Commit b278da07 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Not yet ready for release.

parent b9889a24
``persistent`` Changelog
4.0.5 (2012-12-13)
4.0.5 (unreleased)
- Fixed the C-extensions under Py3k (previously they compiled but were
......@@ -430,13 +430,13 @@ pickle___getstate__(PyObject *self)
for (i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(slotnames); i++)
PyObject *name, *value;
char *cname;
int is_special;
name = PyList_GET_ITEM(slotnames, i);
#ifdef PY3K
if (PyUnicode_Check(name))
char *cname;
int is_special;
PyObject *converted = convert_name(name);
cname = PyBytes_AS_STRING(converted);
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
__version__ = '4.0.5'
__version__ = '4.0.5dev'
import os
import platform
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