Commit 0d13d0e9 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Group changes by type; include some overlooked changes.

parent 5284f2f1
``persistent`` Changelog
4.0 (unreleased)
- Removed all ``ZODB``-dependent tests.
4.0.0 (unreleased)
- Added explicit support for Python 3.2 and PyPy.
- Note that the C implementations of Persistent, PickleCache, and Timestamp
are not built (yet) on these platforms.
- Dropped support for Python < 2.6.
Testing Changes
- 100% unit test coverage.
- Dropped explicit support for Python < 2.6.
- Removed all ``ZODB``-dependent tests:
- Added support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.
- Rewrote some to avoid the dependency
- Cloned the remainder into new ``ZODB.tests`` modules.
- Added `` docs`` alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and
- Refactored some doctests refactored as unittests.
- Completed pure-Python reference implementations of 'Persistent',
'PickleCache', and 'TimeStamp'.
- All covered platforms tested under ``tox``.
- Added support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.
- Added `` dev`` alias (installs ``nose`` and ``coverage``).
- Dropped dependency on ``zope.testing`` / ``zope.testrunner``: tests now
run with `` test``.
- Initial release, branched from ZODB trunk on 2011-02-16.
Documentation Changes
- Refactored many Doctests as Sphinx documentation (snippets are exercised
via 'tox').
- Added `` docs`` alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and
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