Commit 98fa98ce authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X fs1: Fix empty file iteration

parent cd186bf8
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func (fs *FileStorage) _Load(dh *DataHeader, xid zodb.Xid) (*zodb.Buf, zodb.Tid,
type zIter struct {
iter Iter
TidStop zodb.Tid // iterate up to tid <= tidStop | tid >= tidStop depending on iter.dir
tidStop zodb.Tid // iterate up to tid <= tidStop | tid >= tidStop depending on iter.dir
zFlags zIterFlags
......@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ func (zi *zIter) NextTxn(_ context.Context) (*zodb.TxnInfo, zodb.IDataIterator,
// XXX how to make sure last good txnh is preserved?
if (zi.iter.Dir == IterForward && zi.iter.Txnh.Tid > zi.TidStop) ||
(zi.iter.Dir == IterBackward && zi.iter.Txnh.Tid < zi.TidStop) {
if (zi.iter.Dir == IterForward && zi.iter.Txnh.Tid > zi.tidStop) ||
(zi.iter.Dir == IterBackward && zi.iter.Txnh.Tid < zi.tidStop) {
//println("-> EOF")
zi.zFlags |= zIterEOF
return nil, nil, io.EOF
......@@ -321,16 +321,17 @@ func (fs *FileStorage) findTxnRecord(r io.ReaderAt, tid zodb.Tid) (TxnHeader, er
//fmt.Printf("findTxn %v\n", tid)
// XXX read snapshot under lock
// NOTE cloning to unalias strings memory
var tmin, tmax TxnHeader
if tmax.Pos == 0 { // XXX -> tmax.Valid() ?
if fs.txnhMin.Len == 0 {
// empty database - no such record
return TxnHeader{}, nil
// NOTE cloning to unalias strings memory
var tmin, tmax TxnHeader
// now we know the database is not empty and thus tmin & tmax are valid
if tmax.Tid < tid {
......@@ -417,10 +418,10 @@ func (fs *FileStorage) Iterate(tidMin, tidMax zodb.Tid) zodb.ITxnIterator {
iter.Datah.Pos = txnh.DataPos() // XXX dup wrt Iter.NextTxn
iter.Datah.DataLen = -DataHeaderSize // first iteration will go to first data record
iter.Dir = IterForward // XXX allow both ways iteration at ZODB level
iter.Dir = IterForward // TODO allow both ways iteration at ZODB level
ziter.zFlags |= zIterPreloaded
ziter.TidStop = tidMax
ziter.tidStop = tidMax
return ziter
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