• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    select: Don't let both a queued and a tried cases win at the same time · f0b592b4
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    While the second phase of select is running we queue send/recv cases to
    corresponding channels. At some point - when some of the cases are
    already queued - a peer goroutine might try to send/recv on that
    channel. And it will succeed because a waiter was queued to the channel.
    At the same time select is continuing its enqueue loop and before enqueuing
    to a channel it tries to send/recv there. If that channel became just ready
    (i.e. just after select poll phase) the try to send/recv will succeed. This
    means that actually 2 select cases could be executed at the same time.
    Fix it by carefully checking whether some case already won before trying
    to send/recv on a channel.
    This fixes the test failures that were demonstrated by previous 2 patches.
__init__.py 16.1 KB