Commit c0ef0335 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Checkpoint on a CFFI version of the cache MRU ring. Currently fails due to lifetime issues.

parent add499ab
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ from persistent.timestamp import _ZERO
from persistent._compat import copy_reg
from persistent._compat import intern
from . import ring
......@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ _SPECIAL_NAMES = set(SPECIAL_NAMES)
class Persistent(object):
""" Pure Python implmentation of Persistent base class
__slots__ = ('__jar', '__oid', '__serial', '__flags', '__size')
__slots__ = ('__jar', '__oid', '__serial', '__flags', '__size', '__ring', '__ring_handle')
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
inst = super(Persistent, cls).__new__(cls)
......@@ -67,6 +69,8 @@ class Persistent(object):
_OSA(inst, '_Persistent__serial', None)
_OSA(inst, '_Persistent__flags', None)
_OSA(inst, '_Persistent__size', 0)
_OSA(inst, '_Persistent__ring', None)
_OSA(inst, '_Persistent__ring_handle', None)
return inst
# _p_jar: see IPersistent.
......@@ -483,6 +487,9 @@ class Persistent(object):
jar = oga(self, '_Persistent__jar')
if jar is None:
myring = oga(self, '_Persistent__ring')
if ring is None:
oid = oga(self, '_Persistent__oid')
if oid is None:
......@@ -490,6 +497,7 @@ class Persistent(object):
if flags is None: # ghost
# The KeyError arises in ZODB: ZODB.serialize.ObjectWriter
# can assign a jar and an oid to newly seen persistent objects,
# but because they are newly created, they aren't in the
......@@ -497,10 +505,11 @@ class Persistent(object):
# that at this level, all we can do is catch it.
# The AttributeError arises in ZODB test cases
ring.move_to_head(jar._cache.ring_home, myring)
except (AttributeError,KeyError):
def _p_is_in_cache(self):
oid = self.__oid
if not oid:
......@@ -511,6 +520,10 @@ class Persistent(object):
if cache is not None:
return cache.get(oid) is self
def __del__(self):
if self._p_is_in_cache():
def _estimated_size_in_24_bits(value):
if value > 1073741696:
return 16777215
......@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ def _sweeping_ring(f):
from collections import deque
from . import ring
class PickleCache(object):
......@@ -100,11 +102,7 @@ class PickleCache(object):
self.non_ghost_count = 0
self.persistent_classes = {} = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
# oldest is on the left, newest on the right so that default
# iteration order is maintained from oldest to newest.
# Note that the remove() method is verboten: it uses equality
# comparisons, but we must use identity comparisons
self.ring = deque()
self.ring_home = ring.CPersistentRingHead()
self.cache_size_bytes = cache_size_bytes
# IPickleCache API
......@@ -164,7 +162,11 @@ class PickleCache(object):
else:[oid] = value
node = ring.CPersistentRing(value)
value._Persistent__ring = node
if _OGA(value, '_p_state') != GHOST:
ring.add(self.ring_home, node)
self.non_ghost_count += 1
def __delitem__(self, oid):
""" See IPickleCache.
......@@ -196,21 +198,18 @@ class PickleCache(object):
return False # marker return for tests
value =[oid]
was_in_ring = self._remove_from_ring(value)
if was_in_ring:
# Compensate for decrementing the count; by
# definition it should already have been not-a-ghost
# so we can avoid a trip through Persistent.__getattribute__
self.non_ghost_count += 1
elif _OGA(value, '_p_state') != GHOST:
id_value = id(value)
was_in_ring = bool(value._Persistent__ring.r_next)
ring.move_to_head(self.ring_home, value._Persistent__ring)
if not was_in_ring and _OGA(value, '_p_state') != GHOST:
self.non_ghost_count += 1
def ringlen(self):
""" See IPickleCache.
return len(self.ring)
return ring.ringlen(self.ring_home)
def items(self):
""" See IPickleCache.
