Commit 1c1e2c79 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

All ZODB tests pass. Add some documentation.

parent 012ea948
......@@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ class PickleCache(object):
value =
if value is not None and value._p_state != GHOST:
if self.ring.delete(value):
self.non_ghost_count -= 1
elif oid in self.persistent_classes:
persistent_class = self.persistent_classes[oid]
del self.persistent_classes[oid]
......@@ -13,8 +13,78 @@
#pylint: disable=W0212
#pylint: disable=W0212,E0211,W0622,E0213,W0221,E0239
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implementer
class IRing(Interface):
Conceptually, a doubly-linked list for efficiently keeping track of least-
and most-recently used :class:`persistent.interfaces.IPersistent` objects.
This is meant to be used by the :class:`persistent.picklecache.PickleCache`
and should not be considered a public API. This interface documentation exists
to assist development of the picklecache and alternate implementations by
explaining assumptions and performance requirements.
def __len__():
Return the number of persistent objects stored in the ring. Should
be constant time.
def __contains__(object):
Answer whether the given persistent object is found in the ring.
Must not rely on object equality or object hashing, but only
identity or the `_p_oid`. Should be constant time.
def add(object):
Add the persistent object to the ring as most-recently used. When
an object is in the ring, the ring holds a strong reference to
it so it can be deactivated later by the pickle cache. Should
be constant time.
The object should not already be in the ring, but this is not necessarily
def delete(object):
Remove the object from the ring if it is present. Returns a true
value if it was present and a false value otherwise. An ideal
implementation should be constant time, but linear time is
def move_to_head(object):
Place the object as the most recently used object in the ring. The
object should already be in the ring, but this is not
necessarily enforced, and attempting to move an object that is
not in the ring has undefined consequences. An ideal
implementation should be constant time, but linear time is
def delete_all(indexes_and_values):
Given a sequence of pairs (index, object), remove all of them from
the ring. This should be equivalent to calling :meth:`delete` for each
value, but allows for a more efficient bulk deletion process. Should
be at least linear time (not quadratic).
def __iter__():
Iterate over each persistent object in the ring, in the order of least
recently used to most recently used. Mutating the ring while an iteration
is in progress has undefined consequences.
from cffi import FFI
import os
......@@ -33,7 +103,11 @@ try:
_OSA = object.__setattr__
#pylint: disable=E1101
class _CFFIRing(object):
A ring backed by a C implementation. All operations are constant time.
__slots__ = ('ring_home', 'ring_to_obj')
......@@ -42,6 +116,9 @@ try:
node.r_next = node
node.r_prev = node
# In order for the CFFI objects to stay alive, we must keep
# a strong reference to them, otherwise they get freed. We must
# also keep strong references to the objects so they can be deactivated
self.ring_to_obj = dict()
def __len__(self):
......@@ -57,10 +134,13 @@ try:
object.__setattr__(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', node)
def delete(self, pobj):
deleted = 0
node = getattr(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', None)
if node is not None and node.r_next:
deleted = 1
self.ring_to_obj.pop(node, None)
return deleted
def move_to_head(self, pobj):
node = pobj._Persistent__ring
......@@ -88,7 +168,12 @@ except ImportError:
from collections import deque
class _DequeRing(object):
A ring backed by the :class:`collections.deque` class. Operations
are a mix of constant and linear time.
__slots__ = ('ring', 'ring_oids')
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