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Commit 73bc026b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent d1f63f32
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ func (δtail *ΔTail) Head() Tid {
return δtail.head
// XXX + Tail?
// XXX add way to extend coverage without appending changed data? (i.e. if a
// txn did not change file at all) -> but then it is simply .Append(rev, nil)?
......@@ -139,14 +141,14 @@ func (δtail *ΔTail) ForgetBefore(revCut Tid) {
// LastRevOf(id, at) = at
// 2) if δtail has an entry corresponding to id change, it gives exactly the
// last revision that changed id:
// last revision that changed id:
// # at ∈ [min(rev ∈ δtail), max(rev ∈ δtail)]
// # ∃ rev ∈ δtail: rev changed id && rev ≤ at
// LastRevOf(id, at) = max(rev: rev changed id && rev ≤ at)
// 3) if δtail does not contain appropriate record with id - it returns δtail's
// lower bound as the estimate for the upper bound of the last id revision:
// lower bound as the estimate for the upper bound of the last id revision:
// # at ∈ [min(rev ∈ δtail), max(rev ∈ δtail)]
// # ∄ rev ∈ δtail: rev changed id && rev ≤ at
......@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ import (
// XXX test Head
func TestΔTail(t *testing.T) {
δtail := NewΔTail()
......@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ func TestΔTail(t *testing.T) {
// δCheck verifies that δtail state corresponds to provided tailv
δCheck := func(tailv ...δRevEntry) {
δCheck := func(head Tid, tailv ...δRevEntry) {
for i := 1; i < len(tailv); i++ {
......@@ -50,6 +48,10 @@ func TestΔTail(t *testing.T) {
if h := δtail.Head(); h != head {
t.Fatalf("Head() -> %s ; want %s", h, head)
if !tailvEqual(δtail.tailv, tailv) {
t.Fatalf("tailv:\nhave: %v\nwant: %v", δtail.tailv, tailv)
......@@ -85,56 +87,67 @@ func TestΔTail(t *testing.T) {
δCheckLastUP(4, 12, 12) // δtail = ø
δAppend(R(10, 3,5))
δCheck(R(10, 3,5))
δCheck(10, R(10, 3,5))
δCheckLastUP(3, 9, 9) // at < δtail
δCheckLastUP(3, 12, 12) // at > δtail
δCheckLastUP(4, 10, 10) // id ∉ δtail
δAppend(R(11, 7))
δCheck(R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7))
δCheck(11, R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7))
δAppend(R(12, 7))
δCheck(R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7))
δCheck(12, R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7))
δAppend(R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(14, R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheckLastUP(8, 12, 10) // id ∈ δtail, but has no entry with rev ≤ at
δCheck(R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(14, R(10, 3,5), R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(14, R(11, 7), R(12, 7), R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(R(14, 3,8))
δCheck(14, R(14, 3,8))
// Append panics on non-↑ rev
δAppend(R(15, 1))
func() {
// δAppendPanic verifies that Append(δ.rev = rev) panics.
δAppendPanic := func(rev Tid) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
t.Fatal("append non-↑: not panicked")
t.Fatalf("append(rev=%s) non-↑: not panicked", rev)
rev := Tid(15)
want := fmt.Sprintf("δtail.Append: rev not ↑: %s -> %s", rev, rev)
want := fmt.Sprintf("δtail.Append: rev not ↑: %s -> %s", δtail.head, rev)
if r != want {
t.Fatalf("append non-↑:\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", r, want)
δAppend(R(15, 1))
// on empty δtail
// on !empty δtail
δAppend(R(15, 1))
δCheck(15, R(15, 1))
// .tailv underlying storage is not kept after forget
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