Commit bbbb58f0 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang_str: bstr/ustr support for + and *

Add support for +, *, += and *= operators to bstr and ustr.

For * rhs should be integer and the result, similarly to std strings, is
repetition of rhs times.

For + the other argument could be any supported string - bstr/ustr /
unicode/bytes/bytearray. And the result is always bstr or ustr:

    u()   +     *     ->  u()
    b()   +     *     ->  b()
    u''   +  u()/b()  ->  u()
    u''   +  u''      ->  u''
    b''   +  u()/b()  ->  b()
    b''   +      b''  ->  b''
    barr  +  u()/b()  ->  barr

in particular if lhs is bstr or ustr, the result will remain exactly of
original lhs type. This should be handy when one has e.g. bstr at hand
and wants to incrementally append something to it.

And if lhs is bytes/unicode, but we append bstr/ustr to it, we "upgrade"
the result to bstr/ustr correspondingly. Only if lhs is bytearray it
remains to stay that way because it is logical for appended object to
remain mutable if it was mutable in the beginning.

As before bytearray.__add__ and friends need to patched a bit for
bytearray not to reject ustr.
parent ebd18f3f
......@@ -265,8 +265,9 @@ object is either `bstr` or `ustr` correspondingly.
Usage example::
s = b('привет') # s is bstr corresponding to UTF-8 encoding of 'привет'.
s += ' мир' # s is b('привет мир')
for c in s: # c will iterate through
... # [u(_) for _ in ('п','р','и','в','е','т')]
... # [u(_) for _ in ('п','р','и','в','е','т',' ','м','и','р')]
def f(s):
s = u(s) # make sure s is ustr, decoding as UTF-8(*) if it was bstr, bytes, bytearray or buffer.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ It is included from _golang.pyx .
from cpython cimport PyUnicode_AsUnicode, PyUnicode_GetSize, PyUnicode_FromUnicode
from cpython cimport PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8
from cpython cimport PyTypeObject, Py_TYPE, richcmpfunc
from cpython cimport PyTypeObject, Py_TYPE, richcmpfunc, binaryfunc
from cpython cimport Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_LT, Py_GT, Py_LE, Py_GE
from cpython.iterobject cimport PySeqIter_New
from cpython cimport PyObject_CheckBuffer
......@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ cdef extern from "Python.h":
ctypedef int (*initproc)(object, PyObject *, PyObject *) except -1
ctypedef struct _XPyTypeObject "PyTypeObject":
initproc tp_init
PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence
ctypedef struct PySequenceMethods:
binaryfunc sq_concat
binaryfunc sq_inplace_concat
from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t
......@@ -160,6 +166,16 @@ cdef _pyu_coerce(x): # -> ustr|unicode
raise TypeError("u: coerce: invalid type %s" % type(x))
# _pybu_rcoerce coerces x from `x op b|u` to either bstr or ustr.
# NOTE bytearray is handled outside of this function.
cdef _pybu_rcoerce(x): # -> bstr|ustr
if isinstance(x, bytes):
return pyb(x)
elif isinstance(x, unicode):
return pyu(x)
raise TypeError('b/u: coerce: invalid type %s' % type(x))
# __pystr converts obj to ~str of current python:
......@@ -307,6 +323,32 @@ class pybstr(bytes):
return pyu(self).__iter__()
# __add__, __radd__ (no need to override __iadd__)
def __add__(a, b):
# NOTE Cython < 3 does not automatically support __radd__ for cdef class
# but pybstr is currently _not_ cdef'ed class
# see also
return pyb(bytes.__add__(a, _pyb_coerce(b)))
def __radd__(b, a):
# a.__add__(b) returned NotImplementedError, e.g. for unicode.__add__(bstr)
# u'' + b() -> u() ; same as u() + b() -> u()
# b'' + b() -> b() ; same as b() + b() -> b()
# barr + b() -> barr
if isinstance(a, bytearray):
