ttid].delObject(oid)
if checksum:,))
data_id = self._transaction_dict[ttid].delObject(oid)
if data_id:,))
# Give a chance to pending events to take that lock now.
# Attemp to acquire lock again.
......@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
# store object
assert ttid in self, "Transaction not registered"
if data is None:
checksum = None
data_id = None
else:, data, compression)
self._transaction_dict[ttid].addObject(oid, checksum, value_serial)
data_id =, data, compression)
self._transaction_dict[ttid].addObject(oid, data_id, value_serial)
def abort(self, ttid, even_if_locked=False):
......@@ -328,9 +328,9 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
if not even_if_locked:
for oid, checksum, value_serial in transaction.getObjectList()
if checksum], True)[data_id
for oid, data_id, value_serial in transaction.getObjectList()
if data_id], True)
# unlock any object
for oid in transaction.getLockedOIDList():
if has_load_lock:
......@@ -379,13 +379,13 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
for oid, ttid in self._store_lock_dict.items():' %r by %r', dump(oid), dump(ttid))
def updateObjectDataForPack(self, oid, orig_serial, new_serial, checksum):
def updateObjectDataForPack(self, oid, orig_serial, new_serial, data_id):
lock_tid = self.getLockingTID(oid)
if lock_tid is not None:
transaction = self._transaction_dict[lock_tid]
if transaction.getObject(oid)[2] == orig_serial:
if new_serial:
checksum = None
data_id = None
transaction.addObject(oid, checksum, new_serial)
transaction.addObject(oid, data_id, new_serial)
......@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
checksum = "0" * 20
data = 'foo'
data_serial = None
ReplicationHandler(app).answerObject(conn, oid, serial_start,
serial_end, compression, checksum, data, data_serial)
calls ='storeTransaction')
......@@ -122,9 +122,8 @@ class StorageDBTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
def getTransaction(self, oid_list):
transaction = (oid_list, 'user', 'desc', 'ext', False)
H = "0" * 20
for _ in oid_list:
self.db.storeData(H, '', 1)
object_list = [(oid, H, None) for oid in oid_list]
object_list = [(oid, self.db.storeData(H, '', 1), None)
for oid in oid_list]
return (transaction, object_list)
def checkSet(self, list1, list2):
......@@ -584,10 +583,8 @@ class StorageDBTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
tid4 = self.getNextTID()
tid5 = self.getNextTID()
oid1 = self.getOID(1)
foo = "3" * 20
bar = "4" * 20
db.storeData(foo, 'foo', 0)
db.storeData(bar, 'bar', 0)
foo = db.storeData("3" * 20, 'foo', 0)
bar = db.storeData("4" * 20, 'bar', 0)
db.unlockData((foo, bar))
tid1, (
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import random
import unittest
from mock import Mock
from mock import Mock, ReturnValues
from .. import NeoUnitTestBase
from import Transaction, TransactionManager
from import ConflictError, DelayedError
......@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ class TransactionManagerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
def testSimpleCase(self):
""" One node, one transaction, not abort """
data_id_list = random.random(), random.random()*data_id_list))
uuid = self.getNewUUID()
ttid = self.getNextTID()
tid, txn = self._getTransaction()
......@@ -137,8 +139,8 @@ class TransactionManagerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertTrue(ttid in self.manager)
self.manager.lock(ttid, tid, txn[0])
self._checkTransactionStored(tid, [
(object1[0], object1[2], object1[4]),
(object2[0], object2[2], object2[4]),
(object1[0], data_id_list[0], object1[4]),
(object2[0], data_id_list[1], object2[4]),
], txn)
self.assertFalse(ttid in self.manager)
......@@ -331,6 +333,8 @@ class TransactionManagerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
def test_getObjectFromTransaction(self):
data_id = random.random()
uuid = self.getNewUUID()
tid1, txn1 = self._getTransaction()
tid2, txn2 = self._getTransaction()
......@@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ class TransactionManagerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertEqual(self.manager.getObjectFromTransaction(tid1, obj2[0]),
self.assertEqual(self.manager.getObjectFromTransaction(tid1, obj1[0]),
(obj1[0], obj1[2], obj1[4]))
(obj1[0], data_id, obj1[4]))
def test_getLockingTID(self):
uuid = self.getNewUUID()
......@@ -308,13 +308,14 @@ class StorageApplication(ServerNode,
adapter = self._init_args[1]['getAdapter']
dm =
if adapter == 'BTree':
checksum_list = dm._data
checksum_dict = dict((x, x) for x in dm._data)
elif adapter == 'MySQL':
checksum_list = [x for x, in dm.query("SELECT hash FROM data")]
checksum_dict = dict(dm.query("SELECT id, hash FROM data"))
assert False
assert set(dm._uncommitted_data).issubset(checksum_list)
return dict((x, dm._uncommitted_data.get(x, 0)) for x in checksum_list)
assert set(dm._uncommitted_data).issubset(checksum_dict)
get = dm._uncommitted_data.get
return dict((v, get(k, 0)) for k, v in checksum_dict.iteritems())
class ClientApplication(Node,
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