Commit a925272c authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Add links to the change note with details [skip ci]

parent 7ca05c0d
......@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
- Add support for Python 3.7 and drop support for Python 3.3.
- Build the CFFI modules (used on PyPy or when PURE_PYTHON is set) at
installation or wheel building time when CFFI is available. This
replaces the deprecated way of building them at import time. If
binary wheels are distributed, it eliminates the need to have a
functioning C compiler to use PyPy. See `issue 75
- Build the CFFI modules (used on PyPy or when PURE_PYTHON is set) `at
installation or wheel building time
when CFFI is available. This replaces `the deprecated way
of building them at import time. If binary wheels are distributed,
it eliminates the need to have a functioning C compiler to use PyPy.
See `issue 75
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