# force `bytearray +=` to go via bytearray.sq_inplace_concat - see PyNumber_InPlaceAdd
return NotImplemented
a = _pybu_rcoerce(a)
return a.__add__(b)
# __mul__, __rmul__ (no need to override __imul__)
def __mul__(a, b):
return pyb(bytes.__mul__(a, b))
def __rmul__(b, a):
return b.__mul__(a)
# XXX cannot `cdef class` with __new__:
class pyustr(unicode):
"""ustr is unicode-string.
......@@ -411,6 +453,34 @@ class pyustr(unicode):
return PySeqIter_New(self)
# __add__, __radd__ (no need to override __iadd__)
def __add__(a, b):
# NOTE Cython < 3 does not automatically support __radd__ for cdef class
# but pyustr is currently _not_ cdef'ed class
# see also
return pyu(unicode.__add__(a, _pyu_coerce(b)))
def __radd__(b, a):
# a.__add__(b) returned NotImplementedError, e.g. for unicode.__add__(bstr)
# u'' + u() -> u() ; same as u() + u() -> u()
# b'' + u() -> b() ; same as b() + u() -> b()
# barr + u() -> barr
if isinstance(a, bytearray):
# force `bytearray +=` to go via bytearray.sq_inplace_concat - see PyNumber_InPlaceAdd
# for pyustr this relies on patch to bytearray.sq_inplace_concat to accept ustr as bstr
return NotImplemented
a = _pybu_rcoerce(a)
return a.__add__(b)
# __mul__, __rmul__ (no need to override __imul__)
def __mul__(a, b):
return pyu(unicode.__mul__(a, b))
def __rmul__(b, a):
return b.__mul__(a)
# _pyustrIter wraps unicode iterator to return pyustr for each yielded character.
cdef class _pyustrIter:
cdef object uiter
......@@ -570,7 +640,13 @@ if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3:
# - bytearray.__init__ to accept ustr instead of raising 'TypeError:
# string argument without an encoding' (pybug: bytearray() should respect
# __bytes__ similarly to bytes)
# - bytearray.{sq_concat,sq_inplace_concat} to accept ustr instead of raising
# TypeError. (pybug: bytearray + and += should respect __bytes__)
cdef initproc _bytearray_tp_init = (<_XPyTypeObject*>bytearray) .tp_init
cdef binaryfunc _bytearray_sq_concat = (<_XPyTypeObject*>bytearray) .tp_as_sequence.sq_concat
cdef binaryfunc _bytearray_sq_iconcat = (<_XPyTypeObject*>bytearray) .tp_as_sequence.sq_inplace_concat
cdef int _bytearray_tp_xinit(object self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw) except -1:
if args != NULL and (kw == NULL or (not <object>kw)):
......@@ -583,9 +659,22 @@ cdef int _bytearray_tp_xinit(object self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw) except -
return _bytearray_tp_init(self, args, kw)
cdef object _bytearray_sq_xconcat(object a, object b):
if isinstance(b, pyustr):
b = pyb(b)
return _bytearray_sq_concat(a, b)
cdef object _bytearray_sq_xiconcat(object a, object b):
if isinstance(b, pyustr):
b = pyb(b)
return _bytearray_sq_iconcat(a, b)
def _bytearray_x__init__(self, *argv, **kw):
# NOTE don't return - just call: __init__ should return None
_bytearray_tp_xinit(self, <PyObject*>argv, <PyObject*>kw)
def _bytearray_x__add__ (a, b): return _bytearray_sq_xconcat(a, b)
def _bytearray_x__iadd__(a, b): return _bytearray_sq_xiconcat(a, b)
def _():
cdef PyTypeObject* t
......@@ -596,6 +685,13 @@ def _():
if t_.tp_init == _bytearray_tp_init:
t_.tp_init = _bytearray_tp_xinit
_patch_slot(t, '__init__', _bytearray_x__init__)
t_sq = t_.tp_as_sequence
if t_sq.sq_concat == _bytearray_sq_concat:
t_sq.sq_concat = _bytearray_sq_xconcat
_patch_slot(t, '__add__', _bytearray_x__add__)
if t_sq.sq_inplace_concat == _bytearray_sq_iconcat:
t_sq.sq_inplace_concat = _bytearray_sq_xiconcat
_patch_slot(t, '__iadd__', _bytearray_x__iadd__)
# _patch_slot installs func_or_descr into typ's __dict__ as name.
......@@ -437,6 +437,32 @@ def test_strings_iter():
assert list(XIter()) == ['м','и','р','у',' ','м','и','р']
