Commit 62af029d authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent dd290567
......@@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ func withDemoData(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T, ddat *DemoData), optv ...tO
pos int // where this transaction starts in the dump
var txnv []zdumpTxn
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n\n", zdump)
// fmt.Printf("%s\n\n\n", zdump)
for _, m := range txnRe.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(zdump, -1) {
// fmt.Println(m)
// [m[0]:m[1]] refer to whole txn line
__ := zdump[m[2]:m[3]]
tid, err := zodb.ParseTid(__); X(err)
txnv = append(txnv, zdumpTxn{tid, m[0]})
fmt.Printf("\n\n\ntxnv: %v\n", txnv)
// fmt.Printf("\n\n\ntxnv: %v\n", txnv)
// verify on all combinations of preload being split into base+δ
work := xtempdir(t)
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