......@@ -220,7 +219,11 @@ class PickleCache(object):
def lru_items(self):
""" See IPickleCache.
return [(x._p_oid, x) for x in self.ring]
result = []
for item in ring.iteritems(self.ring_home):
obj = ring.get_object(item)
result.append((obj._p_oid, obj))
return result
def klass_items(self):
""" See IPickleCache.
......@@ -346,17 +349,16 @@ class PickleCache(object):
def _sweep(self, target, target_size_bytes=0):
# lock
# We can't mutate while we're iterating, so store ejections by index here
# (deleting by index is potentially more efficient then by value because it
# can use the rotate() method and not be O(n)). Also note that we do not use
# self._remove_from_ring because we need to decrement the non_ghost_count
# as we traverse the ring to be sure to meet our target
to_eject = []
i = -1 # Using a manual numeric counter instead of enumerate() is much faster on PyPy
for value in self.ring:
ejected = 0
for here in ring.iteritems(self.ring_home):
value = ring.get_object(here)
if value is None:
here = here.r_next
if self.non_ghost_count <= target and (self.total_estimated_size <= target_size_bytes or not target_size_bytes):
i += 1
if value._p_state == UPTODATE:
# The C implementation will only evict things that are specifically
# in the up-to-date state
......@@ -379,16 +381,14 @@ class PickleCache(object):
# they don't cooperate (without this check a bunch of test_picklecache
# breaks)
or not isinstance(value, _SWEEPABLE_TYPES)):
self.non_ghost_count -= 1
ejected += 1
for i in reversed(to_eject):
del self.ring[i]
if to_eject and _SWEEP_NEEDS_GC:
if ejected and _SWEEP_NEEDS_GC:
# See comments on _SWEEP_NEEDS_GC
return len(to_eject)
return ejected
def _invalidate(self, oid):
......@@ -408,21 +408,5 @@ class PickleCache(object):
def _remove_from_ring(self, value):
Removes the previously non-ghost `value` from the ring, decrementing
the `non_ghost_count` if it's found. The value may be a ghost when
this method is called.
:return: A true value if the object was found in the ring.
# Note that we do not use self.ring.remove() because that
# uses equality semantics and we don't want to call the persistent
# object's __eq__ method (which might wake it up just after we
# tried to ghost it)
i = 0 # Using a manual numeric counter instead of enumerate() is much faster on PyPy
for o in self.ring:
if o is value:
del self.ring[i]
self.non_ghost_count -= 1
return 1
i += 1
if value._Persistent__ring.r_next:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from cffi import FFI
import pkg_resources
import os
ffi = FFI()
typedef struct CPersistentRingEx_struct
struct CPersistentRingEx_struct *r_prev;
struct CPersistentRingEx_struct *r_next;
void* object;
} CPersistentRingEx;
ffi.cdef(pkg_resources.resource_string('persistent', 'ring.h'))
ring = ffi.verify("""
typedef struct CPersistentRingEx_struct
struct CPersistentRingEx_struct *r_prev;
struct CPersistentRingEx_struct *r_next;
void* object;
} CPersistentRingEx;
#include "ring.c"
""", include_dirs=[os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))])
class CPersistentRing(object):
def __init__(self, obj=None):
self.handle = None
self.node ="CPersistentRingEx*")
if obj is not None:
self.handle = self.node.object = ffi.new_handle(obj)
self._object = obj # Circular reference
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.node, name)
def CPersistentRingHead():
head = CPersistentRing()
head.node.r_next = head.node
head.node.r_prev = head.node
return head
def _c(node):
return ffi.cast("CPersistentRing*", node.node)
def add(head, elt):
ring.ring_add(_c(head), _c(elt))
def del_(elt):
def move_to_head(head, elt):
ring.ring_move_to_head(_c(head), _c(elt))
def iteritems(head):
here = head.r_next
while here != head.node:
yield here
here = here.r_next
def ringlen(head):
count = 0
for _ in iteritems(head):
count += 1
return count
def get_object(node):
return ffi.from_handle(node.object)
print CPersistentRing()
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