Commit fc4a7c11 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 37d24e29
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def Bmerge(B, merger):
# add_yvalueticks adds small yticks for values in yv.
def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv):
def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv, fmt='%d'):
ys0 = set(ax.get_yticks())
ys = ys0.copy()
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv):
d = '^' # shift a bit up
#d = '^_' # shift a bit up
l = r'${}%s{%d}$' % (d, y)
l = (r'${}%%s{%s}$' % fmt) % (d, y)
#l = r'${}%s{{}%s{%d}}$' % (d[0], d[1], y)
......@@ -362,11 +362,8 @@ def plotseries(ax, labkey, S):
# plotlat1 makes plot of benchmark latencies for serial (1 client) case.
# it also shows latencies of base CPU/disk operations on the nodes involved.
# S - latency-µs/object series
# Bnode - {} node -> [] node-local basic benchmarks
def plotlat1(ax, S, Bnode):
def plotlat1(ax, S):
yticks0 = set()
for name in S:
b = S[name].series[0]
......@@ -386,15 +383,12 @@ def plotlat1(ax, S, Bnode):
# mark first values with dedicated y ticks
add_yvalueticks(ax, yticks0)
# --- node-local basic operations ---
_plotnode1(ax, Bnode)
def _plotnode1(ax, Bnode):
B = mergebynode(Bnode)
B = mergepygo(B)
# plotnode1 plots latencies of base CPU/disk operations on the nodes.
def plotnode1(ax, B):
Bu = B.byunit()
Bn = Bu[usop].byname() # XXX µs/op hardcoded. FIXME disk/*
yticks = set()
for name in Bn:
......@@ -414,7 +408,7 @@ def _plotnode1(ax, Bnode):
ax2 = ax.twinx()
add_yvalueticks(ax2, yticks)
add_yvalueticks(ax2, yticks, fmt='%.1f')
......@@ -559,7 +553,14 @@ def main():
ax2.add_patch(BboxPatch(rect, fill=False, fc="none", ec="0.5", lw=0.5))
ax2.add_patch(BboxConnectorPatch(ax21.bbox, rect, 3,2, 4,1, ec="0.5", lw=0.5))
plotlat1(ax21, Slat, Bnode)
plotlat1(ax21, Slat)
# also show sha1, unzip, ... latencies
B = mergebynode(Bnode)
B = mergepygo(B)
plotnode1(ax21, B)
# and same in detail
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