# verify string operations like `x * 3` for all cases from bytes, bytearray, unicode, bstr and ustr.
@mark.parametrize('tx', (bytes, unicode, bytearray, bstr, ustr))
def test_strings_ops1(tx):
x = xstr(u'мир', tx)
assert type(x) is tx
# *
_ = x * 3
assert type(_) is tx
assert xudata(_) == u'мирмирмир'
_ = 3 * x
assert type(_) is tx
assert xudata(_) == u'мирмирмир'
# *=
_ = x
_ *= 3
assert type(_) is tx
assert xudata(_) == u'мирмирмир'
assert _ is x if tx is bytearray else \
_ is not x
# verify string operations like `x + y` for all combinations of pairs from
# bytes, unicode, bstr, ustr and bytearray. Except if both x and y are std
# python types, e.g. (bytes, unicode), because those combinations are handled
......@@ -483,6 +509,41 @@ def test_strings_ops2(tx, ty):
assert not (x > y)
assert y > x
# +
# type(x + y) is determined by type(x):
# u() + * -> u()
# b() + * -> b()
# u'' + u()/b() -> u()
# u'' + u'' -> u''
# b'' + u()/b() -> b()
# b'' + b'' -> b''
# barr + u()/b() -> barr
if tx in (bstr, ustr):
tadd = tx
elif tx in (unicode, bytes):
if ty in (unicode, bytes, bytearray):
tadd = tx # we are skipping e.g. bytes + unicode
assert ty in (bstr, ustr)
tadd = tbu(tx)
assert tx is bytearray
tadd = tx
_ = x + y
assert type(_) is tadd
assert _ is not x; assert _ is not y
assert _ == xstr(u'hello мир', tadd)
# += (same typing rules as for +)
_ = x
_ += y
assert type(_) is tadd
assert _ == xstr(u'hello мир', tadd)
assert _ is x if tx is bytearray else \
_ is not x
# verify string operations like `x + y` for x being bstr/ustr and y being a
# type unsupported for coercion.
......@@ -492,6 +553,9 @@ def test_strings_ops2_bufreject(tx, ty):
x = xstr(u'мир', tx)
y = ty(b'123')
with raises(TypeError): x + y
with raises(TypeError): x * y
assert (x == y) is False # see test_strings_ops2_eq_any
assert (x != y) is True
with raises(TypeError): x >= y
......@@ -499,6 +563,10 @@ def test_strings_ops2_bufreject(tx, ty):
with raises(TypeError): x > y
with raises(TypeError): x < y
# reverse operations, e.g. memoryview + bstr
with raises(TypeError): y + x
with raises(TypeError): y * x
# `y > x` does not raise when x is bstr (= provides buffer):
y == x # not raises TypeError - see test_strings_ops2_eq_any
y != x #
......@@ -658,6 +726,28 @@ def test_strings_patched_transparently():
assert _(3) == r"bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00')"
assert _((1,2,3)) == r"bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03')"
# bytearray.{sq_concat,sq_inplace_concat} stay unaffected
a = bytearray()
def _(delta):
aa = a + delta
aa_ = a.__add__(delta)
assert aa is not a
assert aa_ is not a
aclone = bytearray(a)
a_ = a
a_ += delta
aclone_ = aclone
assert a_ is a
assert a_ == aa
assert aclone_ is aclone
assert aclone_ == a_
return a_
assert _(b'') == b''
assert _(b'a') == b'a'
assert _(b'b') == b'ab'
assert _(b'cde') == b'abcde'
# ---- benchmarks ----
......@@ -708,3 +798,31 @@ def xstr(text, typ):
s = _()
assert type(s) is typ
return s
# xudata returns data of x converted to unicode string.
# x can be bytes/unicode/bytearray / bstr/ustr.
def xudata(x):
def _():
if type(x) in (bytes, bytearray):
return x.decode('utf-8')
elif type(x) is unicode:
return x
elif type(x) is ustr:
return _udata(x)
elif type(x) is bstr:
return _bdata(x).decode('utf-8')
raise TypeError(x)
xu = _()
assert type(xu) is unicode
return xu
# tbu maps specified type to b/u:
# b/bytes/bytearray -> b; u/unicode -> u.
def tbu(typ):
if typ in (bytes, bytearray, bstr):
return bstr
if typ in (unicode, ustr):
return ustr
raise AssertionError("invalid type %r" % typ)
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